Psalm 50:14 "Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High."
For years now, I have referred to payday as appreciation day. To receive compensation for a job that is appreciated. Yes, I realize a lot of people are underpaid, and then there are those who think they are. But that is not the point that I believe the Lord wants me to make here.
I actually work for the Lord.....and if you are in His service, you work for Him also. By in His service, I mean anyone that acknowledges Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and our Heavenly Father as God over all. We work for God. It is the Lord that sees to it that we are compensated here on earth, His seeing to our needs. So many of us are blessed also with enough left over for occasional wants. Our Lord appreciates what we do when we let the Holy Spirit lead us throughout the day in our earthly jobs. When we use the job we have to glorify the Lord; when we live our daily life in a manner that gives honor and glory to Him in it, He is blessed and He appreciates us.
So we are paid by our employers, a pay check. I believe so many people look at their jobs as work that they so hate. I admit there are a lot of times I would much rather be doing something else, but as long as the Lord has given me this place to be in, I will use it for His glory, to be His witness of His mercy and love, and to testify of His goodness. Our work is not always about us, but about His work for us, for His kingdom.
You may believe you are not appreciated.....and perhaps, here on earth, at your job, it could be true. I know a lot of people do not show appreciation they know Jesus? But the Lord showed me this morning that He appreciates us. Our Lord knows that we put ourselves out in the world, in a world that so often is critical, and sometimes downright mean to the children of God. The enemy uses anything and anyone he can to attack us, God's children. Some days can be so....well, you all know what I mean. But remember that our God sees all that happens. He has not promised us that attacks would not come, that inappreciation would not happen, He has promised He would be with us and walk us through it. And just to realize His love for us never fails, to know He appreciates us for all we do. When you think of all the sweet things that happen each day, those are God's ways of thanking us, thanking us for staying faithful to Him, for lifting His Name above all others and for letting our actions bless Him.
When I think of what my Savior endured for me, the pain and suffering He accepted to pay for my sin....when was the last time You just thanked the Lord and praised Him, appreciated Him for what He has done for us? He does so much, gives so much to us; give back to Him. Worship the Lord. Show our God how He is appreciated; thank Him, thank Him, thank Him. Don't wait till next Sunday when you go to church; begin to thank the Lord each morning when you wake up. Thank Him you have a job to go to; thank Him for the opportunity He is giving you to witness, to show your love to Him by sharing His love with others.
Appreciation Day.....let me suggest that when you get that paycheck, you remember to give some back to the Lord, let Him know how much you appreciate Him but helping Him take care of His ministers, pastors, worshipers, musicians.....give unto the Lord so He can in turn give back to you..... appreciate Him. He so appreciates you.
I love You, my Lord, I appreciate all You do for me.....Your goodness and mercy, Your grace, Your sweet love....thank You, thank You, my God, my Love.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
1 Samuel 1:5 "But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed her womb."
Father, lead me, give me Your words. I don't think this is going to go where I had originally thought. When you led me to this scripture....what do you have for me, I am kind of scared to go here, Lord. I am going to cry, I have not gone here ever.....heal me Lord, heal me of this hurt, this hidden hurt.
A couple of weeks ago, in this little area where bushes are planted right in front of my office, there were two doves on the ground there. As I got out of my car, they did not fly off like I expected them to, they just walked around. I stood there, talking to them for a few minutes. It was so unique. There are many pigeons around my office area but this is the first time in nine months that I have ever seen doves there. I had not thought of these doves again until this morning in church, the Lord brought them to mind, and told me His Spirit was surrounding me, and these two doves represented the double portion that He was giving me. To be honest, I thought this would read about His covering me, and and His faithfulness to do so. Then He brought me to this scripture.
You know how you take hurts, disappointments, and just kind of push them down, out of mind, out of your consciousness? I guess that is what has happened here. I know that the Lord wants to clean out of me anything that is hidden, anything that is used to hurt me, anything that the enemy can bring up at a moment's notice and draw your attention away from our Lord. I thought it was all gone, that everything had been dealt with. But now, I see there is this place, this place I have not dared to go, the hurt, the deep underlying hurt, is so hard to bear. When I was 25-26 years old, I had to have a complete hysterectomy. I, like so many young girls, dreamed of the day that the baby dolls I played with, would be replaced by a child; I would be a mother. My mother was wonderful and I just wanted to be, one day, like her, a good mother. I knew I would be married, have children, and have my dream life. But almost overnight, well, not quite as I had had problems for years, but within a two week period, from the doctor saying there was a problem, to the hour I woke up after surgery, those dreams were taken away. No, I did not blame God. I grew up in church, but to be honest, I did not know God well enough, not on a personal level, to blame Him.
I don't believe you can truly blame someone you don't know well enough. How can something be the fault of a God you have not taken the time to know. So many people blame God for the bad things that happen in their lives. You notice the same people never thank Him for the good things, no that is luck, or fate; but let a tragedy strike their lives, and God is to blame. But I did not blame my God. It just seem to go along with the mistakes I had made. Just desserts, I guess you could say, is how I took it. Perhaps had I not gone my way, had I followed God's way, things would have been different. No one to blame but myself.
This removal of my ever having children led to other removals in my life. That of my first marriage, another thing I did without consulting the Lord. It also removed me from church, although I had not gone often during the three years before. It was not a welcome thing in my marriage and it was easier not to go. You might think I had gotten very weak, you are right. I was pretty beaten down, and the loss of having children was like a nail in my coffin. Part of me died inside. Yes, Lord, I see that, I feel You opening that door. You don't want any part of my heart, of my spirit not to be alive in You. I am so sorry, Lord, I did not know. I did not realize part of me was still dead to Your glory. You desire that all of me be Yours, for Your use and this part was not alive in You.
Heal me, Lord, heal me with Your love. I feel Your arms around me, comforting me as I let go of those hurts; as I allow You to rekindle that part of me from death to life with Your touch. Let me sit with You here Lord for a while. Just let me rest in You.
Thank You Lord. I know this is a beginning. I know You will work in me until all this is washed away by the blood of my precious Savior, until there is nothing left in me except the joy You have poured into me. Nothing in me but all doors open, no hurts, no hidden past, no disappointments ....nothing in me but peace and joy, love and a deep abiding of Your Spirit. My heart, already feels lighter, my breathing deeper. No closed doors left to fear their exposure. No darkness, only Your Light infiltrating every place in me. So faithful, Lord, You are so faithful. So gentle, so very gentle in Your work in me. Yes, I see, Your need to cleanse every part of me so You can fill me completely.....a double portion, You will give me a double portion in You as I completely give all to You. Nothing of me, all of You. A double portion.....thank You, Lord, my God.
Father, lead me, give me Your words. I don't think this is going to go where I had originally thought. When you led me to this scripture....what do you have for me, I am kind of scared to go here, Lord. I am going to cry, I have not gone here ever.....heal me Lord, heal me of this hurt, this hidden hurt.
A couple of weeks ago, in this little area where bushes are planted right in front of my office, there were two doves on the ground there. As I got out of my car, they did not fly off like I expected them to, they just walked around. I stood there, talking to them for a few minutes. It was so unique. There are many pigeons around my office area but this is the first time in nine months that I have ever seen doves there. I had not thought of these doves again until this morning in church, the Lord brought them to mind, and told me His Spirit was surrounding me, and these two doves represented the double portion that He was giving me. To be honest, I thought this would read about His covering me, and and His faithfulness to do so. Then He brought me to this scripture.
You know how you take hurts, disappointments, and just kind of push them down, out of mind, out of your consciousness? I guess that is what has happened here. I know that the Lord wants to clean out of me anything that is hidden, anything that is used to hurt me, anything that the enemy can bring up at a moment's notice and draw your attention away from our Lord. I thought it was all gone, that everything had been dealt with. But now, I see there is this place, this place I have not dared to go, the hurt, the deep underlying hurt, is so hard to bear. When I was 25-26 years old, I had to have a complete hysterectomy. I, like so many young girls, dreamed of the day that the baby dolls I played with, would be replaced by a child; I would be a mother. My mother was wonderful and I just wanted to be, one day, like her, a good mother. I knew I would be married, have children, and have my dream life. But almost overnight, well, not quite as I had had problems for years, but within a two week period, from the doctor saying there was a problem, to the hour I woke up after surgery, those dreams were taken away. No, I did not blame God. I grew up in church, but to be honest, I did not know God well enough, not on a personal level, to blame Him.
I don't believe you can truly blame someone you don't know well enough. How can something be the fault of a God you have not taken the time to know. So many people blame God for the bad things that happen in their lives. You notice the same people never thank Him for the good things, no that is luck, or fate; but let a tragedy strike their lives, and God is to blame. But I did not blame my God. It just seem to go along with the mistakes I had made. Just desserts, I guess you could say, is how I took it. Perhaps had I not gone my way, had I followed God's way, things would have been different. No one to blame but myself.
This removal of my ever having children led to other removals in my life. That of my first marriage, another thing I did without consulting the Lord. It also removed me from church, although I had not gone often during the three years before. It was not a welcome thing in my marriage and it was easier not to go. You might think I had gotten very weak, you are right. I was pretty beaten down, and the loss of having children was like a nail in my coffin. Part of me died inside. Yes, Lord, I see that, I feel You opening that door. You don't want any part of my heart, of my spirit not to be alive in You. I am so sorry, Lord, I did not know. I did not realize part of me was still dead to Your glory. You desire that all of me be Yours, for Your use and this part was not alive in You.
Heal me, Lord, heal me with Your love. I feel Your arms around me, comforting me as I let go of those hurts; as I allow You to rekindle that part of me from death to life with Your touch. Let me sit with You here Lord for a while. Just let me rest in You.
Thank You Lord. I know this is a beginning. I know You will work in me until all this is washed away by the blood of my precious Savior, until there is nothing left in me except the joy You have poured into me. Nothing in me but all doors open, no hurts, no hidden past, no disappointments ....nothing in me but peace and joy, love and a deep abiding of Your Spirit. My heart, already feels lighter, my breathing deeper. No closed doors left to fear their exposure. No darkness, only Your Light infiltrating every place in me. So faithful, Lord, You are so faithful. So gentle, so very gentle in Your work in me. Yes, I see, Your need to cleanse every part of me so You can fill me completely.....a double portion, You will give me a double portion in You as I completely give all to You. Nothing of me, all of You. A double portion.....thank You, Lord, my God.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Isaiah 46:9b "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me."
It is not about me. Nor is it about you. It is about God, our Lord. Our lives, once we give them, surrender them to the Lord, are no longer our own. So why is it there is a constant need at times to focus on ourselves; to demand the attention that we should be focusing towards the One who gives us our very being. I have yet to find the letter "i" in Jesus. If you will notice, the only noun/pronoun you find enclosed in that beautiful, precious name is "us". Our Lord loves us so much that He is willing to share His inheritance, His love, His life, His beautiful Holy Spirit, with "us".
I find myself, once again, confounded, caught up with the self mode. And let me assure you, I had a visit to the "Holy Spirit wood shed" concerning it. The difference between the one that my Heavenly Father took me to was that when I came out of it, was with tears AND smiles. The one I went to as a youngster with my daddy, well, it only brought tears. The method was the same though. "I am doing this because I love you" and then there was the discussion of the whys and corrective instruction. The tears were not from physical pain but the deep pain you feel when you have grieved the Lord, and others in the process. The smiles, they come from the joy that the Lord pours into your spirit as He shows His ever present mercy and grace in which He gives you corrective instruction.
It is not necessary to explain why I needed correction, once again, as the reason doesn't matter. What matters is that we focus our lives on the One that gives us life. That we sit and listen to counsel, that we wait to speak when the Holy Spirit gives us utterance, words that will enhance the glory of God and not ourselves. That the words we speak have real meaning to the kingdom of God. That we listen to those wiser than ourselves who have so much to share of the Lord, so much in Godly wisdom and experience. Only in this manner can we come to know what the Lord wants us so to know of Himself and His kingdom here on earth. See, there is a Godly kingdom on earth. It is hidden so well that if we are not seeking His face, we will not find it. We see so often with just our eyes and not with our spirit. God's earthly kingdom that is here now is a spiritual kingdom and unless we are willing to let go or the "I" syndrome, forgetting about ourselves, and give ourselves totally to being about our Lord, our entire selves, our lives being about Him, we will miss that beautiful place He gives us to dwell in, here, on earth.
Earthly dwellings will drag us down, and included in that are the dwellings of the old wine skins, the old man, that was put off, but that the enemy so wants to refit us in. Trust me, no matter how good he makes that old man look, it is a sham, a paper dwelling that will disintegrate the moment you want through the fire.
Father, help me, help my friends, to stay in the habitation that You have designed for us. The dwelling place where Your Holy Spirit sits waiting for us, to guide us, to enlighten us, to draw us to You alone. Let me only want to be included in the "us" that You draw me into. My relationship with You. So much less of me, Lord, so much less of me. More of You, only You, my God. I praise You, my Lord, I worship You alone. You are worthy of my very best. I know You have forgiven me, forgotten the error of my ways, and have lifted me once again to Your loving arms to hold and protect, to shield and deliver from the old man, the ways of this world, and the emphasis placed on "I". Let all worldly emphasis, my God, be placed on You, this day and forever more, in my life and the life of all those who love You and call You Lord.
It is not about me. Nor is it about you. It is about God, our Lord. Our lives, once we give them, surrender them to the Lord, are no longer our own. So why is it there is a constant need at times to focus on ourselves; to demand the attention that we should be focusing towards the One who gives us our very being. I have yet to find the letter "i" in Jesus. If you will notice, the only noun/pronoun you find enclosed in that beautiful, precious name is "us". Our Lord loves us so much that He is willing to share His inheritance, His love, His life, His beautiful Holy Spirit, with "us".
I find myself, once again, confounded, caught up with the self mode. And let me assure you, I had a visit to the "Holy Spirit wood shed" concerning it. The difference between the one that my Heavenly Father took me to was that when I came out of it, was with tears AND smiles. The one I went to as a youngster with my daddy, well, it only brought tears. The method was the same though. "I am doing this because I love you" and then there was the discussion of the whys and corrective instruction. The tears were not from physical pain but the deep pain you feel when you have grieved the Lord, and others in the process. The smiles, they come from the joy that the Lord pours into your spirit as He shows His ever present mercy and grace in which He gives you corrective instruction.
It is not necessary to explain why I needed correction, once again, as the reason doesn't matter. What matters is that we focus our lives on the One that gives us life. That we sit and listen to counsel, that we wait to speak when the Holy Spirit gives us utterance, words that will enhance the glory of God and not ourselves. That the words we speak have real meaning to the kingdom of God. That we listen to those wiser than ourselves who have so much to share of the Lord, so much in Godly wisdom and experience. Only in this manner can we come to know what the Lord wants us so to know of Himself and His kingdom here on earth. See, there is a Godly kingdom on earth. It is hidden so well that if we are not seeking His face, we will not find it. We see so often with just our eyes and not with our spirit. God's earthly kingdom that is here now is a spiritual kingdom and unless we are willing to let go or the "I" syndrome, forgetting about ourselves, and give ourselves totally to being about our Lord, our entire selves, our lives being about Him, we will miss that beautiful place He gives us to dwell in, here, on earth.
Earthly dwellings will drag us down, and included in that are the dwellings of the old wine skins, the old man, that was put off, but that the enemy so wants to refit us in. Trust me, no matter how good he makes that old man look, it is a sham, a paper dwelling that will disintegrate the moment you want through the fire.
Father, help me, help my friends, to stay in the habitation that You have designed for us. The dwelling place where Your Holy Spirit sits waiting for us, to guide us, to enlighten us, to draw us to You alone. Let me only want to be included in the "us" that You draw me into. My relationship with You. So much less of me, Lord, so much less of me. More of You, only You, my God. I praise You, my Lord, I worship You alone. You are worthy of my very best. I know You have forgiven me, forgotten the error of my ways, and have lifted me once again to Your loving arms to hold and protect, to shield and deliver from the old man, the ways of this world, and the emphasis placed on "I". Let all worldly emphasis, my God, be placed on You, this day and forever more, in my life and the life of all those who love You and call You Lord.
Friday, April 27, 2012
1 Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."
Has the enemy ever brought questions to your mind of whether you really love others or is it a great pretense to appease the Lord? I know the Holy Spirit doesn't question, He does not ask if we love, He will just show us that we do or we do not. So these kind of questions can only come from one source, yes, the same one....the deceiver. How often do we fall into letting our minds begin to question ourselves when that thought comes in.
I know pretense does not work with God. How funny to even give thought to that one, for our God sees right to the core of our being, through all smoke screens we might try to set up, through all sweet words, beautifully worded prayers, He sees right through it all. He sees right into the heart of each of us. Only a foolish man would try and deceive God, would try to pretend with our Lord. As a Christian, a born again child of God, we have the Lord dwelling in us. He knows our very deepest thoughts. We all, and I am the first to step up here, fail. We will have thoughts cross our mind, as we witness people, watch their lives, thoughts of criticism, even judgment if we allow those thoughts to continue.....but for the grace of God. I have learned to immediately reach out to God, "forgive me Lord", I cry to Him, as I see the enemy trying to trap me. So easily if we are not watchful, the enemy will draw us back to those old wine skins, that old man; remember, the one that has died....the enemy has a way of resurrecting him if we do not keep our thoughts on the Lord, our mind on Him at all times.
Never think you can go through one day without needing the Lord with you at all times. His shield of protection, over your life, over your mind; I know I cannot live and do not want to live one day without Him right where I am. I don't leave the house, actually not even the bed in the morning without asking for the Lord to stay with me, to keep me in His Word, in His Light. We need the Lord, we need Him so much. I speak for all of us as I know His presence is necessary for a good life, for a rewarding and blessed life.
I guess you are wondering right now, about love. I just realized myself that the Lord had taken me on another path here. But He is telling me that if we do not accept His love, His guidance, His presence in us at all times, there is no way we can possible expect to love others. We cannot do this in our own strength and power; it is only the power, only the strength of God, pouring into our lives that make it possible for us to love each other, truly love each other as ourselves. Through His love, we can forgive all hurts, grievances, disappointments, and reach out to one another in true Christian love. Real agape love. The kind of love that knows no bounds, the kind of love that is rooted in Jesus, in our Lord God.
I can talk to you all day long. I can share testimonies with you and give you scripture after scripture. I can write my blogs and post them for you to read. But if I have not true love in my heart for my God, for Jesus my Lord, for the Holy Spirit; for all the words I speak about my Lord, I know in my heart they will fall flat, they will resound as a dim, deflated drum, a piano with flat keys. If I have not the true love for each of you, each of God's children, anything I say will ring out false. Only through my Lord and God can I love; He has taught me that true love is everything. I need to have nothing else to offer to Him, or to you, but true love and compassion. I don't need to give my Lord anything but true love. For from true love comes all that matters. He knows because of my love for Him, I will worship Him with my heart, my songs, my live. The Lord knows that because of the true love I feel for my fellow man, this love will worship Him in ways nothing else can. Nothing else worships the Lord more than love, for everything flows out of love.
I love the Lord. I do not have the words to express this love, it goes beyond what words can say. And, dear friends, I do have the words to express my love for you......I love the Lord. This love is the greatest human love ....... love in the Lord.
Has the enemy ever brought questions to your mind of whether you really love others or is it a great pretense to appease the Lord? I know the Holy Spirit doesn't question, He does not ask if we love, He will just show us that we do or we do not. So these kind of questions can only come from one source, yes, the same one....the deceiver. How often do we fall into letting our minds begin to question ourselves when that thought comes in.
I know pretense does not work with God. How funny to even give thought to that one, for our God sees right to the core of our being, through all smoke screens we might try to set up, through all sweet words, beautifully worded prayers, He sees right through it all. He sees right into the heart of each of us. Only a foolish man would try and deceive God, would try to pretend with our Lord. As a Christian, a born again child of God, we have the Lord dwelling in us. He knows our very deepest thoughts. We all, and I am the first to step up here, fail. We will have thoughts cross our mind, as we witness people, watch their lives, thoughts of criticism, even judgment if we allow those thoughts to continue.....but for the grace of God. I have learned to immediately reach out to God, "forgive me Lord", I cry to Him, as I see the enemy trying to trap me. So easily if we are not watchful, the enemy will draw us back to those old wine skins, that old man; remember, the one that has died....the enemy has a way of resurrecting him if we do not keep our thoughts on the Lord, our mind on Him at all times.
Never think you can go through one day without needing the Lord with you at all times. His shield of protection, over your life, over your mind; I know I cannot live and do not want to live one day without Him right where I am. I don't leave the house, actually not even the bed in the morning without asking for the Lord to stay with me, to keep me in His Word, in His Light. We need the Lord, we need Him so much. I speak for all of us as I know His presence is necessary for a good life, for a rewarding and blessed life.
I guess you are wondering right now, about love. I just realized myself that the Lord had taken me on another path here. But He is telling me that if we do not accept His love, His guidance, His presence in us at all times, there is no way we can possible expect to love others. We cannot do this in our own strength and power; it is only the power, only the strength of God, pouring into our lives that make it possible for us to love each other, truly love each other as ourselves. Through His love, we can forgive all hurts, grievances, disappointments, and reach out to one another in true Christian love. Real agape love. The kind of love that knows no bounds, the kind of love that is rooted in Jesus, in our Lord God.
I can talk to you all day long. I can share testimonies with you and give you scripture after scripture. I can write my blogs and post them for you to read. But if I have not true love in my heart for my God, for Jesus my Lord, for the Holy Spirit; for all the words I speak about my Lord, I know in my heart they will fall flat, they will resound as a dim, deflated drum, a piano with flat keys. If I have not the true love for each of you, each of God's children, anything I say will ring out false. Only through my Lord and God can I love; He has taught me that true love is everything. I need to have nothing else to offer to Him, or to you, but true love and compassion. I don't need to give my Lord anything but true love. For from true love comes all that matters. He knows because of my love for Him, I will worship Him with my heart, my songs, my live. The Lord knows that because of the true love I feel for my fellow man, this love will worship Him in ways nothing else can. Nothing else worships the Lord more than love, for everything flows out of love.
I love the Lord. I do not have the words to express this love, it goes beyond what words can say. And, dear friends, I do have the words to express my love for you......I love the Lord. This love is the greatest human love ....... love in the Lord.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Psalm 103:1 "Praise the Lord, O my soul, all my inmost being, praise his holy name."
Nothing gives me more peace, more joy that worshiping You, my Lord. When I think of all the things You do for me each day....I really do not know all the things you do for me. I cannot comprehend all the things that would come on me if not for Your hand on my life. It is as thought the threat of harm stops as it approaches me and finds it cannot break the shield you have around me. I have learned not to fear the storms of life as You have proved Your faithfulness over and over.
Once I was floundering in fear, of weather, of man, of tomorrow. But You, O God, showed me, You proved over and over Your Word is true. There is never a time that You have not been shielding me. When I look back at the many times I know I could have been taken by the enemy, I see Your hand in the outcome of it all. You, my Lord, my God who never has released me for a moment; my God who always keeps His promises. And I knew to Whom I belonged, at that moment, and to Whom I still belong and always will.
I worship You, my Lord. I worship You this night with all that is in me. This life that You have given me, I want not unless I have You always to share it with me. I cannot see past this moment but You, my King, knows all my tomorrows, what will happen to me with the very next breath I take; You know what life holds for me. And Lord, You have blessed me beyond my dreams. You have given me the desire of my heart, to live life with You leading me and guiding me. You have given me Your sweet presence in which to dwell. You have given me such joy, such joy. Each day holds new revelation in which You reveal Yourself to me at new levels, removing the mystery that has kept me in darkness. Now new light I see, daily, as I seek Your face; as I desire more and more, as I cling to You my God, as I pour my love on You. The beauty of Your love surrounds me with a fragrance I have come to recognize as love, pure love.
I dream of You my Lord. I dream of Your sweet presence, Your goodness. Take my hand, Lord, take my hand again tonight and lead me into the garden where Your presence awaits, where Your glory pours out and gives rest to my weary soul. I know You will refresh my spirit and restore my soul. I dream of You, my Lord. Sweet dreams of You. I am Thine, O Lord, I am Thine alone.
Nothing gives me more peace, more joy that worshiping You, my Lord. When I think of all the things You do for me each day....I really do not know all the things you do for me. I cannot comprehend all the things that would come on me if not for Your hand on my life. It is as thought the threat of harm stops as it approaches me and finds it cannot break the shield you have around me. I have learned not to fear the storms of life as You have proved Your faithfulness over and over.
Once I was floundering in fear, of weather, of man, of tomorrow. But You, O God, showed me, You proved over and over Your Word is true. There is never a time that You have not been shielding me. When I look back at the many times I know I could have been taken by the enemy, I see Your hand in the outcome of it all. You, my Lord, my God who never has released me for a moment; my God who always keeps His promises. And I knew to Whom I belonged, at that moment, and to Whom I still belong and always will.
I worship You, my Lord. I worship You this night with all that is in me. This life that You have given me, I want not unless I have You always to share it with me. I cannot see past this moment but You, my King, knows all my tomorrows, what will happen to me with the very next breath I take; You know what life holds for me. And Lord, You have blessed me beyond my dreams. You have given me the desire of my heart, to live life with You leading me and guiding me. You have given me Your sweet presence in which to dwell. You have given me such joy, such joy. Each day holds new revelation in which You reveal Yourself to me at new levels, removing the mystery that has kept me in darkness. Now new light I see, daily, as I seek Your face; as I desire more and more, as I cling to You my God, as I pour my love on You. The beauty of Your love surrounds me with a fragrance I have come to recognize as love, pure love.
I dream of You my Lord. I dream of Your sweet presence, Your goodness. Take my hand, Lord, take my hand again tonight and lead me into the garden where Your presence awaits, where Your glory pours out and gives rest to my weary soul. I know You will refresh my spirit and restore my soul. I dream of You, my Lord. Sweet dreams of You. I am Thine, O Lord, I am Thine alone.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
2 Timothy 4:2 "Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage.....with great patience and careful instruction."
I have been training a young lady at work, training her for another center. But as I have been training, I always find I learn also. Training requires a lot of patience. As they learn, it can be a slow progress for they want to do things right. They strive to make sure they are correct. Look at something, think about it, then do it. They study, they test, and when they get the answers right the first time, so jubilant. When they have to redo a test, still happy when they pass it, but with a more serious note. As if to say, perhaps, well, I did not get it right the first time, but now I have learned it twice; I won't forget. Patience endures as they learn for you can see the end result down the line.
O, Father, this is a little different from what I thought earlier when I got this. You have moved this down a different road and the Light is so bright on it.
I had thought this would be about our patience and reflecting on the patience of the Lord as we learn like little children. The Lord has something different in mind tonight. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15. Some translations say "Study to show thyself approved.."
We must constantly study the Word of God. Unless we continue with our studies into His Word, there are times we will fail the test. Do you know that the Lord knows ahead of time that we will fail the test one or two times before we get it right? That's why He encourages us to study, to read, to ingest His Word into our minds, our hearts, our spirits. Each time we fail at something, we need to study, we need to seek the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us to the truth. Then when the test comes again, we can stand firm when the challenge comes against us and we can walk through, this time with success, this time knowing we have correctly handled the truths that the Lord has shown us. The Word will rise up in us and be delivered according to His good purpose.
When we are presented with an opportunity for witness, or a time we can truly testify to our Lord's goodness, His saving grace, we can speak with authority, we will be confident in what comes out of our mouths for we have studied, we have sought the Lord for His strength, and we have been given the Word of our God to speak in His Name. Enduring patience with ourselves as we study, fail, study, learn; as we become victorious in the work the Lord gives us. Patience with ourselves that just because we get something wrong the first time, perhaps even the second.....but as we study and learn we will be victorious. Victory in Jesus, our goal. We can only get there through diligent study of His Word, seeking the Lord always and yielding to the Holy Spirit, who knows what the end result will be.
The end result....."Well done, my good and faithful servant; well done...Come, come and abide with Me." I so want to hear those words from the Lord, my God. Don't you?
Thank You, Father, once again for Your truths, for Your touch on my life. I love You.
I have been training a young lady at work, training her for another center. But as I have been training, I always find I learn also. Training requires a lot of patience. As they learn, it can be a slow progress for they want to do things right. They strive to make sure they are correct. Look at something, think about it, then do it. They study, they test, and when they get the answers right the first time, so jubilant. When they have to redo a test, still happy when they pass it, but with a more serious note. As if to say, perhaps, well, I did not get it right the first time, but now I have learned it twice; I won't forget. Patience endures as they learn for you can see the end result down the line.
O, Father, this is a little different from what I thought earlier when I got this. You have moved this down a different road and the Light is so bright on it.
I had thought this would be about our patience and reflecting on the patience of the Lord as we learn like little children. The Lord has something different in mind tonight. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15. Some translations say "Study to show thyself approved.."
We must constantly study the Word of God. Unless we continue with our studies into His Word, there are times we will fail the test. Do you know that the Lord knows ahead of time that we will fail the test one or two times before we get it right? That's why He encourages us to study, to read, to ingest His Word into our minds, our hearts, our spirits. Each time we fail at something, we need to study, we need to seek the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us to the truth. Then when the test comes again, we can stand firm when the challenge comes against us and we can walk through, this time with success, this time knowing we have correctly handled the truths that the Lord has shown us. The Word will rise up in us and be delivered according to His good purpose.
When we are presented with an opportunity for witness, or a time we can truly testify to our Lord's goodness, His saving grace, we can speak with authority, we will be confident in what comes out of our mouths for we have studied, we have sought the Lord for His strength, and we have been given the Word of our God to speak in His Name. Enduring patience with ourselves as we study, fail, study, learn; as we become victorious in the work the Lord gives us. Patience with ourselves that just because we get something wrong the first time, perhaps even the second.....but as we study and learn we will be victorious. Victory in Jesus, our goal. We can only get there through diligent study of His Word, seeking the Lord always and yielding to the Holy Spirit, who knows what the end result will be.
The end result....."Well done, my good and faithful servant; well done...Come, come and abide with Me." I so want to hear those words from the Lord, my God. Don't you?
Thank You, Father, once again for Your truths, for Your touch on my life. I love You.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Psalm 25:7 "Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord."
"But for the grace of God, go I." I believe I use these words at least once a day, some days more often. Driving down the street, watching the news.....seeing all the sadness, the twisted lives of some people, and I remember.....I remember my years before I returned to the Lord. Before the Holy Spirit began to draw me, draw me back to where I belonged. Thank You, Lord. Thank You.
The grace of God has poured out onto my life. I am sure He has poured out onto yours also. Not too many of God's children would ever deny that the Lord has redeemed their life with His grace, His mercy. So many of us, so many, cannot seem to get beyond what they were. They seem to constantly be drawn back to a certain part of their past. It is like they don't believe that they are truly forgiven so why try any longer to live as the redeemed children of God. My dear friends, when the Lord redeems you, when you have been forgiven for whatever, doesn't matter what I did, what you did, forgiven is forgiven. The Lord never takes back His pardon. Never. It would not occur to Him to unforgive you. You are allowing the enemy to control you thoughts, not the Holy Spirit. When you allow one part of yourself to be control by the enemy using your past, you are putting yourself in danger, real danger. It is not that the Lord will refuse you, your own self, your own mind will refuse you access to our Lord, as you will believe you have no right to be forgiven. Haven't you been thinking along those lines at times. On real difficult days, do those thoughts begin to penetrate your being? When everything seems to go wrong in your day, and you hear those thoughts come in from the enemy, "well, what did you expect....look at who you were" and "surely you don't expect to be forgiven for that....!!!" DO NOT LISTEN to these words. When these words come, pick up your Bible and begin to read the words of our Lord God as He tells you over and over in His Word, "I love you, I love you, I will never leave you or forsake you". Those are the words you should be listening to. If you will read those words into your spirit, the Holy Spirit will take those words and run them through you and through you until that is what is in your mind, your heart and your spirit. God love me, God loves you. Always and forever, God loves; He loves.
The sins of our youth are just that, sins of our youth. Those things are what happened when we were young, when we were not standing on the Rock. Now, now we have our footing on a sure place. We are grounded in the Word of God and He is our ALL. We no longer have that shame and we no longer can be blamed. We have been washed by the blood of our Savior, Jesus, and have been presented, in Jesus, righteous before our Father. With His outstretched arms He has welcomed us and I can tell you from my heart, if we keep His commands, to love Him with all our heart and soul, to love our brother as ourselves, well, He, our God, is never letting us go. Never will He let us go.
Thank You, Lord, for drawing me, holding me, loving me. I will never let go of You and I know I am in Your arms forever, my safe haven, my dwelling place, in You.
"But for the grace of God, go I." I believe I use these words at least once a day, some days more often. Driving down the street, watching the news.....seeing all the sadness, the twisted lives of some people, and I remember.....I remember my years before I returned to the Lord. Before the Holy Spirit began to draw me, draw me back to where I belonged. Thank You, Lord. Thank You.
The grace of God has poured out onto my life. I am sure He has poured out onto yours also. Not too many of God's children would ever deny that the Lord has redeemed their life with His grace, His mercy. So many of us, so many, cannot seem to get beyond what they were. They seem to constantly be drawn back to a certain part of their past. It is like they don't believe that they are truly forgiven so why try any longer to live as the redeemed children of God. My dear friends, when the Lord redeems you, when you have been forgiven for whatever, doesn't matter what I did, what you did, forgiven is forgiven. The Lord never takes back His pardon. Never. It would not occur to Him to unforgive you. You are allowing the enemy to control you thoughts, not the Holy Spirit. When you allow one part of yourself to be control by the enemy using your past, you are putting yourself in danger, real danger. It is not that the Lord will refuse you, your own self, your own mind will refuse you access to our Lord, as you will believe you have no right to be forgiven. Haven't you been thinking along those lines at times. On real difficult days, do those thoughts begin to penetrate your being? When everything seems to go wrong in your day, and you hear those thoughts come in from the enemy, "well, what did you expect....look at who you were" and "surely you don't expect to be forgiven for that....!!!" DO NOT LISTEN to these words. When these words come, pick up your Bible and begin to read the words of our Lord God as He tells you over and over in His Word, "I love you, I love you, I will never leave you or forsake you". Those are the words you should be listening to. If you will read those words into your spirit, the Holy Spirit will take those words and run them through you and through you until that is what is in your mind, your heart and your spirit. God love me, God loves you. Always and forever, God loves; He loves.
The sins of our youth are just that, sins of our youth. Those things are what happened when we were young, when we were not standing on the Rock. Now, now we have our footing on a sure place. We are grounded in the Word of God and He is our ALL. We no longer have that shame and we no longer can be blamed. We have been washed by the blood of our Savior, Jesus, and have been presented, in Jesus, righteous before our Father. With His outstretched arms He has welcomed us and I can tell you from my heart, if we keep His commands, to love Him with all our heart and soul, to love our brother as ourselves, well, He, our God, is never letting us go. Never will He let us go.
Thank You, Lord, for drawing me, holding me, loving me. I will never let go of You and I know I am in Your arms forever, my safe haven, my dwelling place, in You.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Hebrews 3:1 "Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess."
There was nothing. Absolutely nothing coming to mind for tonights writing. I was reading the Word, studying and reading, waiting to see if the Lord would bring something from His Word, when a dear friend phoned from Houston. We had a beautiful visit on the phone sharing what the Lord had done in her, His beautiful visitation as she had an MRI. He gave her a song, Going Home, which had nothing to do with her going home but that He would always be with her, here, there, always with her in every situation, in every day. As we hung up, I sat there for a few minutes just basking in the joy that her call left me with. How I love sharing the Lord with my friends. Some people enjoy talking about the movies they saw, or what they watched on TV, but nothing compares to sharing the Lord, talking about His goodness, about the peace He brings to us.
I went back to my reading in the Word and as I read I saw that nothing was coming forth that the Lord wanted me to write. I sat there and just thought to myself, there is nothing, Father, there is nothing. He whispered to me, "a blank slate". I listened, sat there for a moment, and then I began to smile. A blank slate. Nothing on my mind but the Lord. My mind was completely void of anything else, just thinking on my God. Day in, day out, we stay so busy, so much on our minds, I believe that the Lord feels pushed out at times. We love our God, but our minds stay so focused on everything but Him. I think on my Lord all the time, but I notice that other things, pressures of work, traffic coming and going, schedules, sometimes seem to put Him in a corner while I manuver around them trying to get to Him. So tonight, I was blessed with a blank slate. He removed all the things that normally occupy my mind and just let me bask in His presence, with my thoughts totally on Him. He gave me a blank canvas, so to speak, on which I could paint my love and worship to Him without all the distractions of this earth. Just a quiet home with worship music coming from the bedroom, floating through the rooms to where I was sitting, just me and my thoughts of my beautiful Lord. His presence, nothing but His presence. No interruptions of my constant mental list making, preps of tomorrows assignments, just my Lord on my mind.
What a joy to sit with nothing on your mind but God. Ask Him for a mind completely blank but your thoughts of Him. Ask for His presence to completely cover you and wipe out all thoughts of this world, leave you to your thoughts of Him alone. He will absolutely love doing this for you. His desire is that we think of Him always, wanting to be our focus at all times. He comes bearing gifts when He becomes our only focus, our only thought. Gifts of perfect peace while we think of Him, gifts of abundant joy as the smile on our face reaches from ear to ear as we feel His presence as He invades our thoughts void of anything but Him. He begins to restore our spirits while we sit lovingly at His feet, He restores my soul. He restores my soul. Thank You, my Lord.
I know tomorrow I will once again have the thoughts of the day come flooding in, and He assures me that is alright, as long as I have Him front and center of my thoughts. As long as I am praying for His will to be done in my life then all other thoughts will line up behind Him, in His will those thoughts will be subject to His power, His grace, His blessing.
Thank You Father, for this time, for my blank slate, so I could worship You and give all my thoughts to only You, without any interruptions from earthly life. What a heavenly joy fills my heart, when my Lord and I are one, when my Lord and I are completely one.
There was nothing. Absolutely nothing coming to mind for tonights writing. I was reading the Word, studying and reading, waiting to see if the Lord would bring something from His Word, when a dear friend phoned from Houston. We had a beautiful visit on the phone sharing what the Lord had done in her, His beautiful visitation as she had an MRI. He gave her a song, Going Home, which had nothing to do with her going home but that He would always be with her, here, there, always with her in every situation, in every day. As we hung up, I sat there for a few minutes just basking in the joy that her call left me with. How I love sharing the Lord with my friends. Some people enjoy talking about the movies they saw, or what they watched on TV, but nothing compares to sharing the Lord, talking about His goodness, about the peace He brings to us.
I went back to my reading in the Word and as I read I saw that nothing was coming forth that the Lord wanted me to write. I sat there and just thought to myself, there is nothing, Father, there is nothing. He whispered to me, "a blank slate". I listened, sat there for a moment, and then I began to smile. A blank slate. Nothing on my mind but the Lord. My mind was completely void of anything else, just thinking on my God. Day in, day out, we stay so busy, so much on our minds, I believe that the Lord feels pushed out at times. We love our God, but our minds stay so focused on everything but Him. I think on my Lord all the time, but I notice that other things, pressures of work, traffic coming and going, schedules, sometimes seem to put Him in a corner while I manuver around them trying to get to Him. So tonight, I was blessed with a blank slate. He removed all the things that normally occupy my mind and just let me bask in His presence, with my thoughts totally on Him. He gave me a blank canvas, so to speak, on which I could paint my love and worship to Him without all the distractions of this earth. Just a quiet home with worship music coming from the bedroom, floating through the rooms to where I was sitting, just me and my thoughts of my beautiful Lord. His presence, nothing but His presence. No interruptions of my constant mental list making, preps of tomorrows assignments, just my Lord on my mind.
What a joy to sit with nothing on your mind but God. Ask Him for a mind completely blank but your thoughts of Him. Ask for His presence to completely cover you and wipe out all thoughts of this world, leave you to your thoughts of Him alone. He will absolutely love doing this for you. His desire is that we think of Him always, wanting to be our focus at all times. He comes bearing gifts when He becomes our only focus, our only thought. Gifts of perfect peace while we think of Him, gifts of abundant joy as the smile on our face reaches from ear to ear as we feel His presence as He invades our thoughts void of anything but Him. He begins to restore our spirits while we sit lovingly at His feet, He restores my soul. He restores my soul. Thank You, my Lord.
I know tomorrow I will once again have the thoughts of the day come flooding in, and He assures me that is alright, as long as I have Him front and center of my thoughts. As long as I am praying for His will to be done in my life then all other thoughts will line up behind Him, in His will those thoughts will be subject to His power, His grace, His blessing.
Thank You Father, for this time, for my blank slate, so I could worship You and give all my thoughts to only You, without any interruptions from earthly life. What a heavenly joy fills my heart, when my Lord and I are one, when my Lord and I are completely one.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Psalm 22:3-5 "Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel. In you our fathers put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed."
Return us, O Lord, Return us. Draw us Lord, return our hearts back to the days of our forefathers who trusted in You, You Who guided our country. You to whom they looked for divine power and guidance. Our forefathers who founded this nation, in You, through You, and for Your children to be free in You.
When I read Your Word, Lord, my heart longs for the freedom that You died to give us. As I think of our country's past, and even to day, where Your children die to keep us in that freedom, and then I see how far so many have gone from You. How can sacrifices made for us be so easily forgotten, put aside? What can we be, Lord, not thinking. And yet, Your love overshadows all the sinful nature on earth...."if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land". Even with all You see from heaven, the fighting, and so much still in Your name....O Father, O Father.
My heart is grieved as I think of Your beautiful heart of love for us, grieving, saddened, hurt at still more rejection from Your children as You watch them choose the world, the world over You. As more time goes by and the only justification found is how they choose to justify what they are doing, blind to the truth of Your Word. Father, I ask, once again, for forgiveness for them, ......and for me. I know there is so much more that I, that your beloved children, the ones of us that seek Your face, can do. Witness of Your goodness, of Your salvation and forgiveness. Lord, draw out of us the urgency we feel in our spirits, bring it to action in Your name, to tell everyone we see of Your love. Lord, let us love them through You. Hate the sin, love the sinner, extend Your love to everyone, regardless of their sin, for You love regardless, You desire their return to You regardless.
My Lord, my heart cries for Your glory to fall on this earth, for Your kingdom to come, on earth as in heaven. I desire that all creation worship You and praise Your holy name. I want to see the earth rejoice in You alone, giving You all the glory and worship that should be Yours alone. I want to hear Your name shouted from every valley and every mountain by all mankind.
Draw us Lord, draw us to You, Lord. I exalt Your holy name and I lift up my voice to worship You with all that is in me. From my spirit, from the depths of my soul, from my heart that is filled with wonder at Your Holiness, I exalt You, my Lord. Forget us not, O Lord, listen to my cries. Look down and see all the children You love, Your beloved children, who are calling on You in this hour, who are worshiping You in spirit and truth, and draw us, Lord, draw us to You. Let us hear Your wonderful voice, Your beautiful voice call to us...."Come, beloved, come". We come before You, Father, asking for Your hand on our nation, on our land. Restore our land. Restore our freedom. Show us Your will, Lord and strengthen us to follow Your laws. Refresh our spirits and pour afresh Your anointing power on us, give us Your words to share with all who will listen, with all who desire freedom in You. Return us, Lord, to You, give us back what our forefathers fought so hard for. Let us give back to You, our God, the hearts that are rightfully Yours. Let us be, once again, a nation, for and under God.
Our God in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptatin, but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Return us, O Lord, Return us. Draw us Lord, return our hearts back to the days of our forefathers who trusted in You, You Who guided our country. You to whom they looked for divine power and guidance. Our forefathers who founded this nation, in You, through You, and for Your children to be free in You.
When I read Your Word, Lord, my heart longs for the freedom that You died to give us. As I think of our country's past, and even to day, where Your children die to keep us in that freedom, and then I see how far so many have gone from You. How can sacrifices made for us be so easily forgotten, put aside? What can we be, Lord, not thinking. And yet, Your love overshadows all the sinful nature on earth...."if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land". Even with all You see from heaven, the fighting, and so much still in Your name....O Father, O Father.
My heart is grieved as I think of Your beautiful heart of love for us, grieving, saddened, hurt at still more rejection from Your children as You watch them choose the world, the world over You. As more time goes by and the only justification found is how they choose to justify what they are doing, blind to the truth of Your Word. Father, I ask, once again, for forgiveness for them, ......and for me. I know there is so much more that I, that your beloved children, the ones of us that seek Your face, can do. Witness of Your goodness, of Your salvation and forgiveness. Lord, draw out of us the urgency we feel in our spirits, bring it to action in Your name, to tell everyone we see of Your love. Lord, let us love them through You. Hate the sin, love the sinner, extend Your love to everyone, regardless of their sin, for You love regardless, You desire their return to You regardless.
My Lord, my heart cries for Your glory to fall on this earth, for Your kingdom to come, on earth as in heaven. I desire that all creation worship You and praise Your holy name. I want to see the earth rejoice in You alone, giving You all the glory and worship that should be Yours alone. I want to hear Your name shouted from every valley and every mountain by all mankind.
Draw us Lord, draw us to You, Lord. I exalt Your holy name and I lift up my voice to worship You with all that is in me. From my spirit, from the depths of my soul, from my heart that is filled with wonder at Your Holiness, I exalt You, my Lord. Forget us not, O Lord, listen to my cries. Look down and see all the children You love, Your beloved children, who are calling on You in this hour, who are worshiping You in spirit and truth, and draw us, Lord, draw us to You. Let us hear Your wonderful voice, Your beautiful voice call to us...."Come, beloved, come". We come before You, Father, asking for Your hand on our nation, on our land. Restore our land. Restore our freedom. Show us Your will, Lord and strengthen us to follow Your laws. Refresh our spirits and pour afresh Your anointing power on us, give us Your words to share with all who will listen, with all who desire freedom in You. Return us, Lord, to You, give us back what our forefathers fought so hard for. Let us give back to You, our God, the hearts that are rightfully Yours. Let us be, once again, a nation, for and under God.
Our God in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptatin, but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things."
When I first got these words this morning....Battling the Bulge...I knew it had nothing to do with weight, well, not the kind of weight we mostly think of when we hear that remark. But, getting ready for work, I left it alone. A few hours later, at work, the Lord gave it to me again and I knew I had better take a short break and get a paper and pen, listen to Him and write it down.
Our spirits, what are you weighing your spirits down with. All the things you read, watch, hear....if it is not of God, leave it alone. Keep those things clear of your spirit. Learn to know what is of the Lord. How do you do this? Read His Word; read the Word of God. Let the Word of God filter your thoughts, what you see, what you hear from other people, from the news, from the world. Even people in the ministry....self appointed and God appointed. We are all human. You have less to worry about with God appointed ministers, teachers than the self appointed ones. I don't believe this needs any more explanation. You will know the difference. But even they, the God appointed, sometimes get the Word wrong. But words of the heart will be taken by the Lord and used, changed through His grace and flow out to glorify Him. You will know when words come from those with a heart filled with love for the Lord speak and those with a heart filled with self glory speak. But I rabbit trail here....
When you begin to feel such a heaviness, when you feel that weight begin to overtake you....worship the Lord. Begin to worship the Lord with all that is in you. Let the joy of the Lord come down to you as you worship Him. Let that joy begin to lift your spirt up as it removes those things that are heavy upon you. The weight of all those things that have accumulated in your spirit that is not of God will begin to fall away when you are worshiping the Lord. Cast out all fear in the Name of Jesus. Fear is a weight that can drag you into the pits of despair. It is not of God.
Doubt in your spirit....fight that bulge. Faith and doubt are opposites and these two do not attract. Faith is of God and doubt is the enemy's tool. Ask, the Holy Spirit will show you what you are fearing, why you are fearing it and He will show you, once again, that you can rely on our God, you can trust Him completely.
The bulge of our spirit can be easily removed. When you give complete control of your will, your spirit to our Lord, the bulge of confusion, doubt, fear, uncertainly, despair is easily shed. Gloom, doom and despair talkers. The Lord has told us of the trials and tribulation that is on the earth, He has shown us in His Word, the battle of good and evil in the heavenlies that takes place each day. He has told us that His enemies will be our enemies when we follow Him. We do not have to dwell in the place of projected doom that the news, the government, and even some ministers constantly talk about. The Lord would not have us ignorant of facts, but He does not want us to dwell on them. In John 16:33, Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world". The Lord wants us to think on good things.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Let the Word of God be your filter to the things of this world. If it does not line up to His Word, it is useless, it will only weigh you down. If the words you hear tend to cause fear and distress with no encouragement for your heart, your mind, don't listen to it. Turn it off. The things of our God are not a burden. Whenever the Lord tells us something to caution us, He tells us not to fear, to trust Him, to have faith. He is our Shield, He is our Strong Tower. He will cover us, He will keep us unto Himself each day, everyday. The things of God are not a burden, they are light, they are love, they are life.
When I first got these words this morning....Battling the Bulge...I knew it had nothing to do with weight, well, not the kind of weight we mostly think of when we hear that remark. But, getting ready for work, I left it alone. A few hours later, at work, the Lord gave it to me again and I knew I had better take a short break and get a paper and pen, listen to Him and write it down.
Our spirits, what are you weighing your spirits down with. All the things you read, watch, hear....if it is not of God, leave it alone. Keep those things clear of your spirit. Learn to know what is of the Lord. How do you do this? Read His Word; read the Word of God. Let the Word of God filter your thoughts, what you see, what you hear from other people, from the news, from the world. Even people in the ministry....self appointed and God appointed. We are all human. You have less to worry about with God appointed ministers, teachers than the self appointed ones. I don't believe this needs any more explanation. You will know the difference. But even they, the God appointed, sometimes get the Word wrong. But words of the heart will be taken by the Lord and used, changed through His grace and flow out to glorify Him. You will know when words come from those with a heart filled with love for the Lord speak and those with a heart filled with self glory speak. But I rabbit trail here....
When you begin to feel such a heaviness, when you feel that weight begin to overtake you....worship the Lord. Begin to worship the Lord with all that is in you. Let the joy of the Lord come down to you as you worship Him. Let that joy begin to lift your spirt up as it removes those things that are heavy upon you. The weight of all those things that have accumulated in your spirit that is not of God will begin to fall away when you are worshiping the Lord. Cast out all fear in the Name of Jesus. Fear is a weight that can drag you into the pits of despair. It is not of God.
Doubt in your spirit....fight that bulge. Faith and doubt are opposites and these two do not attract. Faith is of God and doubt is the enemy's tool. Ask, the Holy Spirit will show you what you are fearing, why you are fearing it and He will show you, once again, that you can rely on our God, you can trust Him completely.
The bulge of our spirit can be easily removed. When you give complete control of your will, your spirit to our Lord, the bulge of confusion, doubt, fear, uncertainly, despair is easily shed. Gloom, doom and despair talkers. The Lord has told us of the trials and tribulation that is on the earth, He has shown us in His Word, the battle of good and evil in the heavenlies that takes place each day. He has told us that His enemies will be our enemies when we follow Him. We do not have to dwell in the place of projected doom that the news, the government, and even some ministers constantly talk about. The Lord would not have us ignorant of facts, but He does not want us to dwell on them. In John 16:33, Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world". The Lord wants us to think on good things.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Let the Word of God be your filter to the things of this world. If it does not line up to His Word, it is useless, it will only weigh you down. If the words you hear tend to cause fear and distress with no encouragement for your heart, your mind, don't listen to it. Turn it off. The things of our God are not a burden. Whenever the Lord tells us something to caution us, He tells us not to fear, to trust Him, to have faith. He is our Shield, He is our Strong Tower. He will cover us, He will keep us unto Himself each day, everyday. The things of God are not a burden, they are light, they are love, they are life.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Ecclesiastes 5:2 Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."
Who has not seethed inside when they are around someone that always wants to have the last word! Hummmmm.....did we wonder.....they might have been thinking the same thing about us?
Think about the last conversation you had with the Lord, remember when you asked for His help, His advice, His guidance. When He gave you the words you longed to hear, the direction you needed to go, the answers you were seeking, were praises and thanksgiving to the Lord the last word? Or were your words something like "But God" or "Yes, but did you know?" Did you have to have the last word?
I will step up and say, I am guilty....forgive me Lord....I have been guilty of this, I am sure moretimes than I care to remember. Thank You, Lord, that you just didn't toss me away, completely shut me out.
Our Lord does not waste words. Every word of God should be clung to, considered so precious, so priceless. His words have truth in them, they are directed at solving our problems, showing us the way to walk, for our own good, not harm. He is just not talking without meaning. We need to listen to what the Lord is trying to tell us. Our asking the Lord's help does no good if we are not going to listen to His answers. I believe sometimes when we don't get an answer to our cry for help at that time, is that the Lord knows we will want to have the last word, and are not truly listening to Him. We are asking because this is what we do. We still want to control the situation ourselves. Foolish isn't it? We all have been so full of ourselves at times, I am sure the Lord would probably like to take a switch to us. Thank You, Father, You are so patient with us.
Lord, I love You. I want only to follow Your words. Father, I ask that You forgive me those times of trying You, wanting to counter what You tell me with doubt and indecision. I will follow You, my Lord. You have taught me to trust You and in that trust, I will accept Your will for my life and will not inject what I think things should be like. I know You want to give me the desires of my heart, but I also know it will be in Your timing as You know what my days hold, and when things should come to me.
Let the last words that come out of my mouth when You speak to me, Lord, is simply, "Yes, Lord, thank You, Lord for Your love and grace." I will bless the Lord at all times, praises and worship ringing out of my heart, my spirit for the love of my Savior. I bless You, my God, for Your love and mercy You pour out on me each day. I will listen to You my Lord and let the last Yours.
Who has not seethed inside when they are around someone that always wants to have the last word! Hummmmm.....did we wonder.....they might have been thinking the same thing about us?
Think about the last conversation you had with the Lord, remember when you asked for His help, His advice, His guidance. When He gave you the words you longed to hear, the direction you needed to go, the answers you were seeking, were praises and thanksgiving to the Lord the last word? Or were your words something like "But God" or "Yes, but did you know?" Did you have to have the last word?
I will step up and say, I am guilty....forgive me Lord....I have been guilty of this, I am sure more
Our Lord does not waste words. Every word of God should be clung to, considered so precious, so priceless. His words have truth in them, they are directed at solving our problems, showing us the way to walk, for our own good, not harm. He is just not talking without meaning. We need to listen to what the Lord is trying to tell us. Our asking the Lord's help does no good if we are not going to listen to His answers. I believe sometimes when we don't get an answer to our cry for help at that time, is that the Lord knows we will want to have the last word, and are not truly listening to Him. We are asking because this is what we do. We still want to control the situation ourselves. Foolish isn't it? We all have been so full of ourselves at times, I am sure the Lord would probably like to take a switch to us. Thank You, Father, You are so patient with us.
Lord, I love You. I want only to follow Your words. Father, I ask that You forgive me those times of trying You, wanting to counter what You tell me with doubt and indecision. I will follow You, my Lord. You have taught me to trust You and in that trust, I will accept Your will for my life and will not inject what I think things should be like. I know You want to give me the desires of my heart, but I also know it will be in Your timing as You know what my days hold, and when things should come to me.
Let the last words that come out of my mouth when You speak to me, Lord, is simply, "Yes, Lord, thank You, Lord for Your love and grace." I will bless the Lord at all times, praises and worship ringing out of my heart, my spirit for the love of my Savior. I bless You, my God, for Your love and mercy You pour out on me each day. I will listen to You my Lord and let the last Yours.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
John 11:41b-42a "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me..."
He always hears me. No matter what my life has been like, no matter what I had done, where I was in my faith, God has always heard me. He listens with an open heart to us at all times. How do you think it has been possible to be lifted up out of the mire that we have found ourselves in from time to time if He was not listening for our cry? He always listens for our voice, in the dark of the night, in the wee hours of the morning when we are at out wits end, not knowing how we will handle the situation, not knowing how to pray for the loved one so ill, not knowing how to return to His arms when we have been absent for so long.
So many times in the past.....yes, Father, I will let it go. The Lord does not want me to think of the past anymore. He has told me time and again to let it go, that He has forgiven it, forgotten it and He wants me to do the same. So I will just say this and then let it go.....He always listened for my cry, He always heard me. Thank You, my precious Lord.
I know that my Lord always hears. He hears you when you call His Name, whether out of desperation or out of praise. He always hears. You may be wondering how He hears you when there is so much noise on this earth, when there are so many calling out to Him at one time.....He always hears. You must remember when you were born again, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in you, in me. The Holy Spirit is the direct channel to our Lord, our "hot line" if you will. That red phone that is direct to the most important place, the most important person in our life, that holds our life in His hands. Our God. And He always hears when it rings. When we cannot voice our needs, the Holy Spirit is praying for us. Open your mouth and let the Holy Spirit pray for you. Just let your lips move, He will take them to places, utterances that will overtake anything your mind can think. Don't worry about what He is saying, you don't need to understand those words, just know that they are words expressing the needs that you are not always aware of. Give the Holy Spirit control, let Him connect you to the Lord, He will connect you instantaneously. This is the desire and the will of God for our lives. To let Him take control, to let Him take care of us.
I will no longer live in the past, except to remember the goodness of my God; remember His love, His mercy and His grace. I know that when I have a need He will hear me, as He is always listening for my voice. He always listens for your voice also. Do not fall into the trap of satan and believe just because you fail sometimes that the Lord is not listening to you. He always hears; He always forgives the repentive heart; He always loves us.
So and in the future, as He listens for my voice, let it always be that He will hear me singing His praises, worshiping Him, giving Him all the glory for the things He has done. I will be singing songs of thanksgiving to my God, songs of love, songs of worship just to Him. And just to know that when He hears me, my love, my praises, my worship will be bringing joy to His heart and a smile to His face as He listens, as He hears......God always hears.
He always hears me. No matter what my life has been like, no matter what I had done, where I was in my faith, God has always heard me. He listens with an open heart to us at all times. How do you think it has been possible to be lifted up out of the mire that we have found ourselves in from time to time if He was not listening for our cry? He always listens for our voice, in the dark of the night, in the wee hours of the morning when we are at out wits end, not knowing how we will handle the situation, not knowing how to pray for the loved one so ill, not knowing how to return to His arms when we have been absent for so long.
So many times in the past.....yes, Father, I will let it go. The Lord does not want me to think of the past anymore. He has told me time and again to let it go, that He has forgiven it, forgotten it and He wants me to do the same. So I will just say this and then let it go.....He always listened for my cry, He always heard me. Thank You, my precious Lord.
I know that my Lord always hears. He hears you when you call His Name, whether out of desperation or out of praise. He always hears. You may be wondering how He hears you when there is so much noise on this earth, when there are so many calling out to Him at one time.....He always hears. You must remember when you were born again, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in you, in me. The Holy Spirit is the direct channel to our Lord, our "hot line" if you will. That red phone that is direct to the most important place, the most important person in our life, that holds our life in His hands. Our God. And He always hears when it rings. When we cannot voice our needs, the Holy Spirit is praying for us. Open your mouth and let the Holy Spirit pray for you. Just let your lips move, He will take them to places, utterances that will overtake anything your mind can think. Don't worry about what He is saying, you don't need to understand those words, just know that they are words expressing the needs that you are not always aware of. Give the Holy Spirit control, let Him connect you to the Lord, He will connect you instantaneously. This is the desire and the will of God for our lives. To let Him take control, to let Him take care of us.
I will no longer live in the past, except to remember the goodness of my God; remember His love, His mercy and His grace. I know that when I have a need He will hear me, as He is always listening for my voice. He always listens for your voice also. Do not fall into the trap of satan and believe just because you fail sometimes that the Lord is not listening to you. He always hears; He always forgives the repentive heart; He always loves us.
So and in the future, as He listens for my voice, let it always be that He will hear me singing His praises, worshiping Him, giving Him all the glory for the things He has done. I will be singing songs of thanksgiving to my God, songs of love, songs of worship just to Him. And just to know that when He hears me, my love, my praises, my worship will be bringing joy to His heart and a smile to His face as He listens, as He hears......God always hears.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Isaiah 40:26 "Lift your eyes and look to the heavens; Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls them each by name, Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing."
Remember when you were a child, you were always bragging on your daddy? And your friends would counter back with "well, my daddy this or that" and you were shouting back "my daddy promised me this", and "my daddy said this", and "my daddy loves me this much" and you would stretch your arms as wide out as you could. If you were close to your daddy, if you were his darling daughter, you were talking about him all the time, you were so proud to be his daughter.
What about now? How do you refer to your Father in heaven, your Creator? Do you boast in Him of the things He does for you? Do you tell others how good your Father is, how He takes care of you, provides for you. When was the last time you told someone how much your Father loves you? Or how much you love Him? What do you say when someone says that they don't believe in your Father? Or do you look the other way when they use His name in vain? Selah.
Everyday, every opportunity, is the time to talk about our Father in heaven. What a Mighty God we serve, what a Mighty God we serve, angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him, what a Mighty God we serve. Singing this song brings the joy from my spirit out into the air as I want everyone to know I serve a mighty, wonderful Lord. He is so good to me, and I know He is good to you. I want to tell everyone how He blesses me, how He provides for me, how much He loves me. See, this is boasting we can do as it has no focus on ourselves, but on the Lord we serve, on the Lord that loves us beyond measure. There is no sin in boasting on the Lord as when doing so you are encouraging others to see the Lord for Who He is. Our blessed Lord, our Creator. The Lord only has good things in store for His children and He wants them all to come to a saving knowledge of Him. How will people know how blessed we are if we are not praising our Lord to them.
So many people talk about the TV shows they watch, the movies they went to see, shopping.....all these things are nice, but what about talking about the One who gives us life so we can do these things? What about talking about what a sacrifice was made by our Lord so we could do these things, so we could have a blessed life? What about telling someone that is seeking answers in their life about a God that is holding His arms open wide for them, our God that is beckoning them to come, our Lord that loves them so much and is wanting to give them His peace, His joy.
Sharing the love of our Lord takes nothing from us. His love pours out on us without reservation. His love, His grace cannot be measured as it is greater than our minds can imagine. My Daddy's so big He has enough love and mercy for all. My Daddy's so big He can take care of all His children and I will never have lack, nor will you. My Daddy's wonderful, beautiful and He loves me. I am His beloved daughter.
What would you like to tell me about your Daddy?
Remember when you were a child, you were always bragging on your daddy? And your friends would counter back with "well, my daddy this or that" and you were shouting back "my daddy promised me this", and "my daddy said this", and "my daddy loves me this much" and you would stretch your arms as wide out as you could. If you were close to your daddy, if you were his darling daughter, you were talking about him all the time, you were so proud to be his daughter.
What about now? How do you refer to your Father in heaven, your Creator? Do you boast in Him of the things He does for you? Do you tell others how good your Father is, how He takes care of you, provides for you. When was the last time you told someone how much your Father loves you? Or how much you love Him? What do you say when someone says that they don't believe in your Father? Or do you look the other way when they use His name in vain? Selah.
Everyday, every opportunity, is the time to talk about our Father in heaven. What a Mighty God we serve, what a Mighty God we serve, angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him, what a Mighty God we serve. Singing this song brings the joy from my spirit out into the air as I want everyone to know I serve a mighty, wonderful Lord. He is so good to me, and I know He is good to you. I want to tell everyone how He blesses me, how He provides for me, how much He loves me. See, this is boasting we can do as it has no focus on ourselves, but on the Lord we serve, on the Lord that loves us beyond measure. There is no sin in boasting on the Lord as when doing so you are encouraging others to see the Lord for Who He is. Our blessed Lord, our Creator. The Lord only has good things in store for His children and He wants them all to come to a saving knowledge of Him. How will people know how blessed we are if we are not praising our Lord to them.
So many people talk about the TV shows they watch, the movies they went to see, shopping.....all these things are nice, but what about talking about the One who gives us life so we can do these things? What about talking about what a sacrifice was made by our Lord so we could do these things, so we could have a blessed life? What about telling someone that is seeking answers in their life about a God that is holding His arms open wide for them, our God that is beckoning them to come, our Lord that loves them so much and is wanting to give them His peace, His joy.
Sharing the love of our Lord takes nothing from us. His love pours out on us without reservation. His love, His grace cannot be measured as it is greater than our minds can imagine. My Daddy's so big He has enough love and mercy for all. My Daddy's so big He can take care of all His children and I will never have lack, nor will you. My Daddy's wonderful, beautiful and He loves me. I am His beloved daughter.
What would you like to tell me about your Daddy?
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Psalm 33:12 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance."
Inheritance - a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth. If you are thinking of what you will inherit from your earthly parents, or perhaps, already inherited, look beyond this world and think of your birthright through which Jesus died to make possible for you, for me, for each of us whose God is the Lord.
I was driving down the street today, running some errands; just singing and praising the Lord. I began to tell my Lord, my wonderful Lord, how I loved Him, how I loved Him. I thanked Him for His goodness to me, for His provision, for His leading me here, to DeSoto, for what He has planned for me. I thanked Him for the strength He had given me to move, to follow His leading, to show me I could trust Him completely. I told Him I did not know all He had planned, but I thanked Him for those plans as I knew they were to bless me and make me joyful and peaceful in Him. As I was worshiping and blessing my Lord, the Holy Spirit told me that I had found the value of my birthright, my inheritance. I had come to know what importance my inheritance was in my life.
When we are born again in the Spirit of the Lord, all our sins and shame washed away by the precious blood of Jesus, we inherit the kingdom of God. It is ours, the price paid so long ago. All we must do, basically, is believe. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that through His death, His shed blood, we, forgiven of all sin, became the redeemed children of God. We are now the family of God. All the blessings of God are ours. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, our Father, nothing. When we believe, with all our heart, all our mind, that our God is Lord of all, our Creator, and Jesus is His Son, the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, and return His love, shedding off the old man that encumbered us with sin and putting on the new, beautiful, body of the righteous, we are assured of our inheritance, the inheritance of God, our Father.
What value do you place on your inheritance from the Father? Are you willing to put aside everything that would cause an interruption in the flow of live from the Lord to you? I was watching some TV shows I had taped last night. Just regular station shows, nothing seemingly wrong, except they did not give me a good feeling. I have watched them for years, and yet even though the language is bleeped; I am so saddened that on regular, local station TV, language has to be bleeped; but there was this feeling inside of me as I realized the Holy Spirit was made to watch these also. I know it was His feelings that were penetrating the core of my soul, His distaste of them. As I felt this, I realized that even though it may not be wrong for so many to watch these shows, it would not be right for me. If it offends the Holy Spirit, it had better offend me. If it does not then I need to be back at the beginning to go around the mountain once again until I see clear what is right in the eyes of my Savior. So, as I do not want to do this, I repented and asked the Holy Spirit to give me strength to put aside more of these things that are offensive to my Lord; put aside those things that are not going to draw me closer to my Lord, and lead me in the ways, only the ways of God.
My inheritance, my birthright is most important to me. There is nothing this world has to offer that can replace what the Lord, my God, has given me, has promised me. I will not sell my birthright for a loaf of bread that is not of Him, for earthly pleasures that are momentary, for anything that would interrupt the intimate relationship I have with my Lord. I want all the Lord has for me, I want to walk in His Glory for the rest of my days here on earth so I may sit at His feet in His throne room when He calls me home. So I may be in His presence all the days of my life, here and then there.
The value of my inheritance.......Priceless.
Inheritance - a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth. If you are thinking of what you will inherit from your earthly parents, or perhaps, already inherited, look beyond this world and think of your birthright through which Jesus died to make possible for you, for me, for each of us whose God is the Lord.
I was driving down the street today, running some errands; just singing and praising the Lord. I began to tell my Lord, my wonderful Lord, how I loved Him, how I loved Him. I thanked Him for His goodness to me, for His provision, for His leading me here, to DeSoto, for what He has planned for me. I thanked Him for the strength He had given me to move, to follow His leading, to show me I could trust Him completely. I told Him I did not know all He had planned, but I thanked Him for those plans as I knew they were to bless me and make me joyful and peaceful in Him. As I was worshiping and blessing my Lord, the Holy Spirit told me that I had found the value of my birthright, my inheritance. I had come to know what importance my inheritance was in my life.
When we are born again in the Spirit of the Lord, all our sins and shame washed away by the precious blood of Jesus, we inherit the kingdom of God. It is ours, the price paid so long ago. All we must do, basically, is believe. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that through His death, His shed blood, we, forgiven of all sin, became the redeemed children of God. We are now the family of God. All the blessings of God are ours. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, our Father, nothing. When we believe, with all our heart, all our mind, that our God is Lord of all, our Creator, and Jesus is His Son, the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, and return His love, shedding off the old man that encumbered us with sin and putting on the new, beautiful, body of the righteous, we are assured of our inheritance, the inheritance of God, our Father.
What value do you place on your inheritance from the Father? Are you willing to put aside everything that would cause an interruption in the flow of live from the Lord to you? I was watching some TV shows I had taped last night. Just regular station shows, nothing seemingly wrong, except they did not give me a good feeling. I have watched them for years, and yet even though the language is bleeped; I am so saddened that on regular, local station TV, language has to be bleeped; but there was this feeling inside of me as I realized the Holy Spirit was made to watch these also. I know it was His feelings that were penetrating the core of my soul, His distaste of them. As I felt this, I realized that even though it may not be wrong for so many to watch these shows, it would not be right for me. If it offends the Holy Spirit, it had better offend me. If it does not then I need to be back at the beginning to go around the mountain once again until I see clear what is right in the eyes of my Savior. So, as I do not want to do this, I repented and asked the Holy Spirit to give me strength to put aside more of these things that are offensive to my Lord; put aside those things that are not going to draw me closer to my Lord, and lead me in the ways, only the ways of God.
My inheritance, my birthright is most important to me. There is nothing this world has to offer that can replace what the Lord, my God, has given me, has promised me. I will not sell my birthright for a loaf of bread that is not of Him, for earthly pleasures that are momentary, for anything that would interrupt the intimate relationship I have with my Lord. I want all the Lord has for me, I want to walk in His Glory for the rest of my days here on earth so I may sit at His feet in His throne room when He calls me home. So I may be in His presence all the days of my life, here and then there.
The value of my inheritance.......Priceless.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Revelation 21:3 "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God."
I use to be a person that put a lot of stock in things. I particularly like antiques and have several things that belonged to the "generations" before me. From great-aunts, grands, and parents. Some nice things, and of course when you get to be my age, it is amazing how easily things become antique. Some things are insured, of course their value cannot be replaced....there is no value on memories or family ties. But I was thinking of losses today and realized that they did not make the list of what I would not want to lose. Strange what a difference that true love for the Lord can do to a person's idea of what is meaningful and irreplaceable.
Joy. The beautiful joy that the Lord has given me. How can you put a price on something like joy that floods your soul everyday. Psalm 90:14 "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." When I wake up in the morning and feel the love of the Lord deep in my heart, knowing that He will always love me with this passion, this love that will never soul quickens with joy. I sing for joy all the way to work knowing that nothing will be in my day that the Lord has not already known about and that He is able and desiring to equip me to handle it all. Such joy fills my songs to Him. I never want to lose this joy, never.
Peace. Micah 5:4-5 "He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will life securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And He will be their peace." My life is secure in my Lord. He guides me, He leads me. I am never out of His sight, never out of His mind. His thoughts were of me before I was born and His thinks I am beautiful. He delivers me from all temptation, there is always a way of escape in Him and if I fall, He lifts me up to Himself and holds me close as I am corrected, forgiven, restored. This knowledge of my God gives me a peace that completely covers me. From my mind to my heart, down deep in my spirit, the knowing of the Lord, the complete trust in Him, brings a complete peace, the peace of God. The only way I know to never lose this peace is that complete trust in Him. Each day, a deep revelation of His goodness, His love....complete trust. Peace.
Intimate Relationship. I love the presence of my Lord. My desire each morning is that my God spend the day with me. That He will desire to be with me, to walk with me, to talk with me, to spend time with me doing whatever the day brings. I have learned that if He is invited, He is here. And I invite Him each moment of each day to be with me. I just thought of a dance card hanging from my wrist....if it were there, all the lines would have just one Lord and God. There is no room for anyone else. Ephesians 2:22 "And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit." When we come together, to worship Him corporately, to give our thanks and love to Him in worship as one voice, He comes, eagerly, to dwell in us by His Spirit. How sad that so many do not realize His presence at these times. You only have to look upon the faces of those there to see the ones that know Him, that know how to invite Him in. I never want to lose the relationship I have with my Lord. The only way I know to ensure this relationship is to let my Lord know, all the time, how very important He is to me. To tell Him how much I love Him and to make certain that He knows I want Him to be with me. He is not an after thought of my day.....He is the beginning thought and the utmost present thought in my mind and heart all day long. Come, Lord, come be with me. Make Your dwelling place with me, always.
The enemy will, trust me, he does not give up; he will come time and again to try to steal what you have. He does not care about material things that you have....except by using them he will try his best to make them important to you, more important than the be very careful here, or you stand to lose the most precious relationship you can have, lose your joy and certainly your peace will be lost if you give yourself into caring about the material things you have. To prevent the lose of what I deem most important, I remind myself each day....My God loves me. My God desires that I become One with Him. My Lord pours out His anointing on me, He blesses me coming in and going out. I am His beloved daughter. I remind my Lord each day.....Lord, I love You with all that is in me, my heart is Yours alone; I sing praises to His Name, I pour out my love in songs of worship to Him; I thank Him daily for the blessings He gives me, His goodness to me and for the precious joy and peace He gives me. His mercy and grace flood my soul daily. And then, most importantly, I invite my Lord, my God, to come, please come, share my morning, noon, afternoon and evening....share my entire day, all my time....He and I, together. I will never lose sight of what is most important in my life.... my Lord, my beautiful Lord, my God.
I use to be a person that put a lot of stock in things. I particularly like antiques and have several things that belonged to the "generations" before me. From great-aunts, grands, and parents. Some nice things, and of course when you get to be my age, it is amazing how easily things become antique. Some things are insured, of course their value cannot be replaced....there is no value on memories or family ties. But I was thinking of losses today and realized that they did not make the list of what I would not want to lose. Strange what a difference that true love for the Lord can do to a person's idea of what is meaningful and irreplaceable.
Joy. The beautiful joy that the Lord has given me. How can you put a price on something like joy that floods your soul everyday. Psalm 90:14 "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." When I wake up in the morning and feel the love of the Lord deep in my heart, knowing that He will always love me with this passion, this love that will never soul quickens with joy. I sing for joy all the way to work knowing that nothing will be in my day that the Lord has not already known about and that He is able and desiring to equip me to handle it all. Such joy fills my songs to Him. I never want to lose this joy, never.
Peace. Micah 5:4-5 "He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will life securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And He will be their peace." My life is secure in my Lord. He guides me, He leads me. I am never out of His sight, never out of His mind. His thoughts were of me before I was born and His thinks I am beautiful. He delivers me from all temptation, there is always a way of escape in Him and if I fall, He lifts me up to Himself and holds me close as I am corrected, forgiven, restored. This knowledge of my God gives me a peace that completely covers me. From my mind to my heart, down deep in my spirit, the knowing of the Lord, the complete trust in Him, brings a complete peace, the peace of God. The only way I know to never lose this peace is that complete trust in Him. Each day, a deep revelation of His goodness, His love....complete trust. Peace.
Intimate Relationship. I love the presence of my Lord. My desire each morning is that my God spend the day with me. That He will desire to be with me, to walk with me, to talk with me, to spend time with me doing whatever the day brings. I have learned that if He is invited, He is here. And I invite Him each moment of each day to be with me. I just thought of a dance card hanging from my wrist....if it were there, all the lines would have just one Lord and God. There is no room for anyone else. Ephesians 2:22 "And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit." When we come together, to worship Him corporately, to give our thanks and love to Him in worship as one voice, He comes, eagerly, to dwell in us by His Spirit. How sad that so many do not realize His presence at these times. You only have to look upon the faces of those there to see the ones that know Him, that know how to invite Him in. I never want to lose the relationship I have with my Lord. The only way I know to ensure this relationship is to let my Lord know, all the time, how very important He is to me. To tell Him how much I love Him and to make certain that He knows I want Him to be with me. He is not an after thought of my day.....He is the beginning thought and the utmost present thought in my mind and heart all day long. Come, Lord, come be with me. Make Your dwelling place with me, always.
The enemy will, trust me, he does not give up; he will come time and again to try to steal what you have. He does not care about material things that you have....except by using them he will try his best to make them important to you, more important than the be very careful here, or you stand to lose the most precious relationship you can have, lose your joy and certainly your peace will be lost if you give yourself into caring about the material things you have. To prevent the lose of what I deem most important, I remind myself each day....My God loves me. My God desires that I become One with Him. My Lord pours out His anointing on me, He blesses me coming in and going out. I am His beloved daughter. I remind my Lord each day.....Lord, I love You with all that is in me, my heart is Yours alone; I sing praises to His Name, I pour out my love in songs of worship to Him; I thank Him daily for the blessings He gives me, His goodness to me and for the precious joy and peace He gives me. His mercy and grace flood my soul daily. And then, most importantly, I invite my Lord, my God, to come, please come, share my morning, noon, afternoon and evening....share my entire day, all my time....He and I, together. I will never lose sight of what is most important in my life.... my Lord, my beautiful Lord, my God.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Psalm 111:2 "Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them."
As I was reading the scriptures this morning, I read Psalm 111:2 and went on to verse 3. Then I was drawn back to verse 2 by the Holy Spirit and read it again.
Great are the works - Works - God's plan in action. What our Lord has planned from the beginning of creation to now, His plan, as He puts each part in to action, His works fulfilling His perfect plan for each life, for each of His beloved children, the works that have been carefully detailed to fit just who the Lord made each of us to be. He does not have works planned for me or for you that were not made to fit into the person we are in Christ. Every detail has been thought out long before we took our first breath. It doesn't matter what detours we made along the way to get to this point in our life, where at last we have surrendered our will, surrendered our life to God, it has all been planned to be performed at this moment. The works of the Lord are great, so great, they never fail.
They are pondered - Ponder - to consider carefully, to meditate on, to weigh. The only way you can know the workings of our Lord, to know His plan for our life is to read His Word and meditate on each verse; to break down in part and think about what the Lord is saying, what He is telling us; what this verse means in our life. Weigh each word carefully, consider how the Lord intended it to guide us and to assist us in living a blessed life in Him. Reading has always been easy for me, as I was a speed reader. I could get through a book in a matter of hours as I skipped over all the (what I considered filler words) and just read the main gist of the book. I cannot read the Word this way. I have asked the Holy Spirit to reteach me to read, to slow my mind down so I can read all the words. Even an "A" or "the" have meaning in the Word of God. No word is put there as a filler. Each word is the anointed, spirit given Word of God. So I must carefully read each word so I can meditate on what the Lord is saying to me, thinking about the verses in full content. What a difference I am finding reading the Word now as to years ago when I read it.
By all who delight in them - Delight - to take great pleasure; joy. The children of God who weigh the words of His Word, who ponder and consider carefully the works of God, they take great delight in them. The words of the Lord fill me with joy. When I read the Word now, even thought I have read front to back so many times, but now that all the words are being read, as I stop to think about what a scripture is saying; when I obey the Spirit and go back and reread a verse one or two back, the Word becomes alive, the Work that the Lord is displaying in those words of that verse begin to open places in my mind, in my heart that were closed from not understanding what my Lord was trying to show me. And now I see, and as I see, the joy begins to flow throughout my spirit, charging through me like lightning. I get energized from these verses as I see the Lord's plan for me explained part by part. He shows a new part just as soon as He sees that I have learned the last; just as soon as He knows without any doubt that we will not have to revisit where we have been, that I understand, that I have taken it to my heart and kept it there.
Weigh the Word of God carefully. By doing so, you will see how very great, how very beautiful, how very awesome are the Works of our God. Even when you look back and see times that were difficult, the times that were such a valley in your life, it is the outcome that brings joy. See how the Lord brought you out from that valley, how He held your hand, how He never left you...... that, dear friends, that, is the joy and greatness of His Works. Our Majestic God sees His greatest Work today as what is being produced in our lives through His Word, through His Will, through His love. We are the Work of the Lord........ and everything the Lord does is perfected through the blood of Jesus, made righteous in Jesus and brought before Him, glorifying Him, praising Him, worshiping Him. Great are Your Works, O Lord, Great are Your Works.
As I was reading the scriptures this morning, I read Psalm 111:2 and went on to verse 3. Then I was drawn back to verse 2 by the Holy Spirit and read it again.
Great are the works - Works - God's plan in action. What our Lord has planned from the beginning of creation to now, His plan, as He puts each part in to action, His works fulfilling His perfect plan for each life, for each of His beloved children, the works that have been carefully detailed to fit just who the Lord made each of us to be. He does not have works planned for me or for you that were not made to fit into the person we are in Christ. Every detail has been thought out long before we took our first breath. It doesn't matter what detours we made along the way to get to this point in our life, where at last we have surrendered our will, surrendered our life to God, it has all been planned to be performed at this moment. The works of the Lord are great, so great, they never fail.
They are pondered - Ponder - to consider carefully, to meditate on, to weigh. The only way you can know the workings of our Lord, to know His plan for our life is to read His Word and meditate on each verse; to break down in part and think about what the Lord is saying, what He is telling us; what this verse means in our life. Weigh each word carefully, consider how the Lord intended it to guide us and to assist us in living a blessed life in Him. Reading has always been easy for me, as I was a speed reader. I could get through a book in a matter of hours as I skipped over all the (what I considered filler words) and just read the main gist of the book. I cannot read the Word this way. I have asked the Holy Spirit to reteach me to read, to slow my mind down so I can read all the words. Even an "A" or "the" have meaning in the Word of God. No word is put there as a filler. Each word is the anointed, spirit given Word of God. So I must carefully read each word so I can meditate on what the Lord is saying to me, thinking about the verses in full content. What a difference I am finding reading the Word now as to years ago when I read it.
By all who delight in them - Delight - to take great pleasure; joy. The children of God who weigh the words of His Word, who ponder and consider carefully the works of God, they take great delight in them. The words of the Lord fill me with joy. When I read the Word now, even thought I have read front to back so many times, but now that all the words are being read, as I stop to think about what a scripture is saying; when I obey the Spirit and go back and reread a verse one or two back, the Word becomes alive, the Work that the Lord is displaying in those words of that verse begin to open places in my mind, in my heart that were closed from not understanding what my Lord was trying to show me. And now I see, and as I see, the joy begins to flow throughout my spirit, charging through me like lightning. I get energized from these verses as I see the Lord's plan for me explained part by part. He shows a new part just as soon as He sees that I have learned the last; just as soon as He knows without any doubt that we will not have to revisit where we have been, that I understand, that I have taken it to my heart and kept it there.
Weigh the Word of God carefully. By doing so, you will see how very great, how very beautiful, how very awesome are the Works of our God. Even when you look back and see times that were difficult, the times that were such a valley in your life, it is the outcome that brings joy. See how the Lord brought you out from that valley, how He held your hand, how He never left you...... that, dear friends, that, is the joy and greatness of His Works. Our Majestic God sees His greatest Work today as what is being produced in our lives through His Word, through His Will, through His love. We are the Work of the Lord........ and everything the Lord does is perfected through the blood of Jesus, made righteous in Jesus and brought before Him, glorifying Him, praising Him, worshiping Him. Great are Your Works, O Lord, Great are Your Works.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Deuteronomy 11:18 "Take these words of mine to heart and keep them in mind. [Write them down,] tie them around your wrist, and wear them as headbands as a reminder."
The Lord and I were watching a sweet movie on TV this afternoon (yes, He does watch TV with me; He will do everything with you if you invite Him to). The people, well two of them, had a habit of writing notes, things they needed to remember, on their arms. As we watched them do this time after time, the Lord said to me, "That is how often you should write My words on your heart". Not just once in a while should you read the Word and store those words inside you, in your heart, but often, all the time. Let not time pass that you are not reading the Word of the Lord.
Those words written in this Book, the all time best selling book of all books, God's Word. You would think as many Bibles that have been sold, as many people that have bought them, this world would not be in the sinful condition that is is. Sad to think, of all the Bibles purchased, how few are read on a daily basis. So many "family" Bibles are purchased only to record weddings, births, and deaths in; they sit on a very pretty stand. And they just sit. We've come a long way.....or not. So many years ago, it was one of the few books that people owned and they read it and read it. It was a well worn book. Then as years progressed it became a book that so many purchased because, well, you need to have one in your home. But unless it is read, studied, and those precious words loved, it is just that.... a book.
One must read, read, read and read the Word of God so that it becomes alive in our hearts; so that it is impressed upon our mind and hearts that this is the true voice of our God, our Lord coming to us in these words. God's words, life to man, pouring forth from this Book, this beautiful Book. With today's technology, we can have the Bible on our smart phones, on our Kindles (yes, it is wonderful), on our computers. There is never a place that you will ever have to be without the Word of God with you, if you want It to be. But once again, it must be read.
Our Lord desires so much for us to know Him, to know how He loves us. The best way I know is to absorb His Word like a sponge, soak it in us until you cannot see something on earth without thinking of the words of Heaven. Without hearing a scripture that relates to what you see, or hear, or witness. There is a verse in God's Word for every situation we face, a verse to heal us, a verse to comfort us, a verse to give us a big hug when we need one. He has covered everything. There is nothing that we will ever face that there is not an answer, a solution, a hope and blessing in His Word.
"Write My words on your heart", the Lord told me. He's using me, tonight, to share this with you, my friends. Cling to the Word as if your life depended on it, because, when you come down to it.... it does. His Word is Salvation, His Word is Peace, His Word is Joy, His Word is Life.
The Lord and I were watching a sweet movie on TV this afternoon (yes, He does watch TV with me; He will do everything with you if you invite Him to). The people, well two of them, had a habit of writing notes, things they needed to remember, on their arms. As we watched them do this time after time, the Lord said to me, "That is how often you should write My words on your heart". Not just once in a while should you read the Word and store those words inside you, in your heart, but often, all the time. Let not time pass that you are not reading the Word of the Lord.
Those words written in this Book, the all time best selling book of all books, God's Word. You would think as many Bibles that have been sold, as many people that have bought them, this world would not be in the sinful condition that is is. Sad to think, of all the Bibles purchased, how few are read on a daily basis. So many "family" Bibles are purchased only to record weddings, births, and deaths in; they sit on a very pretty stand. And they just sit. We've come a long way.....or not. So many years ago, it was one of the few books that people owned and they read it and read it. It was a well worn book. Then as years progressed it became a book that so many purchased because, well, you need to have one in your home. But unless it is read, studied, and those precious words loved, it is just that.... a book.
One must read, read, read and read the Word of God so that it becomes alive in our hearts; so that it is impressed upon our mind and hearts that this is the true voice of our God, our Lord coming to us in these words. God's words, life to man, pouring forth from this Book, this beautiful Book. With today's technology, we can have the Bible on our smart phones, on our Kindles (yes, it is wonderful), on our computers. There is never a place that you will ever have to be without the Word of God with you, if you want It to be. But once again, it must be read.
Our Lord desires so much for us to know Him, to know how He loves us. The best way I know is to absorb His Word like a sponge, soak it in us until you cannot see something on earth without thinking of the words of Heaven. Without hearing a scripture that relates to what you see, or hear, or witness. There is a verse in God's Word for every situation we face, a verse to heal us, a verse to comfort us, a verse to give us a big hug when we need one. He has covered everything. There is nothing that we will ever face that there is not an answer, a solution, a hope and blessing in His Word.
"Write My words on your heart", the Lord told me. He's using me, tonight, to share this with you, my friends. Cling to the Word as if your life depended on it, because, when you come down to it.... it does. His Word is Salvation, His Word is Peace, His Word is Joy, His Word is Life.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
On my way to work this morning, it's about a 20-30 minute drive depending on which way I go, but today I followed the interstate to work, just singing to the Lord and I began to worship Him, praying in the Spirit for family and friends. Some real situations that I needed to talk to my Lord about and ask for His help. As I was praying in the Spirit, all of a sudden I just began to tell Him how very much I trusted Him and I knew He would take care of everything. "I trust You, my Lord, I trust You completely with every situation that arises, with me or my family and friends. I trust in You completely." And I began to worship again. I looked into the cloudy sky and saw a little black cloud rising quickly upward through the gray clouds. The Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit and told me it was the highest form of worship, I had been giving the Lord God exquisite worship. The cloud of worry and fear that the enemy had tried to put on me was rising swiftly up to the Lord on wings of exquisite worship as I sang to Him, worshiped Him and completely put my trust in Him. Complete faith that He would take care of all that concerned me, healing the sick, comforting the hurting and working out all family matters to His Glory.
Exquisite worship is not just words to say. It is the highest form of praise and worship, when you put all your trust in the Lord, unwavering faith in Him, and know that no matter what comes, He is ready and willing, He wants to take care of it for you. What touches His heart more than anything is when He hears His children singing His praises, worshiping Him from the depths of their heart and sees that they have complete trust in Him. How pleased, how very pleased He was with me this morning. His smile could be felt in my spirit when the Holy Spirit told me I had given my God exquisite worship.
When you think you can't go on, worship the Lord. When troubles come, when the enemy tries to put you under with one thing after another, worship the Lord. Combine this beautiful worship to our Lord with complete faith in His abilities and desire to take care of you and all those you love and you will be giving exquisite worship to our God. Know this, my friends, you cannot fix your problems. Only the Lord can deliver you from the snares of the enemy; only our God can heal you from the inside out, curing your broken heart, your anxieties, your diseases. He can and will remove all fear from your being and replace it with complete peace. He will cover you with His precious love and restore your joy.
I worship You, my Lord, I worship You with all that is within me. And my God, my wonderful Lord, You know I have complete trust in You. I trust no one but You, my King, You have never disappointed me, never left me wondering if You would take care of me. You always have and I know You always will. Let me continue to worship You, to give unto You "exquisite worship" for You are my God and I trust in You.
On my way to work this morning, it's about a 20-30 minute drive depending on which way I go, but today I followed the interstate to work, just singing to the Lord and I began to worship Him, praying in the Spirit for family and friends. Some real situations that I needed to talk to my Lord about and ask for His help. As I was praying in the Spirit, all of a sudden I just began to tell Him how very much I trusted Him and I knew He would take care of everything. "I trust You, my Lord, I trust You completely with every situation that arises, with me or my family and friends. I trust in You completely." And I began to worship again. I looked into the cloudy sky and saw a little black cloud rising quickly upward through the gray clouds. The Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit and told me it was the highest form of worship, I had been giving the Lord God exquisite worship. The cloud of worry and fear that the enemy had tried to put on me was rising swiftly up to the Lord on wings of exquisite worship as I sang to Him, worshiped Him and completely put my trust in Him. Complete faith that He would take care of all that concerned me, healing the sick, comforting the hurting and working out all family matters to His Glory.
Exquisite worship is not just words to say. It is the highest form of praise and worship, when you put all your trust in the Lord, unwavering faith in Him, and know that no matter what comes, He is ready and willing, He wants to take care of it for you. What touches His heart more than anything is when He hears His children singing His praises, worshiping Him from the depths of their heart and sees that they have complete trust in Him. How pleased, how very pleased He was with me this morning. His smile could be felt in my spirit when the Holy Spirit told me I had given my God exquisite worship.
When you think you can't go on, worship the Lord. When troubles come, when the enemy tries to put you under with one thing after another, worship the Lord. Combine this beautiful worship to our Lord with complete faith in His abilities and desire to take care of you and all those you love and you will be giving exquisite worship to our God. Know this, my friends, you cannot fix your problems. Only the Lord can deliver you from the snares of the enemy; only our God can heal you from the inside out, curing your broken heart, your anxieties, your diseases. He can and will remove all fear from your being and replace it with complete peace. He will cover you with His precious love and restore your joy.
I worship You, my Lord, I worship You with all that is within me. And my God, my wonderful Lord, You know I have complete trust in You. I trust no one but You, my King, You have never disappointed me, never left me wondering if You would take care of me. You always have and I know You always will. Let me continue to worship You, to give unto You "exquisite worship" for You are my God and I trust in You.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Psalm 36:7 "How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings."
He loves me; He loves me not; He loves me...... Remember picking petals off daisies and saying this? Wondering if you would have love when the last petal was pulled? Have you wondered, considering your past, if the Lord loved you? Truly loved you? And why should He?
Yes, Jesus loves me; yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so. Now this song is one that has truth to it. You cannot tell love by pulling petals off daisies, but you can tell love by learning more about our Lord, our God. Our God loves me, He loves you. He cannot help but love us as love is His nature. No matter what you read, or what you hear about the fury of the Lord, about revenge and judgment, His nature is love, He is all about love. From the very beginning of what we know, beyond that when there was only a vast emptiness and our God, there was love. Love formed the earth and inhabited it. Love formed man as the Lord wanted someone to pour His love into. The Lord loved before He did anything else. You might say our God was love driven. Everything done, I believe was love driven.
Man was formed from dust but it was the Lord's breath, His love, that brought him alive. Sin came into the earth and there was reason to rid the earth of all it's inhabitants but love saved one and his family. Because of love. Time and again, the Lord had reason to destroy so many, but love, His heart so loved His people, He could not destroy them all. When there was no other way, love sent the Beloved Son of God to dwell with man, to love man and teach love. Through love, forgiveness and healing came. Love brought the Beloved to the cross and love saw Him die; love poured blood out, cleansing blood, love raised Him up and salvation was secured for those that would accept this love, believe in this love.
Love established long ago, before when there was nothing, no one but God; love that has moved through all time, all history; the same love still reaches out today. The same love intensified by the depth of the Lord's heart, the same love calls out to all His children. Some listen not, but for those who listen for His voice, who heed the call, who come running after Him, this love pours out in abundance, sweet abundance. A passion to love is God's nature. To love all that will come to Him, cleansed in that love poured out blood of the Savior, forgiven, restored, made righteous in Jesus, and will accept the love of the beautiful Creator of all.
God's love is for all. He loves me (yes He does), He loves me not (will never happen, He will never leave or forsake me), He loves me (with a passion and gentleness like none other ever known), He loves me (and He loves you). His love is for all.
He loves me; He loves me not; He loves me...... Remember picking petals off daisies and saying this? Wondering if you would have love when the last petal was pulled? Have you wondered, considering your past, if the Lord loved you? Truly loved you? And why should He?
Yes, Jesus loves me; yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so. Now this song is one that has truth to it. You cannot tell love by pulling petals off daisies, but you can tell love by learning more about our Lord, our God. Our God loves me, He loves you. He cannot help but love us as love is His nature. No matter what you read, or what you hear about the fury of the Lord, about revenge and judgment, His nature is love, He is all about love. From the very beginning of what we know, beyond that when there was only a vast emptiness and our God, there was love. Love formed the earth and inhabited it. Love formed man as the Lord wanted someone to pour His love into. The Lord loved before He did anything else. You might say our God was love driven. Everything done, I believe was love driven.
Man was formed from dust but it was the Lord's breath, His love, that brought him alive. Sin came into the earth and there was reason to rid the earth of all it's inhabitants but love saved one and his family. Because of love. Time and again, the Lord had reason to destroy so many, but love, His heart so loved His people, He could not destroy them all. When there was no other way, love sent the Beloved Son of God to dwell with man, to love man and teach love. Through love, forgiveness and healing came. Love brought the Beloved to the cross and love saw Him die; love poured blood out, cleansing blood, love raised Him up and salvation was secured for those that would accept this love, believe in this love.
Love established long ago, before when there was nothing, no one but God; love that has moved through all time, all history; the same love still reaches out today. The same love intensified by the depth of the Lord's heart, the same love calls out to all His children. Some listen not, but for those who listen for His voice, who heed the call, who come running after Him, this love pours out in abundance, sweet abundance. A passion to love is God's nature. To love all that will come to Him, cleansed in that love poured out blood of the Savior, forgiven, restored, made righteous in Jesus, and will accept the love of the beautiful Creator of all.
God's love is for all. He loves me (yes He does), He loves me not (will never happen, He will never leave or forsake me), He loves me (with a passion and gentleness like none other ever known), He loves me (and He loves you). His love is for all.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Song of Songs 2:13b "Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me."
The scripture words were spoken by the beloved of the Lord to the Lord....the Bride to the Bridegroom. Words probably most Christians would not think proper, respectful enough to be spoken to the Lord of lords, the King of all kings, the Creator of all. We must remember that all three Persons of the Trinity are God, separated out of Himself to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but still all three are the One. So the words spoken, the love portrayed and played out in the Song of Songs, I believe, describe the true love between the Lord and His Bride.
Words spoken in these scriptures are intimate, gentle and very delicate. I believe most churches just skip over this small book in the Bible as they are not sure how to present it. In Bible College when we came to this book I was so excited as I truly wanted to know the meaning behind such sweetness, softness. I was very disappointed as it was just mentioned as the who the writer was thought to be and then we went onto Isaiah. Perhaps it was meant to be though, for as the Lord began to teach me to worship Him, the time spent with Him then and the time I spend with Him now has shown me for myself, the depth of His love for me and mine for Him.
As mentioned earlier, most Christians would not think it proper to call our Lord darling, precious, my dearest....but friends, if our Lord thinks it right to put those beautiful thoughts, precious words it in His Word; He calls us beloved and calls Himself the Lover of our Souls, why would you hesitate to call our Lord, our God, endearing terms like Darling, Dearest, Sweetheart. Sound strange coming off your tongue as you try them? Let your heart try them first. If that passionate love is in your heart for our Lord, if your love for Him can come close to matching His for you, then those words will begin to fly out of your heart, up through your spirit and they will flow out of your mouth with such sweetness, caressing the air as they flow to the ears of God. He so desires to hear those words from you. Our God is so passionate about each of us. He has gone to extreme measures, giving all that He had, all that He has, to draw us to His heart, to show us that He wants to be everything to us, that He wants us to be everything to Him. His heart is ours; He has beautiful words of endearment that He thinks of us with, that He calls us. Is your heart His on the level that you think of Him with those same terms of endearment, that you will call out His name with such expression of love?
My darling Lord, You who are the Lover of my soul, I give to You my love, my love that I pray will caress You with the same tenderness that You caress me with. Let me, Lord, call You my Sweetheart, my Dearest Love. Let my heart melt with Your heart in heavenly places of love, binding us together as You have desired from the beginning of time. Your Bride, calling forth loving, endearing words from earth that will give You fulfilment of joy and happiness knowing that You are loved beyond all measure.
The scripture words were spoken by the beloved of the Lord to the Lord....the Bride to the Bridegroom. Words probably most Christians would not think proper, respectful enough to be spoken to the Lord of lords, the King of all kings, the Creator of all. We must remember that all three Persons of the Trinity are God, separated out of Himself to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but still all three are the One. So the words spoken, the love portrayed and played out in the Song of Songs, I believe, describe the true love between the Lord and His Bride.
Words spoken in these scriptures are intimate, gentle and very delicate. I believe most churches just skip over this small book in the Bible as they are not sure how to present it. In Bible College when we came to this book I was so excited as I truly wanted to know the meaning behind such sweetness, softness. I was very disappointed as it was just mentioned as the who the writer was thought to be and then we went onto Isaiah. Perhaps it was meant to be though, for as the Lord began to teach me to worship Him, the time spent with Him then and the time I spend with Him now has shown me for myself, the depth of His love for me and mine for Him.
As mentioned earlier, most Christians would not think it proper to call our Lord darling, precious, my dearest....but friends, if our Lord thinks it right to put those beautiful thoughts, precious words it in His Word; He calls us beloved and calls Himself the Lover of our Souls, why would you hesitate to call our Lord, our God, endearing terms like Darling, Dearest, Sweetheart. Sound strange coming off your tongue as you try them? Let your heart try them first. If that passionate love is in your heart for our Lord, if your love for Him can come close to matching His for you, then those words will begin to fly out of your heart, up through your spirit and they will flow out of your mouth with such sweetness, caressing the air as they flow to the ears of God. He so desires to hear those words from you. Our God is so passionate about each of us. He has gone to extreme measures, giving all that He had, all that He has, to draw us to His heart, to show us that He wants to be everything to us, that He wants us to be everything to Him. His heart is ours; He has beautiful words of endearment that He thinks of us with, that He calls us. Is your heart His on the level that you think of Him with those same terms of endearment, that you will call out His name with such expression of love?
My darling Lord, You who are the Lover of my soul, I give to You my love, my love that I pray will caress You with the same tenderness that You caress me with. Let me, Lord, call You my Sweetheart, my Dearest Love. Let my heart melt with Your heart in heavenly places of love, binding us together as You have desired from the beginning of time. Your Bride, calling forth loving, endearing words from earth that will give You fulfilment of joy and happiness knowing that You are loved beyond all measure.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Psalm 132:14 "This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it...."
We have been programmed through religion to see God "in the ways man could understand, in the ways man has deemed proper". And sadly enough, the programming has stuck in so many minds. This morning the Lord instructed me, and to encourage others to "step outside the box" and see Him, our God, the way He desires to be seen. He is more than just the God who provides for us, more than our Counselor, our Savior, our Friend. God is deeply in love with us. He wants to the Lover of our souls, He wants to be Everything to us, our Life, our very Breath. The Lord wants us to walk and talk with Him daily, from morning to night. Let the Lord be part of everything your day requires. He is there with you always whether you feel Him or not, He is there. He wants us to step outside the box we have surrounded ourselves with, all the teaching we have received, and unashamedly abandon ourselves to Him, welcome His presence, adore His presence and desire His presence.
Don't think that one day a week is good enough, or a tithe of 10% of your time for the Lord is acceptable. Our God is a jealous God. I can understand this. When you spend all your time and energy giving to someone of your love and your time, your gifts, your attention, you would get very jealous of their time spent on others and not you. Our Lord has the same feelings we have, more intense, stronger, .....wonderful feelings. We got our emotions from our Lord. He breathed these wonderful feelings into each of us so we could understand His love and feelings toward us.
Step into the Light, into the true presence of God, the everyday presence of God. Do not allow what you have been taught overshadow the true person of God. He, our Lord, is the Supreme God of all beings, He is so Glorious, but He is desiring a deeper knowledge of Himself in our hearts. Sometimes we tend to let Who He is distance us as we feel unworthy, that He is so far above anyone that we could ever with, He is God.....but He desires to be with us, be part of us, in our life, every day .... merciful, gracious, loving and kind. God has been pushed away from us by teachings and thoughts that God, Supreme Majestic Being of God is our Creator and Judge..... He is our Creator, but He has forgiven our sins, through the blessed blood of Jesus, so we could be in His presence, and our sins.... He remembers them no more. He chooses to forgive us, forget our sin, so we can be with Him, so He can enjoy our company and we, His. He wants us to forget what we think, what we have been taught, and come to Him as innocent children, unknowing of anything other than He loves us, He is the Lover of our souls. He wants us to be a part of Him and He, a part of us; He created us to be a part of Him, with Him.
If we hold back even a little part of ourselves from our God, we hold back the most beautiful part of our worship that we were born to give to Him, our complete selves. Open your heart, step out of the box you have surrounded yourself with and fall into the arms of the Living God. Let Him come in and be a part of our daily lives, let our innermost being become lost, completely, abandoned in Him.
We have been programmed through religion to see God "in the ways man could understand, in the ways man has deemed proper". And sadly enough, the programming has stuck in so many minds. This morning the Lord instructed me, and to encourage others to "step outside the box" and see Him, our God, the way He desires to be seen. He is more than just the God who provides for us, more than our Counselor, our Savior, our Friend. God is deeply in love with us. He wants to the Lover of our souls, He wants to be Everything to us, our Life, our very Breath. The Lord wants us to walk and talk with Him daily, from morning to night. Let the Lord be part of everything your day requires. He is there with you always whether you feel Him or not, He is there. He wants us to step outside the box we have surrounded ourselves with, all the teaching we have received, and unashamedly abandon ourselves to Him, welcome His presence, adore His presence and desire His presence.
Don't think that one day a week is good enough, or a tithe of 10% of your time for the Lord is acceptable. Our God is a jealous God. I can understand this. When you spend all your time and energy giving to someone of your love and your time, your gifts, your attention, you would get very jealous of their time spent on others and not you. Our Lord has the same feelings we have, more intense, stronger, .....wonderful feelings. We got our emotions from our Lord. He breathed these wonderful feelings into each of us so we could understand His love and feelings toward us.
Step into the Light, into the true presence of God, the everyday presence of God. Do not allow what you have been taught overshadow the true person of God. He, our Lord, is the Supreme God of all beings, He is so Glorious, but He is desiring a deeper knowledge of Himself in our hearts. Sometimes we tend to let Who He is distance us as we feel unworthy, that He is so far above anyone that we could ever with, He is God.....but He desires to be with us, be part of us, in our life, every day .... merciful, gracious, loving and kind. God has been pushed away from us by teachings and thoughts that God, Supreme Majestic Being of God is our Creator and Judge..... He is our Creator, but He has forgiven our sins, through the blessed blood of Jesus, so we could be in His presence, and our sins.... He remembers them no more. He chooses to forgive us, forget our sin, so we can be with Him, so He can enjoy our company and we, His. He wants us to forget what we think, what we have been taught, and come to Him as innocent children, unknowing of anything other than He loves us, He is the Lover of our souls. He wants us to be a part of Him and He, a part of us; He created us to be a part of Him, with Him.
If we hold back even a little part of ourselves from our God, we hold back the most beautiful part of our worship that we were born to give to Him, our complete selves. Open your heart, step out of the box you have surrounded yourself with and fall into the arms of the Living God. Let Him come in and be a part of our daily lives, let our innermost being become lost, completely, abandoned in Him.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Jeremiah 6:16a "This is what the Lord says: Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."
Father, I am at the crossroad again. I need to ask Your forgiveness once more for what is one of my biggest enemies....PRIDE. Just when I feel I have it conquered, You brought to my spirit, drawing it to my mind gently, words and thoughts that showed me thoughts and feelings I should not have, prideful thoughts, feelings.
Pride, what a powerful tool of satans'. He just loves to worm these feelings in, so innocent at first and before you realize it, it has made You, my Beloved Lord, the One I love so dearly, step back, distance Yourself as the Holy Spirit shows me I have let thoughts of self, thoughts of myself rise up in me instead of who I am in You, my God, who I am in You. Singing, writing, work....Lord, I desire to let all I do be about You, to bring glory to You alone. Forgive me Lord, for thinking anything other than to bring You glory by spreading Your love and forgiveness that restores peace to all.
Friends, as the Holy Spirit revealed these things to me, I began to weep, silently and then loudly as the realization came to me that I had caused my God, my Father, grief in my actions. And then, I felt the arms of my Father draw me to Him, holding me as I cried, which only made me cry harder. How He loves me, how He loves us all, even in chastisement, He loves us so much, He will hold us close as we repent and weep. His compassion for us is so strong, His love so deep, He cannot help but want to comfort us and hold us as His restoration pours into our spirit, our souls. His mercy, forgiving me, His grace healing me, His love renewing me. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for bringing all that is not of my Lord to light, cleansing me, bringing me back into right fellowship, my beautiful intimate relationship with my God.
The crossroad...the place where wrong actions are faced, and forgiveness received. The place where the right path is once again taken; I am drawing myself to the Light that is leading me, strengthening me, taking my hand and walking the path with me.
Father, I am at the crossroad again. I need to ask Your forgiveness once more for what is one of my biggest enemies....PRIDE. Just when I feel I have it conquered, You brought to my spirit, drawing it to my mind gently, words and thoughts that showed me thoughts and feelings I should not have, prideful thoughts, feelings.
Pride, what a powerful tool of satans'. He just loves to worm these feelings in, so innocent at first and before you realize it, it has made You, my Beloved Lord, the One I love so dearly, step back, distance Yourself as the Holy Spirit shows me I have let thoughts of self, thoughts of myself rise up in me instead of who I am in You, my God, who I am in You. Singing, writing, work....Lord, I desire to let all I do be about You, to bring glory to You alone. Forgive me Lord, for thinking anything other than to bring You glory by spreading Your love and forgiveness that restores peace to all.
Friends, as the Holy Spirit revealed these things to me, I began to weep, silently and then loudly as the realization came to me that I had caused my God, my Father, grief in my actions. And then, I felt the arms of my Father draw me to Him, holding me as I cried, which only made me cry harder. How He loves me, how He loves us all, even in chastisement, He loves us so much, He will hold us close as we repent and weep. His compassion for us is so strong, His love so deep, He cannot help but want to comfort us and hold us as His restoration pours into our spirit, our souls. His mercy, forgiving me, His grace healing me, His love renewing me. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for bringing all that is not of my Lord to light, cleansing me, bringing me back into right fellowship, my beautiful intimate relationship with my God.
The crossroad...the place where wrong actions are faced, and forgiveness received. The place where the right path is once again taken; I am drawing myself to the Light that is leading me, strengthening me, taking my hand and walking the path with me.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Jeremiah 3:14 "Return, faithless people", declares the Lord, "for I am your husband".
This morning I was looking at all the beautiful words people posted online, all the music, the beautiful songs of worship and thanksgiving to our Savior for His sacrifice, looking at all the pictures, the outpouring of love to the Lord, when the words of this old 50's pop song came flooding into my mind.
Tonight your mine completely
You give your love so sweetly
Tonight the light of love is in your eyes
But will you love me tomorrow?
Is this a lasting treasure....
"I saw", the Lord said to me, "I saw all the expressions of love and honor, all the movies replayed and rewatched, all the songs sang, all the hallelujahs to my name, but this, my Bride, this I want to know, when morning comes, will you still love me with that same intensity of today? Will your songs of adoration rise up from your heart, with that same intense, redemptive spirit still cry out from your soul? Will you still seek my face to draw near to me; will you still love me tomorrow?"
What heartache I felt as I heard these words come to me; so grievous as I knew that the beautiful worship of today would fall away tomorrow as "Easter" would be over, the season would be done. Tomorrow would bring thoughts of family fun, good church service, music was beautiful, and then back to life as before.
Would it surprise you if I told you I felt that the Lord did not enjoy this day? I truly felt His heart as He was telling me this, that it was as though He were being handed a beautiful treasure only to have it disappear the next moment. Our God is looking for love that never fades, for a love that rises up each moment of the day and night from our spirits to Him. A love that does not need thought but is so natural as breathing to us. Pure love from His Bride, pure love that never needs a reason, a day, a remembrance; a love that never needs something from Him to flow to Him; nothing needed for a reason to love Him, but love that is freely given from our hearts. Pure love, a love that never draws a doubt, a question from our God, our lord. Thanksgiving for His grace, His mercy, His love that flows to His throne morning, noon and night. Sweet remembrance always of the One that never leaves us, the God that pours blessing after blessing upon us, pure love.
Father, let me not add, let me not subtract from Your words to me. Let Your words, Your love draw us into Your presence to give to You our love, our unconditional.....Lord, let our love be unconditional to You as Yours is to us. Let there not be a...."if God will do this for me; if I get this"; but let our love be an expression of our hearts and souls to You everyday. Let the music of our rejoicing in Your Resurrection, in Your Victorious Resurrection, the Work completed on the Cross, let this music of our love, of our thanksgiving never fail to bring glory to You. Let us bless You each day as You see the pure love that flows to You. O God, I love You and I will always love You. Father, I will never leave You, my love will always be Yours alone.
This morning I was looking at all the beautiful words people posted online, all the music, the beautiful songs of worship and thanksgiving to our Savior for His sacrifice, looking at all the pictures, the outpouring of love to the Lord, when the words of this old 50's pop song came flooding into my mind.
Tonight your mine completely
You give your love so sweetly
Tonight the light of love is in your eyes
But will you love me tomorrow?
Is this a lasting treasure....
"I saw", the Lord said to me, "I saw all the expressions of love and honor, all the movies replayed and rewatched, all the songs sang, all the hallelujahs to my name, but this, my Bride, this I want to know, when morning comes, will you still love me with that same intensity of today? Will your songs of adoration rise up from your heart, with that same intense, redemptive spirit still cry out from your soul? Will you still seek my face to draw near to me; will you still love me tomorrow?"
What heartache I felt as I heard these words come to me; so grievous as I knew that the beautiful worship of today would fall away tomorrow as "Easter" would be over, the season would be done. Tomorrow would bring thoughts of family fun, good church service, music was beautiful, and then back to life as before.
Would it surprise you if I told you I felt that the Lord did not enjoy this day? I truly felt His heart as He was telling me this, that it was as though He were being handed a beautiful treasure only to have it disappear the next moment. Our God is looking for love that never fades, for a love that rises up each moment of the day and night from our spirits to Him. A love that does not need thought but is so natural as breathing to us. Pure love from His Bride, pure love that never needs a reason, a day, a remembrance; a love that never needs something from Him to flow to Him; nothing needed for a reason to love Him, but love that is freely given from our hearts. Pure love, a love that never draws a doubt, a question from our God, our lord. Thanksgiving for His grace, His mercy, His love that flows to His throne morning, noon and night. Sweet remembrance always of the One that never leaves us, the God that pours blessing after blessing upon us, pure love.
Father, let me not add, let me not subtract from Your words to me. Let Your words, Your love draw us into Your presence to give to You our love, our unconditional.....Lord, let our love be unconditional to You as Yours is to us. Let there not be a...."if God will do this for me; if I get this"; but let our love be an expression of our hearts and souls to You everyday. Let the music of our rejoicing in Your Resurrection, in Your Victorious Resurrection, the Work completed on the Cross, let this music of our love, of our thanksgiving never fail to bring glory to You. Let us bless You each day as You see the pure love that flows to You. O God, I love You and I will always love You. Father, I will never leave You, my love will always be Yours alone.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
1 Peter 5:10 "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."
Jesus, my Savior, His body bruised, battered, bloody; His face unrecognizable. No ..... God, His Father, could not bear this any longer. Once that stone was rolled in place, closing off the tomb where His Son lay, He sent His ministering angels to His Son, His Beloved Son. With His own hand, He moved over that precious body and soothed all the cuts, all the open flesh wounds and closed them with the balm of His love, His healing love. Our God breathed upon the flesh of Jesus, restoring His skin to wholeness, His Power moving through Jesus bringing strength to each muscle, to the tips of each finger. The Power returning to the Spirit of Jesus as the Lord knew this day also held it's own battle, one of the biggest yet to come, what was still to come in the Plan for the salvation of those that the Father loved so dearly.
The Father, the Lord of His beautiful, precious Son, His Beloved, would not let Him face His most fierce adversary yet looking like anything but Who He was......the Mighty Warrior of God, the Lion of Judah, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Savior of the world. He restored all the beauty of the Dearest, most Beloved of Heaven. beauty unlike any other ever seen, beautiful Jesus. The only remnants of what our Lord endured were the nail scars in His hands and feet, His pierced side. His Father knew these would be necessary for proof to all the doubting Thomas' in the world. Then His Father, His God poured Himself into this resting Spirit, completely restoring the Glory of His Son. Lovingly kissing the cheeks, the forehead of His Son, the Lord poured out love, more love, drawing Him close to His heart. The Father had missed His Son so, yet He knew there was one more battle before He could bring Him home. This very night Jesus would descend into hell to take back what had been stolen. He would battle evil. He would totally free God's children from the chains and bondage of the evil one.
Jesus rose from that flat, cold stone bed and declared "I AM READY". Then He hugged and kissed His Father, thanking Him and praising Him for His restored body and His mighty Power. Then He descended into darkness.
I could see myself as the Lord gave this to me; can't you see yourself laying beaten, battered by the enemy, the world, our wounds of hurt, disappointment, we lay there, our spirits seeming distant, dead to us, all seeming hopeless and lost. Then the Spirit of the Lord comes to restore us with God's healing touch as the Father lifts us up to Himself and covers us with His love, as He kisses our cheeks and forehead, holding us so close to His heart, His strength, His power restoring our soul; our spirits begin to rise up, as we declare to the Lord, "I am ready, Father, I am ready to continue the fight". And continue we must, continue in the strength of our Father until that day comes that He sends His Beloved Son down from Heaven once again, and this time brings us, the Bride, home.
Jesus, my Savior, His body bruised, battered, bloody; His face unrecognizable. No ..... God, His Father, could not bear this any longer. Once that stone was rolled in place, closing off the tomb where His Son lay, He sent His ministering angels to His Son, His Beloved Son. With His own hand, He moved over that precious body and soothed all the cuts, all the open flesh wounds and closed them with the balm of His love, His healing love. Our God breathed upon the flesh of Jesus, restoring His skin to wholeness, His Power moving through Jesus bringing strength to each muscle, to the tips of each finger. The Power returning to the Spirit of Jesus as the Lord knew this day also held it's own battle, one of the biggest yet to come, what was still to come in the Plan for the salvation of those that the Father loved so dearly.
The Father, the Lord of His beautiful, precious Son, His Beloved, would not let Him face His most fierce adversary yet looking like anything but Who He was......the Mighty Warrior of God, the Lion of Judah, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Savior of the world. He restored all the beauty of the Dearest, most Beloved of Heaven. beauty unlike any other ever seen, beautiful Jesus. The only remnants of what our Lord endured were the nail scars in His hands and feet, His pierced side. His Father knew these would be necessary for proof to all the doubting Thomas' in the world. Then His Father, His God poured Himself into this resting Spirit, completely restoring the Glory of His Son. Lovingly kissing the cheeks, the forehead of His Son, the Lord poured out love, more love, drawing Him close to His heart. The Father had missed His Son so, yet He knew there was one more battle before He could bring Him home. This very night Jesus would descend into hell to take back what had been stolen. He would battle evil. He would totally free God's children from the chains and bondage of the evil one.
Jesus rose from that flat, cold stone bed and declared "I AM READY". Then He hugged and kissed His Father, thanking Him and praising Him for His restored body and His mighty Power. Then He descended into darkness.
I could see myself as the Lord gave this to me; can't you see yourself laying beaten, battered by the enemy, the world, our wounds of hurt, disappointment, we lay there, our spirits seeming distant, dead to us, all seeming hopeless and lost. Then the Spirit of the Lord comes to restore us with God's healing touch as the Father lifts us up to Himself and covers us with His love, as He kisses our cheeks and forehead, holding us so close to His heart, His strength, His power restoring our soul; our spirits begin to rise up, as we declare to the Lord, "I am ready, Father, I am ready to continue the fight". And continue we must, continue in the strength of our Father until that day comes that He sends His Beloved Son down from Heaven once again, and this time brings us, the Bride, home.
Friday, April 6, 2012
John 19:30 "When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished". With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit."
Jesus drank, not a refreshing drink of water, but He was given vinegar, the last assault to His body, the final cruel act. But His words "It is finished", those words completed the work He came to do on earth. He could now, in a short time, return to His Father, to His heavenly home. But the physical abuse as the Son of man was ended. His physical human body had taken it's last humiliation, beating and insult. "It is finished."
All the enemy's hold on the children of God ended that day. There was nothing else that satan could do, other than lie. He had no longer the power to hold down the children of God. He was defeated, he was beaten, all the power he had over man had ended. But he could lie. His only power was in the minds of mankind. And he has proven to be very successful at the skill of lying.
When Jesus died, He eradicated all the excuses man had for not being victorious. There was no longer acceptable reasons why the children of God could not walk in the power and strength of God. All suffering, all disease, all failures, all weaknesses, all excuses were ended with those words "It is finished". Completely put to death. When Jesus died on that cross, all excuses we could think of for our inabilities died. We were given freedom from every sin committed in the past, present and future. We were freed from slavery, from the bondage of the enemy. We never have to go back to those ways again. Sin has no hold over the children of God.
Sin has no control.....but there is the enemy and his lies. Herein lies the failure, the disappointments, the diseases, the weaknesses, the excuses. Don't you see, this was taken care of on the cross. We do not have to buy into satan's lies, we never have to accept less that what we should have just because the enemy tells us that we are undeserving, that we can not have what the Lord has promised us. We are the children of God made righteous by the blood of Jesus, through Jesus we have all the promises of our Father.
WE ARE what Jesus died for. This day as we remember the sacrifice of our beloved Savior, let His death not be in vain.....let His death truly put to death all those lies of the enemy in your life. Let our Savior's last words "It is finished" finish those things in your life that are keeping you from living the life that the Lord wants you to live in Him. Let the death of our Lord and Savior bring life to you today. Don't let this night pass without giving yourself completely to the Lord, loving Him with all your heart, asking forgiveness for allowing satan to rule over your mind, feeding on the lies of satan instead of feasting at the Banquet Table of the Lord, in His Word. His Word is true and the truth shall set you free.
My Jesus, my Savior,
Lord there is none like You
All of my days
I want to praise the wonders
of Your mighty love......Your mighty love. When You said "It is finished" it was for me.
I praise You my King, I will always love You.
Jesus drank, not a refreshing drink of water, but He was given vinegar, the last assault to His body, the final cruel act. But His words "It is finished", those words completed the work He came to do on earth. He could now, in a short time, return to His Father, to His heavenly home. But the physical abuse as the Son of man was ended. His physical human body had taken it's last humiliation, beating and insult. "It is finished."
All the enemy's hold on the children of God ended that day. There was nothing else that satan could do, other than lie. He had no longer the power to hold down the children of God. He was defeated, he was beaten, all the power he had over man had ended. But he could lie. His only power was in the minds of mankind. And he has proven to be very successful at the skill of lying.
When Jesus died, He eradicated all the excuses man had for not being victorious. There was no longer acceptable reasons why the children of God could not walk in the power and strength of God. All suffering, all disease, all failures, all weaknesses, all excuses were ended with those words "It is finished". Completely put to death. When Jesus died on that cross, all excuses we could think of for our inabilities died. We were given freedom from every sin committed in the past, present and future. We were freed from slavery, from the bondage of the enemy. We never have to go back to those ways again. Sin has no hold over the children of God.
Sin has no control.....but there is the enemy and his lies. Herein lies the failure, the disappointments, the diseases, the weaknesses, the excuses. Don't you see, this was taken care of on the cross. We do not have to buy into satan's lies, we never have to accept less that what we should have just because the enemy tells us that we are undeserving, that we can not have what the Lord has promised us. We are the children of God made righteous by the blood of Jesus, through Jesus we have all the promises of our Father.
WE ARE what Jesus died for. This day as we remember the sacrifice of our beloved Savior, let His death not be in vain.....let His death truly put to death all those lies of the enemy in your life. Let our Savior's last words "It is finished" finish those things in your life that are keeping you from living the life that the Lord wants you to live in Him. Let the death of our Lord and Savior bring life to you today. Don't let this night pass without giving yourself completely to the Lord, loving Him with all your heart, asking forgiveness for allowing satan to rule over your mind, feeding on the lies of satan instead of feasting at the Banquet Table of the Lord, in His Word. His Word is true and the truth shall set you free.
My Jesus, my Savior,
Lord there is none like You
All of my days
I want to praise the wonders
of Your mighty love......Your mighty love. When You said "It is finished" it was for me.
I praise You my King, I will always love You.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Luke 22:42 "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
I am reading a new book and a passage in it threw a light on what I already knew but did not know. Yes, I realize that is confusing but you know how you know something but it can just sit in your mind until the Lord truly puts it into your spirit and shows you the depth of the fact. This is what happened to me.
Jesus, Son of God and Son of man. I knew this, but put this into perspective to His crucifixion. he was the Son of God but died as the Son of man. All the humiliation, the beatings, the brutality, the nails drove into His hands and feet, all done to the Son of God as the Son of man. I pray, Lord, that this is coming out in an understanding way. I know what You showed me, but it is so hard to put into the right words, please, I pray, make this light to those that read it.
Can you imagine the pain, the agony in His human flesh as He took all of this abuse, all this torture for us? The pure love He had for His Father and for us.
This Jesus did as the Son of man, but He did it all in the strength of God as the Son of God. He was able to accomplish all this, withstand everything those last hours because He had surrendered His human will to the will of God, His Father. He gave up all His own will and desired only to do the will of His Father. He endured it all in God's strength. Thank You, my Savior.
I know that God showed me all this, bringing it, quickening my spirit with it, to focus on the fact that Jesus could only do this as He had surrendered to the Father's will for His life. It was like the Lord opened a door and showed me what Jesus felt those last days, His emotions, His sadness, disappointments. Can't you see His heart when He was in the garden and found His disciples asleep, instead of watching and praying. Yes, I can feel He was hurt, so disappointed. He felt as we feel, He went through all so He would know our feelings, our thoughts, and understand. All the temptations He endured in the wilderness, knowing all of what was to come, the plans for His life, His reason for coming to earth, all could only be done by surrendering to the will of God. Denying His own will for the will of the Father was the only way.
What the Lord told me next was the release in our lives that makes the difference, that makes it possible to walk on this earth and walk in Him at the same time. Releasing, surrendering our will to the will of God, our Father, means that we can walk through all the pain, the agony, the hurt, the disappointments that we face and be victorious in Him. If we are in the will of God, all these things are subject to His grace, His mercy and His love. In submitting to His will, we have His Power and Strength, as Jesus did, to be able to endure, walk through, be victorious in every situation. His will accomplishes much, His will brings victory, His will brings joy and peace in everything, in everything.
There is no death, only life. Glorious life because of Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus' example, His life, His death was to show us how to live victoriously, in the will of God. I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Jesus I surrender will.
I have desires of my heart, as I know you do, some so dear to me. But I have determined that I want God's will for my life. I surrender to His will; if His will is to give me the desires of my heart, I am truly blessed, but always I am the beloved child of God. I know the Lord wants to give us the desires of our hearts, and if it is His will for us, and we truly desire that above all else, just His will, then it will happen. I will not ask for what is not His will. I have done that in the past and walked around the mountain a time or two because of it. I have learned the more desired life is the life spent in the will of God.
I will worship You, my Lord, in spirit and in truth. I will walk the path You choose for me each day. Not my will, my Lord God, but Your will be done.
I am reading a new book and a passage in it threw a light on what I already knew but did not know. Yes, I realize that is confusing but you know how you know something but it can just sit in your mind until the Lord truly puts it into your spirit and shows you the depth of the fact. This is what happened to me.
Jesus, Son of God and Son of man. I knew this, but put this into perspective to His crucifixion. he was the Son of God but died as the Son of man. All the humiliation, the beatings, the brutality, the nails drove into His hands and feet, all done to the Son of God as the Son of man. I pray, Lord, that this is coming out in an understanding way. I know what You showed me, but it is so hard to put into the right words, please, I pray, make this light to those that read it.
Can you imagine the pain, the agony in His human flesh as He took all of this abuse, all this torture for us? The pure love He had for His Father and for us.
This Jesus did as the Son of man, but He did it all in the strength of God as the Son of God. He was able to accomplish all this, withstand everything those last hours because He had surrendered His human will to the will of God, His Father. He gave up all His own will and desired only to do the will of His Father. He endured it all in God's strength. Thank You, my Savior.
I know that God showed me all this, bringing it, quickening my spirit with it, to focus on the fact that Jesus could only do this as He had surrendered to the Father's will for His life. It was like the Lord opened a door and showed me what Jesus felt those last days, His emotions, His sadness, disappointments. Can't you see His heart when He was in the garden and found His disciples asleep, instead of watching and praying. Yes, I can feel He was hurt, so disappointed. He felt as we feel, He went through all so He would know our feelings, our thoughts, and understand. All the temptations He endured in the wilderness, knowing all of what was to come, the plans for His life, His reason for coming to earth, all could only be done by surrendering to the will of God. Denying His own will for the will of the Father was the only way.
What the Lord told me next was the release in our lives that makes the difference, that makes it possible to walk on this earth and walk in Him at the same time. Releasing, surrendering our will to the will of God, our Father, means that we can walk through all the pain, the agony, the hurt, the disappointments that we face and be victorious in Him. If we are in the will of God, all these things are subject to His grace, His mercy and His love. In submitting to His will, we have His Power and Strength, as Jesus did, to be able to endure, walk through, be victorious in every situation. His will accomplishes much, His will brings victory, His will brings joy and peace in everything, in everything.
There is no death, only life. Glorious life because of Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus' example, His life, His death was to show us how to live victoriously, in the will of God. I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Jesus I surrender will.
I have desires of my heart, as I know you do, some so dear to me. But I have determined that I want God's will for my life. I surrender to His will; if His will is to give me the desires of my heart, I am truly blessed, but always I am the beloved child of God. I know the Lord wants to give us the desires of our hearts, and if it is His will for us, and we truly desire that above all else, just His will, then it will happen. I will not ask for what is not His will. I have done that in the past and walked around the mountain a time or two because of it. I have learned the more desired life is the life spent in the will of God.
I will worship You, my Lord, in spirit and in truth. I will walk the path You choose for me each day. Not my will, my Lord God, but Your will be done.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
1 John 2:21 "I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie comes from the truth."
A promise is a promise until it is broken. I have had a lot of promises made to me that have been broken and I am ashamed to say I have broken promises also. Most as I had no control, but broken none the same. It makes me very cautious about making promises lightly as they are binding, well to me, and I believe to our Lord also.
Have you ever had someone tell you "I will love you forever"? Yes, I am sure you have, we all have done this in our younger years. Love is one of those promises so many take so lightly. Love is a word that can cover anything from loving a person, an emotional expression, to talking about a TV show. You are forever hearing someone say they love this or they love that, but that kind of love is not the promise kind, it's just using the word to express how much you like something.
Love, the word describing that feeling, that deep abiding, overwhelming passion that our Father has for me, for us, this promise given. God told us He loved us and His Word tells us He does not lie. So this is a promise you know is true, you can count on it. God's Word is true. In John 3:16, "God so loved the world (us) that He gave His only (Beloved) Son", His only Son, All He had, because He loved me and you.
I know a lot of us would give our life for another, but it is usually someone we love and just about always someone we know. Someone we know and usually someone that loves us in return. But God gave All, because He loved us, and it was not because He was loved in return, but in hope that we would accept His love and return it with our own for Him.
His promise of love went so much deeper than I had ever dreamed. So many times He has poured out new mercy on me, each day, new mercies come to me. His love discards everything I did wrong the day before, and a new day is given to me; a new day to bring my worship and praise to Him, my Father, to glorify Him with my life. A new day to be shown His love, His grace, a day to read again in His Word, His promises to me, to you.
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, my Savior, at Calvary, the only requirement for me to know my Father, my Lord, was to accept His Word, to believe in Jesus, my Savior, and to ask forgiveness of my sin and to receive His love. Receive Jesus into my heart. Love flooded into my spirit the day I gave Him my heart, my all.
All God's promises came to me that day. He promised me a Comforter and a Friend and the Holy Spirit has dwelt in my heart ever since. He promised never to forsake me or leave me. He promised to take care of me, to be a Husband to me, and He has kept His Word to me in every promise He made.
His promises are true. They are never broken. He reminds me daily that He is here with me, that He loves me and that I am His beloved child.
Yes, Lord, I accept Your Word, Your promises; they are instilled in my mind and written on my heart. Your love keeps them illuminated before me always.
A promise is a promise until it is broken. I have had a lot of promises made to me that have been broken and I am ashamed to say I have broken promises also. Most as I had no control, but broken none the same. It makes me very cautious about making promises lightly as they are binding, well to me, and I believe to our Lord also.
Have you ever had someone tell you "I will love you forever"? Yes, I am sure you have, we all have done this in our younger years. Love is one of those promises so many take so lightly. Love is a word that can cover anything from loving a person, an emotional expression, to talking about a TV show. You are forever hearing someone say they love this or they love that, but that kind of love is not the promise kind, it's just using the word to express how much you like something.
Love, the word describing that feeling, that deep abiding, overwhelming passion that our Father has for me, for us, this promise given. God told us He loved us and His Word tells us He does not lie. So this is a promise you know is true, you can count on it. God's Word is true. In John 3:16, "God so loved the world (us) that He gave His only (Beloved) Son", His only Son, All He had, because He loved me and you.
I know a lot of us would give our life for another, but it is usually someone we love and just about always someone we know. Someone we know and usually someone that loves us in return. But God gave All, because He loved us, and it was not because He was loved in return, but in hope that we would accept His love and return it with our own for Him.
His promise of love went so much deeper than I had ever dreamed. So many times He has poured out new mercy on me, each day, new mercies come to me. His love discards everything I did wrong the day before, and a new day is given to me; a new day to bring my worship and praise to Him, my Father, to glorify Him with my life. A new day to be shown His love, His grace, a day to read again in His Word, His promises to me, to you.
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, my Savior, at Calvary, the only requirement for me to know my Father, my Lord, was to accept His Word, to believe in Jesus, my Savior, and to ask forgiveness of my sin and to receive His love. Receive Jesus into my heart. Love flooded into my spirit the day I gave Him my heart, my all.
All God's promises came to me that day. He promised me a Comforter and a Friend and the Holy Spirit has dwelt in my heart ever since. He promised never to forsake me or leave me. He promised to take care of me, to be a Husband to me, and He has kept His Word to me in every promise He made.
His promises are true. They are never broken. He reminds me daily that He is here with me, that He loves me and that I am His beloved child.
Yes, Lord, I accept Your Word, Your promises; they are instilled in my mind and written on my heart. Your love keeps them illuminated before me always.
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