Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Psalm 25:7  "Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord."

"But for the grace of God, go I."  I believe I use these words at least once a day, some days  more often.  Driving down the street, watching the news.....seeing all the sadness, the twisted lives of some people, and I remember.....I remember my years before I returned to the Lord.  Before the Holy Spirit began to draw me, draw me back to where I belonged.  Thank You, Lord.  Thank You.

The grace of God has poured out onto my life.  I am sure He has poured out onto yours also.  Not too many of God's children would ever deny that the Lord has redeemed their life with His grace, His mercy.  So many of us, so many, cannot seem to get beyond what they were.  They seem to constantly be drawn back to a certain part of their past.  It is like they don't believe that they are truly forgiven so why try any longer to live as the redeemed children of God.  My dear friends, when the Lord redeems you, when you have been forgiven for whatever, doesn't matter what I did, what you did, forgiven is forgiven.  The Lord never takes back His pardon.  Never.  It would not occur to Him to unforgive you.  You are allowing the enemy to control you thoughts, not the Holy Spirit.  When you allow one part of yourself to be control by the enemy using your past, you are putting yourself in danger, real danger.  It is not that the Lord will refuse you, your own self, your own mind will refuse you access to our Lord, as you will believe you have no right to be forgiven.  Haven't you been thinking along those lines at times.  On real difficult days, do those thoughts begin to penetrate your being?  When everything seems to go wrong in your day, and you hear those thoughts come in from the enemy, "well, what did you expect....look at who you were" and "surely you don't expect to be forgiven for that....!!!"  DO NOT LISTEN to these words.  When these words come, pick up your Bible and begin to read the words of our Lord God as He tells you over and over in His Word, "I love you, I love you, I will never leave you or forsake you".  Those are the words you should be listening to.  If you will read those words into your spirit, the Holy Spirit will take those words and run them through you and through you until that is what is in your mind, your heart and your spirit. God love me, God loves you.  Always and forever, God loves; He loves.

The sins of our youth are just that, sins of our youth.  Those things are what happened when we were young, when we were not standing on the Rock.  Now, now we have our footing on a sure place. We are grounded in the Word of God and He is our ALL.  We no longer have that shame and we no longer can be blamed.  We have been washed by the blood of our Savior, Jesus, and have been presented, in Jesus, righteous before our Father.  With His outstretched arms He has welcomed us and I can tell you from my heart, if we keep His commands, to love Him with all our heart and soul, to love our brother as ourselves, well, He, our God, is never letting us go.  Never will He let us go.

Thank You, Lord, for drawing me, holding me, loving me.  I will never let go of You and I know I am in Your arms forever, my safe haven, my dwelling place, in You.


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