Friday, May 20, 2011


Psalm 27:13  "I am confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the Living."

Tomorrow is to be the day, according to an elderly gentlemen bent on proclaiming that our Lord will return tomorrow.  The end of the world.  This man is leaving no room for debate, he is insisting that it will be tomorrow, 6 PM to be exact.  It will begin, he says, where on earth that time arrives first.  To be perfectly honest, I have not paid too much attention to the claim of this man, and since I don't watch a lot of TV, haven't seen a lot either.  I have heard more ridicule towards this man than anything.  Because of this type of comments, I am feeling quite sad for this man.  He is so determined that it will be tomorrow; he was wrong once before.....but is so sure of tomorrow.  In my heart, in my soul, I truly hope he is right.  But my spirit, in tune with my Holy Spirit of God, tells me it is not so.  What a shame for me, for all of us that long for the Lord to return for His Bride. 

I truly feel that my Father would prefer that people not do this, not make proclamations such as this, as it makes a mockery of Judgment Day.  And that, that is a real day that is coming.  But when things like this go on, it is harmful to those that are just on the edge of accepting Jesus as their Savior, seeking Him, coming closer to Him each day.  Then someone in the name of Christianity, begins once again to cast  ridicule on one of the most important events that will ever take place.  And the Word tells us, that NO ONE knows except the Father; not even our Lord Jesus.  How many times have people tried to figure out just the right day.  Remember 2000.  So many people were thinking that the world would end then, people were stocking up food, getting ready for calamity to happen.  One day, I am sure things will seem like the end of the world as things escalate on earth but no one will know which day.  We may have wars, bombing that seems like the end, but it will not be God's planned end.  How many terrible wars have there been, the destruction on earth, centuries and centuries back.  One country, one people, after another, wanting the power, the wealth, the land.  And doing anything and everything to gain it.  But this does not make it the second coming of our King.

Sunday morning, this poor man who has gone to great lengths to make so many believe this, will be put to shame.  I am concerned for him, that he may not be able to take the disappointment of being wrong, again.  He will possibly lose friends, acquaintances will judge him, family members be embarassed.  But what of this man.  I know what the Lord will do, because I know my Lord.  My Lord will reach down and put his arms around this old soul and love him.  The Holy Spirit will begin to comfort him, encouraging him to ask the Lord's forgiveness, and restoration to the Father.  And because of the goodness of my Lord, it will happen.  My God, my great God will forgive, because the Son asked him to.  Our Jesus, the goodness of our Jesus.  No matter how, once again, men put Christianity in a bad light, no matter how it sets the plan back once again, myJesus will lift him up.  Forgive him, love him.

I would like to think that all Christians everywhere would have this precious goodness of our Lord.  To see human fraility, to sympathize with them, and not ridicule.  We don't know what drives people to do these things, only our Father does, as He knows the heart.  We must, especially at these times, watch what He will see in our hearts. 

You can see at the beginning of this, the title and the verse, that I had no idea we would be discussing this.  I had begun before this, only to erase it thinking, no, we won't be going there.  But I guess we did, didn't we Father.  But I am confident, and know for certain in my heart, that I will see the goodness of my Lord in the land of the living.  That means here on earth, in my lifetime.  I will see people giving unto others, helping them in the Name of Jesus, giving love to one another as the Lord loves us.  Lifting up instead of putting down, compassion and not hate and mistrust.  In this land, in my time, the goodness of the Lord will shine forth with a beam that will be the Light of our Lord.  He will shine on earth like never before, as people begin to worship His Holy Name, lifting Him up for all to see, His precious goodness as they become more like Him.  I can see some of you, in  my spirit I see you, smiling at this, thinking, poor Pat, she really is just too optimistic.  And perhaps I am, but why not.  Why not look at the way it should be and not the way it is?  If we look for good, and put good into action, why can't it be so.  Think the way it should be and it will be.  If all would unite together and put forth actions that reflect the Lord, His Word, Holy Spirit led people, just think of the different world we would be living in.  The goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

I love you my Lord.  My Jesus, You are life to me; You are the goodness I pray I show to others.  Inhabit my praises Lord, dwell within me, pour through me Your goodness, Your love that I may be one who will make a difference.  This 20th day of May, 2011, I want, with Your help O Lord, to show Your goodness in the land of the living.

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