Thursday, March 1, 2012


Matthew 21:22  "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

Prayer strengthens the believer.  Prayer builds your faith as you know the Lord is listening, waiting to bless you.  There are so many that pray because it is what they have been told this is the thing to do, or because they want to impress someone, or because they think this is the way to receive something (get something) from God.  So often, there is no response from heaven.  The Lord is looking for those that pray believing.  Why else would you pray?  If you do not believe the Lord will answer prayer, you may as well be reciting the alphabet.  I know this sounds a little harsh, but think about it.  

If you do not believe God will answer your prayer, then you can be assured of that thing.  I believe that there may be times He will answer the prayer of someone that is a nonbeliever, to draw him to Himself, to show His mercy and grace, to show He Is that He Is.  But to those, the ones that believe in God, I think it is different.  I do believe that there are so many people that believe in God but do not believe that the Lord will answer their prayers.  They pray, but without believing that the Lord will answer the prayer, so the prayer just hits the floor of heaven and bounces right back to earth.

But those that pray believing that the Lord is listening to their heart's cry, oh, yes, friends, He will answer the prayer,  And when you get a number of believers, those that trust the Lord and know He is faithful to answer their prayers, I believe heaven moves with the sound of these requests and touches earth with the answer.  When you pray, and you believe the Lord's Word, a peace comes to you and you know, without any question, that things are going to be okay....that loved one will be healed, safe travel will secure the one bound for a distant destination, those needs are being met....Complete peace that surpasses all your understanding fills your heart, your soul and you don't need anyone to tell you that the Lord is working in your behalf, answering your prayers.  Sweet, sweet peace fills your spirit with joy, with a lifting that lightens the load you felt before you prayed.  God is so faithful to His believing, praying children.  He loves to give to His children who have such faith in Him.

Father, You have given me such peace in my prayers.  You have taken the impossible situations and shown me that nothing is impossible with You.  You have restored what was considered unrestorable.  You are ever making a way where there was no way.  I thank You with all that is in me, I praise Your Holy Name.  You are my Father, to whom I know I can always come in prayer, and leave in peace.  I love You so.


1 comment:

  1. Good morning Pat! I enjoy your postings and this one on prayer is so true, there is power in prayer and I believe it is the prayers of my fellow believers for me that gives me the strength to live with this chronic pain day after day since 1964. God is good all the time and I thank Him for friends like you and the encouragement you give to others my friend! Keep on keeping on posting my friend and God bless!
