Psalm 45:7 "You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by annointing you with the oil of joy."
My Lord, I can feel You drawing me apart, away from the world more each day. You are taking me far from the known things of my so many years here on earth, You are showing me new things, the parts of You that have been unknown to me before. You are taking me to Yourself, as I cannot be a part of this world, to see what You want to show me, what You have for me. As I willingly give up more and more of the old me, You are filling those places with more of You. You are giving to me an understanding of how great Your love for me is. And I want to go with You, my God. I want to be invited into that place where You are, the place You reserve for those children that desire You above all else, those children that will not be swayed by things of this world any longer; children that only want and desire You. I only want more of You Lord. Just You.
When I am told by people that they want to emulate me, it makes me cringe inside Lord as I feel I am certainly not the person to follow after, I have so many frailities. I want to encourage them to just seek after You. Look to follow the ways of Jesus and then they will be as I am, just one of Your children loving You more than their life. Then we will be alike, more in number than before, building in ranks to encourage more and more of Your children in Your likeness. Such a mighty force we will make, bringing worship and praise to our Most High God for all to see, for all to join in, if they but will.
You, my Lord, have given me such joy. I feel drenched in joy at times, Lord, when I think of You and how You love me. You have shown me what true righteousness is, and I am trying so hard to be righteous. Lord, I need Your help, Your strength each day to keep to that standard that my Jesus has set for me, for Your children. I hate wickedness, Lord. I hate even more when I find myself being drawn into something that is not of You. Thank You, my precious Holy Spirit, for drawing me, wooing me back, so quickly I don't even notice I have strayed, except for the ugly voice of the enemy taunting me with what might of happened. But what he is not understanding is that it did not happen. The Holy Spirit will not let that happen. Your Word in Psalm 55:22 tells me that "You will never let the righteous fall". I trust totally in You, my God, to keep me in Your will, in Your Holy Place always. Keep me with You, my Lord, never let me fail you. I do not ever want to fail You. You are my only desire. I never want to be anywhere but where You are. Never out of Your will, my Lord, never. I will follow You wherever You lead me. I will love You always with such a desire, there has been only one stronger and that is Your desire for me. You will never fail me.
Annointed with joy. What a blessing it is to wake up in the morning with songs of worship and praise on my lips for You, my God. You have put such a joy in my spirit, in my soul. I wish that all Your children could wake this way. It really sets my day right. My Most Reverent High God, how can I say what You are to me. Nothing I know of would truly express my love, my adoration for You. I can hardly listen to worship music, or begin to worship You without crying from the sheer joy and love for You. When I read Your Word, mixed tears of rejoicing and grief fill my eyes as I go from joy of the salvation and new life for those that come to You, to love and worship You, and the sadness knowing what will happen to those who refuse to call You their God, their Lord and Savior. My God, You have given so many of Your children chance after chance to come to You. I pray, and will keep praying, Father, that they will see Your love and come to You. I will tell all I can, all that will listen. I will show Your love in my life to them. Father, if You would stay Your hand, give them more time....forgive me, Lord. I know You have given so much time and will give more....but no one knows when that time is up....I will still pray for them.
My wonderful Lord, I thank You for the joy You have annointed me with. I thank You for the righteousness You have shed on my life, giving me that redemption, that new life within, the wonderful peace that I have. My faith will never falter, my trust will grow stronger each day as You show me more and more of the wondrous things You have in store for me. As You enlighten me in Your Word, giving insight to Your heart, to Your Word, so I might share it with others. Never, my Lord, never, let me think anything of myself. I only want to be Your servant. Please keep me humble, Lord, as the enemy would like to make pride wash over me. I don't want any of that in me. I only want to be known as a child that loves her Father with all her heart. A woman after the heart and presence of her God. A woman wishing to see her Lord's face and behold His beauty. That is who I am, and all I wish to be know as. A worshiper in the courts of my God. A worshiper of the Lord Most High.
On this, the 3rd day of May, 2011, I stand, humbled in the presence of my God, wishing nothing more than to be a worshiper in the courts of heaven, in His presence forever.
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