Thursday, April 5, 2012


Luke 22:42  "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."

I am reading a new book and a passage in it threw a light on what I already knew but did not know.  Yes, I realize that is confusing but you know how you know something but it can just sit in your mind until the Lord truly puts it into your spirit and shows you the depth of the fact.  This is what happened to me.

Jesus, Son of God and Son of man.  I knew this, but put this into perspective to His crucifixion.  he was the Son of God but died as the Son of man.  All the humiliation, the beatings, the brutality, the nails drove into His hands and feet, all done to the Son of God as the Son of man.  I pray, Lord, that this is coming out in an understanding way.  I know what You showed me, but it is so hard to put into the right words, please, I pray, make this light to those that read it.

Can you imagine the pain, the agony in His human flesh as He took all of this abuse, all this torture for us?  The pure love He had for His Father and for us.

This Jesus did as the Son of man, but He did it all in the strength of God as the Son of God.  He was able to accomplish all this, withstand everything those last hours because He had surrendered His human will to the will of God, His Father.  He gave up all His own will and desired only to do the will of His Father.  He endured it all in God's strength.  Thank You, my Savior.

I know that God showed me all this, bringing it, quickening my spirit with it, to focus on the fact that Jesus could only do this as He had surrendered to the Father's will for His life.  It was like the Lord opened a door and showed me what Jesus felt those last days, His emotions, His sadness, disappointments.  Can't you see His heart when He was in the garden and found His disciples asleep, instead of watching and praying.  Yes, I can feel He was hurt, so disappointed.  He felt as we feel, He went through all so He would know our feelings, our thoughts, and understand.  All the temptations He endured in the wilderness, knowing all of what was to come, the plans for His life, His reason for coming to earth, all could only be done by surrendering to the will of God.  Denying His own will for the will of the Father was the only way. 

What the Lord told me next was the release in our lives that makes the difference, that makes it possible to walk on this earth and walk in Him at the same time.  Releasing, surrendering our will to the will of God, our Father, means that we can walk through all the pain, the agony, the hurt, the disappointments that we face and be victorious in Him.  If we are in the will of God, all these things are subject to His grace, His mercy and His love.  In submitting to His will, we have His Power and Strength, as Jesus did, to be able to endure, walk through, be victorious in every situation.  His will accomplishes much, His will brings victory, His will brings joy and peace in everything,  in everything.

There is no death, only life.  Glorious life because of Jesus' sacrifice.  Jesus' example, His life,  His death was to show us how to live victoriously, in the will of God.  I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Jesus I surrender will.

I have desires of my heart, as I know you do, some so dear to me.  But I have determined that I want God's will for my life.  I surrender to His will; if His will is to give me the desires of my heart, I am truly blessed, but always I am the beloved child of God.  I know the Lord wants to give us the desires of our hearts, and if it is His will for us, and we truly desire that above all else, just His will, then it will happen.  I will not ask for what is not His will.  I have done that in the past and walked around the mountain a time or two because of it.  I have learned the more desired life is the life spent in the will of God.

I will worship You, my Lord, in spirit and in truth.  I will walk the path You choose for me each day.  Not my will, my Lord God, but Your will be done.


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