John 6:38 "For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me."
This has been a nice late afternoon for me. I sat down and read a new book, only 80 pages, but it was so heart touching. I guess you might say I read and cried myself through the 80 pages, and will probably read it again tomorrow. The book tells of John the Baptist, Jesus and our God. And this will not be about the book. I just mentioned it as I came away from the reading with one thing residing in my spirit. There is no "I" in Jesus.
Jesus never made any reference to Himself in the things He did on earth. It was all done, from His birth to His death at the will of His Father, our God, and to glorify the Father. All for His Father, nothing was done to draw the spotlight to Himself. He never promoted Himself, it was all His God that was the reason behind everything done. To do the will of His Father, to bring glory to His Father and to do things that pleased His Father.
We are the children of God, the precious, beloved children of God. Yes, I know, it is so hard for us to think of ourselves, our carnal natured selves, as precious and beloved. We know we are the children of God but it is time to put facts into our spirits. Our carnal nature has been redeemed, yes, there will still be times we fail, that we sin, but we have One who we can come to, who will forgive us, cleanse us in His blood that still flows over us with His mercy and grace and because of His grace, we are righteous before our Father, our God. Our Lord God loves us with a passion that would put the great romantics to shame in this world. I don't even think there has been a true definition for passion, the way the Lord loves us. We are precious in His sight as He sees us through the blood of His Beloved Son, He only sees pure and innocent when He sees us, His precious, beloved children.
There is no "I" in Jesus. There was not for Him and there should not be for us. Everything we do should be done with only One in mind, that we do in the Name of Jesus for our God. We worship our Father, we give our lives for the One who gave us life. In our role in the Lord's ministry, whether you are a pastor, worship leader, teacher, secretary, bus driver, cook, our role is to glorify the Lord with all that is in us. Nothing we do should be done with the thought of "look what I did". Nothing done should cause us to wonder what kind of impact we made on someone, rather what the Lord has done through us to impact this persons life. When we minister, if yielded to the Lord, it is the Holy Spirit that anoints what we do, what we say, and touches the people being ministered to. When we sing, when we worship, when we pray, when we write, when we teach, no matter what it is we are doing, if we have surrendered to the Lord for His use then it is He who is glorified, not us, and that should be our desire. To see the Lord lifted up and praised for His wisdom, His goodness, His love.
Yes, I know it is so human to wonder if we make an impact on someones life. The enemy stirs me up when I write sometimes to wonder if people agree with what I said, or what they thought. And the reality of it is, it doesn't matter what people think of what I write. I write what the Lord gives me, I give my writings to Him for His glory, for His use to touch people. Last night when I finished writing I reread my blog to check for spelling and could not see anything special in what I wrote. Sometimes the Lord shows me how He will use something, and more times than not, He doesn't. Sometimes I look at it and wonder if it should even be posted, but yes, I know it is intended to go out. But last night, I saw nothing in what I had written. Today, I looked at it and had to read it twice more. From the time I read last night to reading it today, it was changed. Not in the words that were written but the meaning to me. I read what the Lord intended. It was for His glory, and I was not allowed to see it as such until I realized, once again, that it is all about my God, not me. There is no "I" in Jesus. It is to glorify my Lord only.
I believe when we begin to think of ourselves in what office, so to speak, that we have in the Lord's work, we lose the malleability that the Lord has in us. When we give all we have, every bit of ourselves into His hands and lets Him mold us in a continuous fashion we continue to give everything to Him. When we become stiff in our thinking, that we are doing something special for Him, or that is us that are special, we lose that ability to be molded into His design, His plan. It is what He does through us, His anointing on us as we give our talents, our gifts to Him that is what makes everything work for His kingdom. He gives the talents, the gifts, His anointing causes these to work together with all the other talents and gifts on the earth that glorify Him and cause Heaven to come to earth, that brings our Father to us, to pour Himself on us, His presence, His glory flooding our souls.
No "I" in Jesus, as Jesus was all about doing the Father's work, we should always be all about doing the work Jesus left for us to do, in His Name, for the Father. He gave us the example, He gave us the tools needed, and He gave us access to the Father through His blood.
All that I am, Lord, I give to You. It is only You that should ever be glorified, praised and honored by my life. Let me join with Your children Lord, on this earth, to worship You and be part of that shining light that spotlights You, our God, our Father, the Creator of all heaven and earth. Our reason. One reason ........You.
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