Luke 1:50 "His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation."
Mercy extended from the Lord to us, those of us who fear him, in righteousness, not terror. Fearing the Lord not from a point of fearing for our lives, as that is not our Lords intent, but fearing the Lord with reverence and respect, honoring His Name, honoring His Holy Word, loving the Lord and yielding your will to His for your life. His mercy given to us, not deserving by us, but because He loves us so and wants to draw us to Him, to give us everything He has, blessing us abundantly. Our precious Lord, there are no words for Your glory, for Your just manner in dealing with me; so unworthy but so loved by You. Yes, my Lord, I know what I am to do with the mercy You extend to me.
Mercy extended from the Father is mercy that should flow through us, just as His love is intended to flow through us. We cannot sit at the Lord's feet and receive His mercy and forgiveness without extending that to others. If someone has wronged us, caused us pain, we are to forgive, extend the mercy of the Lord into that life, flooding them with wonderment at the love that flows along with the mercy. It will cause this person to be filled with the Lord's mercy and flow from them to another, until mercy is being given throughout this earth. From one to another, extending the mercy of the Lord, forgiving each other, loving each other. The enemy will be watching, you can be sure, to see if one who has received mercy, forgiveness and love fails to extend it to another. The enemy will be on you so fast you will not be able to catch your breath.
Well, I did not thing I would go here tonight, but I should know better. When something like this is brought to my attention by the Father, I know it will appear here, on these pages. Today, I saw a You-tube posting that was on my FB wall, a news investigation into several ministries that the government in looking into, for the wealth that is accummulated there. Several big ministry names were being investigated as to what they spend the money on that is given by God's children for their ministries. The news showed big houses, fine cars, lear jets....well, it went on and on. As I watched this, I did not feel any contempt for these ministries, it is not in me to do that. I did not begin to judge what I saw, as I was really not surprised. I had heard a lot of this before, but now the government is digging into it, into several top ministries. I could see the hand of the enemy all over this. Oh, satan could care less about the news, he could care less about what the government does with this, but what he cared about was the thousands of people watching these news reports, these short videos spreading everywhere. He was watching to see which ones would get so offended by the news as to decide they would no longer give money to any ministry, to any church, and perhaps not go to church anymore as it would appear they just took your money and used it for their own goals. You see, in all the reports I have seen, not once have they shown lives saved, sermons preached, people healed, mininstry going all over the world to reach out, to extend a hand to the hungry for food, the thirsty for water, and through feeding them, also filled a hunger for the Word of God, a thirst for the Living Water of the Lord. No where did you see how, no matter what they did with a lot of money, no where did you see what the Lord used them to do, to further the Kingdom of God. And you will not see that. That is not what the enemy wants all over the evening news.
I have to admit, it grieves me horribly, knowing that the enemy will use this for all his worth, to cause a number of the children of God to stumble, to fall. But I know the Word of God, and He says He will take care of those that cause this, not He will let me do it. He Will. Only God. And who am I to think I am worthy to judge anyone. No, you will not find me placing myself up as judge. For the Word of God also says to touch not His annointed. Now I know this means physically, but in doing so by word or thoughts, by judgment, I can also cause someone else to stumble, thus making me responsible also. And then, I am there, on that same step in front of my Lord on judgment day to explain my behavior. So, thank you, but no, I will not be doing that. I will leave the things of the Lord, the people that the Lord has placed in these places, to Him. He does not need me to mess in His business. I need to take care of the place He has put me, and to make sure the people He has given in my care, see only His love and mercy, His grace and goodness as He pours it through me to them. I will not let them see me making judgments on anyone, much less someone in His ministry.
So I will extend a hand in love to all those coming under attack by the enemy. I don't know their stories, I don't walk in their shoes, but if I did, I would like to know that there were God's children praying for me, extending a hand in love, and mercy to me; knowing that the truth of things would probably never surface, just trusting the Lord to do what is right, to extend mercy and justice on everyone involved.
Thank you, my Lord, this last day of another month gone by, the 31st of May, 2011, as I feel Your presence, Your love and mercy on me; let me always extend a hand, extend through me from You to all those needing a touch from You.
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