Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Psalm 132:14  "This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it...."

We have been programmed through religion to see God "in the ways man could understand, in the ways man has deemed proper".  And sadly enough, the programming has stuck in so many minds.  This morning the Lord instructed me, and to encourage others to "step outside the box" and see Him, our God, the way He desires to be seen.  He is more than just the God who provides for us, more than our Counselor, our Savior, our Friend.  God is deeply in love with us.  He wants to the Lover of our souls, He wants to be Everything to us, our Life, our very Breath.  The Lord wants us to walk and talk with Him daily, from morning to night.  Let the Lord be part of everything your day requires.  He is there with you always whether you feel Him or not, He is there.   He wants us to step outside the box we have surrounded ourselves with, all the teaching we have received, and unashamedly abandon ourselves to Him, welcome His presence, adore His presence and desire His presence.

Don't think that one day a week is good enough, or a tithe of 10% of your time for the Lord is acceptable.  Our God is a jealous God.  I can understand this.  When you spend all your time and energy giving to someone of your love and your time, your gifts, your attention, you would get very jealous of their time spent on others and not you.  Our Lord has the same feelings we have, more intense, stronger, .....wonderful feelings.  We got our emotions from our Lord.  He breathed these wonderful feelings into each of us so we could understand His love and feelings toward us.

Step into the Light, into the true presence of God, the everyday presence of God.  Do not allow what you have been taught overshadow the true person of God.  He, our Lord, is the Supreme God of all beings, He is so Glorious, but He is desiring a deeper knowledge of Himself in our hearts.  Sometimes we tend to let Who He is distance us as we feel unworthy, that He is so far above anyone that we could ever with, He is God.....but He desires to be with us, be part of us, in our life, every day .... merciful, gracious, loving and kind.  God has been pushed away from us by teachings and thoughts that God, Supreme Majestic Being of God is our Creator and Judge..... He is our Creator, but He has forgiven our sins, through the blessed blood of Jesus, so we could be in His presence, and our sins.... He remembers them no more.  He chooses to forgive us, forget our sin, so we can be with Him, so He can enjoy our company and we, His.  He wants us to forget what we think, what we have been taught, and come to Him as innocent children, unknowing of anything other than He loves us, He is the Lover of our souls.  He wants us to be a part of Him and He, a part of us; He created us to be a part of Him, with Him.

If we hold back even a little part of ourselves from our God, we hold back the most beautiful part of our worship that we were born to give to Him, our complete selves.  Open your heart, step out of the box you have surrounded yourself with and fall into the arms of the Living God.  Let Him come in and be a part of our daily lives, let our innermost being become lost, completely, abandoned in Him.


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