Monday, April 9, 2012


Jeremiah 6:16a  "This is what the Lord says:  Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."

Father, I am at the crossroad again.  I need to ask Your forgiveness once more for what is one of my biggest enemies....PRIDE.  Just when I feel I have it conquered, You brought to my spirit, drawing it to my mind gently, words and thoughts that showed me thoughts and feelings I should not have, prideful thoughts, feelings. 

Pride, what a powerful tool of satans'.  He just loves to worm these feelings in, so innocent at first and before you realize it, it has made You, my Beloved Lord, the One I love so dearly, step back, distance Yourself as the Holy Spirit shows me I have let thoughts of self, thoughts of myself rise up in me instead of who I am in You, my God, who I am in You.  Singing, writing, work....Lord, I desire to let all I do be about You, to bring glory to You alone.  Forgive me Lord,  for thinking anything other than to bring You glory by spreading Your love and forgiveness that restores peace to all.

Friends, as the Holy Spirit revealed these things to me, I began to weep, silently and then loudly as the realization came to me that I had caused my God, my Father, grief in my actions.  And then, I felt the arms of my Father draw me to Him, holding me as I cried, which only made me cry harder.  How He loves me, how He loves us all, even in chastisement, He loves us so much, He will hold us close as we repent and weep.  His compassion for us is so strong, His love so deep, He cannot help but want to comfort us and hold us as His restoration pours into our spirit, our souls.  His mercy, forgiving me, His grace healing me, His love renewing me.  Thank You, Holy Spirit, for bringing all that is not of my Lord to light, cleansing me, bringing me back into right fellowship, my beautiful intimate relationship with my God.

The crossroad...the place where wrong actions are faced, and forgiveness received.  The place where the right path is once again taken; I am drawing myself to the Light that is leading me, strengthening me, taking my hand and walking the path with me.


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