Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Ephesians 1:4  "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."

From the very beginning God knew He would let nothing stand in the way of having His desire...a true intimate relationship with His children.  My Lord God always knew he would have me desiring to sit at His feet, to adore Him, to be set apart as His worshiper; to sing songs of love to Him as He holds my eyes fixed solidly on Him. 

A long time Martha personality, now conformed, heart's desire overriding what I once was, now having Mary's heart and dedicated to my Lord God.

The key to all we do, to our complete understanding, comes from realizing how much God loves us.  Thank You, Father.  If we look at ourselves, what we were when the Lord touched our hearts, transforming us from destitute to redeemed, all because of His great love for us.  There is nothing we could do to obtain any forgiveness for ourselves, no amount of sacrifice, prayer, definitely not money or looks, could have made the is all because of the great love of God.  All for love, the boundless love of God for a world of sinners....for me....for you.  Had He not loved us, all the repenting we could have done would be for naught.  Had He not loved us, He would never have let His Son, His Beloved, be crucified; Jesus would have never left Heaven.

In the eyes of the world, and so often ourselves, we feel we can never be good enough to deserve this love.  But God; how I love You Lord; God knew we would feel this way.  He has thrown our sins so far away, recalls them no more; He knows the way the enemy deals with us.  But God pours more and more love on us, each day no matter what we do, on our worse days, His love is consuming us, drawing us, giving us that renewing spirit, that restored heart.  We can run and jump in His arms; never will there be a day He folds His arms to refuse one adoring Him, desiring to run to Him, to be held in His arms.  The Lord does not care if we feel we deserve His love, He just wants us to accept His love. He desires us to accept this beautiful gift; freely given and He wants us to freely accept His love.

My Lord, my Father, my heart is so full of love for you the words rise up in me all day long and keep flowing to You, "I love You; I love You; I love You".  I will never return to what I was.  I am not satisfied in what I am, I want to be more and more like Jesus each day.  I love to give You praise, I desire to be so wrapped in your arms that no one will see me and not see You.  I want to live my life so Your presence flows from my being, so Your glory will fall on whoever comes near me.  I want You living inside me in such a way that I cease to be me and truly become one with you.

And it began with love, the love, the desire You had for me, Lord, so long ago.  Your love, Your heart for me and now it is  my heart, one with Your love.


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