Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Psalm 33:12  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance."

Inheritance - a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth.  If you are thinking of what you will inherit from your earthly parents, or perhaps, already inherited, look beyond this world and think of your birthright through which Jesus died to make possible for you, for me, for each of us whose God is the Lord.

I was driving down the street today, running some errands; just singing and praising the Lord.  I began to tell my Lord, my wonderful Lord, how I loved Him, how I loved Him.  I thanked Him for His goodness to me, for His provision, for His leading me here, to DeSoto, for what He has planned for me.  I thanked Him for the strength He had given me to move, to follow His leading, to show me I could trust Him completely.  I told Him I did not know all He had planned, but I thanked Him for those plans as I knew they were to bless me and make me joyful and peaceful in Him.  As I was worshiping and blessing my Lord, the Holy Spirit told me that I had found the value of my birthright, my inheritance.  I had come to know what importance my inheritance was in my life.

When we are born again in the Spirit of the Lord, all our sins and shame washed away by the precious blood of Jesus, we inherit the kingdom of God.  It is ours, the price paid so long ago.  All we must do, basically, is believe.  Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that through His death, His shed blood, we, forgiven of all sin, became the redeemed children of God.  We are now the family of God.  All the blessings of God are ours.  Nothing can separate us from the love of God, our Father, nothing.  When we believe, with all our heart, all our mind, that our God is Lord of all, our Creator, and Jesus is His Son, the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, and return His love, shedding off the old man that encumbered us with sin and putting on the new, beautiful, body of the righteous, we are assured of our inheritance, the inheritance of God, our Father.

What value do you place on your inheritance from the Father?  Are you willing to put aside everything that would cause an interruption in the flow of live from the Lord to you?  I was watching some TV shows I had taped last night.  Just regular station shows, nothing seemingly wrong, except they did not give me a good feeling.  I have watched them for years, and yet even though the language is bleeped; I am so saddened that on regular, local station TV, language has to be bleeped; but there was this feeling inside of me as I realized the Holy Spirit was made to watch these also.  I know it was His feelings that were penetrating the core of my soul, His distaste of them.  As I felt this, I realized that even though it may not be wrong for so many to watch these shows, it would not be right for me.  If it offends the Holy Spirit, it had better offend me.  If it does not then I need to be back at the beginning to go around the mountain once again until I see clear what is right in the eyes of my Savior.  So, as I do not want to do this, I repented and asked the Holy Spirit to give me strength to put aside more of these things that are offensive to my Lord; put aside those things that are not going to draw me closer to my Lord, and lead me in the ways, only the ways of God.

My inheritance, my birthright is most important to me.  There is nothing this world has to offer that can replace what the Lord, my God, has given me, has promised me.  I will not sell my birthright for a loaf of bread that is not of Him, for earthly pleasures that are momentary, for anything that would interrupt the intimate relationship I have with my Lord.  I want all the Lord has for me, I want to walk in His Glory for the rest of my days here on earth so I may sit at His feet in His throne room when He calls me home.  So I may be in His presence all the days of my life, here and then there.  

The value of my inheritance.......Priceless.


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