James 1:6 "But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."
I watched a flag this morning, high on a pole as the wind whipped it one way and then another. Just beating it, tearing at it. A high wind preceding the storm that was coming. It is here now, pouring rain, a real big light and sound show. I can remember a time a little over a year ago I would have been so fretful, so nervous. How different I am today. How different it is when you give your whole heart to the Lord and learn to trust Him in everything. What a peace He gives when you learn to trust Him completely. Faith rises up within you, always but even more at times like this, knowing that no matter what the storm brings, what it does, you are safe in the Father. He has me, right in His hand, holding me so close that there is not an ounce of fear in me of the storm, just peace and the love I can feel the Lord pouring over me right now.
But I know some Christians, friends, that are still trapped by fearful emotions. The enemy uses those emotions to literally beat them up, toss them about, one way and another, just like that flag on the pole in the wind. And the enemy holds them up just like that, on display, their fear, high so all can see, their fear and uncertainly on public display.
Satan never quits. Just as he lied to Eve in the garden, played on her emotions telling her that the Lord simply did not want her to be smart, and was she sure that was what the Lord said to her. He uses the same words with people today, especially Christians, when he sees a crack in their armor, a doubt, a fear, he will begin to pound them. "Are you sure you are safe? Do you think you may need to hide? Will God really protect you? Do you think He really cares? If He cared, why do you think He made you go through this?" So many verbal attacks until some let the doubt enter in, they are fearful, begin to doubt their faith. Oh, my friends, this should not be.
When doubt arises, go to the Word of God, drench yourself in the Word, until this knowledge gets into your spirit, into your heart. Why allow yourself to be a target of the enemy, to give him leverage in you when the answers are in the Word of God. When the answer lies in studying the Word so that it resides in you, where the answers are readily available to you, where you have the ammunition to fire back at the enemy when he attacks your faith, your trust in God. Be aggressive in your studying the Word, know it is fuel for the passionate fire that the Holy Spirit keeps flaming inside you for the Lord, for God. Do your part to keep yourself ready and armed, you know the enemy just waits for an opportunity to sneak in.
Why do you doubt, when the Lord reminds you so many times in His Word, His love is unfailing, His love is unshakable, His love is unconditional, His love has been given to you since before you were born, He loved you, He loved me. His love, precious is His love. He will never leave you, never forsake you. There is nothing that the Lord would not do for His children that love Him, that trust Him. I consider trusting the Lord....I know it pleases my Father for me to trust Him, it pleases Him considerably, but look what I get in return for trusting my God. I get complete peace in Him in all situations, like this storm, and He pours joy into me, His own joy He gives to me. If you are going to say you trust the Lord, do so. Do not let words be echos only. Resounding words mean nothing without the heart to back them up. Let your heart trust the Lord, let your mind know that you can trust Him in all things, and let the Holy Spirit confirm this to you each day, as you read the Word of God for those important lessons of faith that the Lord put there to show us we can trust Him.
Lord, I thank You for my peace tonight, for my peace each day in You. I love You so much, my Father, so much. There is never a time I do not trust You, for You have proven faithful time after time. Time after time. In the storm I will not be tossed to and fro, I will remain steadfast, standing on the Rock where I will not fall, standing in faith, trusting You in all.
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