Thursday, May 26, 2011


James 5:16 (Message)  "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.  The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with."

I don't ask people to pray for me very much.  I use to, but I find that unless there is something really put out there by the enemy, I don't.  A week or so ago, I asked for prayer for protection here at home as a neighbor had seen someone looking in the window, or trying to, when I was not home.  He was chased away, another neighbor called and reported it to the police. But I asked for prayer, prayers went up to the Lord and I have had no stranger around since.  I was not worried that night, as I knew the enemy would want that, and more than that, I knew the Lord was holding me close, protecting me. 

Other than that, I don't ask much for myself.  I am so blessed by my Lord.  I guess I feel like being so blessed, and there are so many that have real needs, health, finances; so many things, that I should not be bothering with my little problems.  And I am not sure problems is the right word.  I don't consider having problems, just day to day things that all encounter.  But today, the Lord showed me that my concerns for my daily life, the things I am doing and needing, are important to Him.  He told me that His plans for each of us to pray for one another not only benefits the other person but edifys us also.  The Lord showed me that the things I feel are not as important as other's problems and needs, are important to Him and to those who love me.  He also showed me it was a little bit of "p r i d e"; oh, how I hate the thought that there is any of that in me, but here it is, no matter how far we think we have come, something like this could be a  pride thing. 

Forgive me Father.  I don't want anything not of You in me, I don't want something like this to stop the flow of intimacy between us. So, my friends, here I am before you tonight.  This is not a message of encouragement, not a message of love between me and my Beloved Lord, this will be a message from me to you, my friends.  As I humble myself before my Lord, as I ask His forgiveness and cleansing, I come before you and ask you to .....

Pray for me, please, for my daily walk in the Lord, that I may walk upright with His strength.  Please pray that the Lord give me strength and power for the work He has called me to.

Pray for me, please, for health in my body.  I am usually feeling just fine, but there are days I have aches and pains.  Please pray for rest for me at night, as I don't always sleep well.  I tend to want to spend time during the quiet of the night with the Lord and will lie awake waiting for Him to come.  Please pray that I will sleep peacefully knowing that when the Lord comes to me, He will awaken me, I will not miss His coming.

Pray for me, please, that when I pray for someone, or speak a word of encouragement, that it be the words and message of my Lord and not of me.  Pray that I will speak from Him, Whose words have the power of life in them, that His words will be words that will lift them from their illnesses, from their problems, from their spiritual battles, and fill them with His cleansing flood of grace and mercy.  Pray that I always take the time to seek Him for wisdom before I say anything.

Pray for me, please, that I always seek His will for my life before acting on any impulse that the enemy might put in my mind.  That my mind be protected by the covering of my Lord from any deceitful thoughts of the enemy; that my heart be shielded from hurt by things that satan might inspire someone to say to me or about me.  Pray that I will always hear only, the beautiful voice of my Father, the only One whose voice is dear to me.

Pray for me, please, that I may be the right kind of friend to you.  That I will always listen to your heart, not your words. For by listening to your heart, I hear what you are really trying to say to me that words may not always speak, or speak in the right manner.  Your heart will always say them right.  Pray I always hear your words with my heart, not my ears.  Pray that I always tell you how important your friendship is to me, because it is, as I know it is God given.  Let me never fail to tell you how much I love you, for love is the cord that binds us together in Christ.

Pray for me, please, as I pray for you.  My dear friends, I pray that the Lord supply all your needs according to His riches in Heaven.  I pray that you walk in perfect health according to His Word, that your bodies line up to the perfect way He designed them to be.  I pray that the Lord's presence always be with you, His love flowing through you, and His peace, His joy become a part of what and who you are.

And now I thank you.  This 26th day of May, 2010, I thank you that with the confidence I have in my Lord, my Beloved Lord who I worship with all my being; I thank you for praying for me.  I thank you for the love you have shown me from the moment I knew who you were, you have shown me precious love.  I thank you for the laughter you have given me, for the joy we have shared, and for the future we have together in the Lord.  One day, all the miles between us will be nullified and we will walk hand and hand into the throne room of our God, to worship Him together, one body, united in love, united in the sweetest worship song ever praising our Lord.

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