Friday, March 16, 2012


Psalm 40:1  "I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry."

This day has been so strange, Father.  There have been so many things You have said to me, none of them seeming to flow together, just a sort of hodge podge of things.  I really am not sure what to make of it, so I am going to do as You told me....."Wait".

As I was driving to the bank this afternoon and thinking of all the things You had told me....the things about the Easter bunny vs the Lamb of God, the Easter egg and new life in You, new Easter clothes and Your clothing us in righteousness, even the candy and Your sweet joy You so freely give us; all these things, I know now will have to be for another day. 

You showed me the responsibility of a new "born again" Christian, the things that we are responsible for if we truly want to follow You, be One with You; so many things You spoke to me today.  But nothing seemed to flow, nothing seemed to complete itself in my spirit.  So as I was saying about driving to the bank, I was asking You about these things and all I heard from You was "Wait".  Immediately, out came the words from deep within my spirit, "Yes, Lord, I will wait on You".  Right away, it seemed like a flow of beautiful love went right through me and I felt Your arms close around me.  That quickly You responded to me, as I was willing to wait on You. 

Friends, I think so often when the Lord tells us to "wait" on Him, to wait for His words, His instruction, I believe He is met with "But God, I need to know now; I need it now; I am in a hurry; It has to be now".  I believe sometimes the Lord needs to be sure if we are willing to wait, then He can know we will do what He says, when He answers us.  If we can't wait, why would He think we are going to heed His words, follow His direction, do what He tells us to do.  I think if the Lord were to answer us quickly each time, some would look at our God as a supplier that fills orders without looking at the real need.  Some needs are only seen in the heart.  Some people ask and want to test the Lord to see if He is what He says He is.  Our supplier.  But Father needs to identify the need before He mets the demand.  What is "needed".....and here, I need to say there is a difference between need and want.  Sometimes we ask for a want and call it a need.  Our Lord knows the difference.  Because He loves us, He will give to us that which will be good for us, not harmful. Sometimes we ask for things that are potentially harmful.  He knows the difference, even when we do not.

But today, my Father, my Beloved Lord, told me to "Wait".  I know there is more to what He was telling me today that He wants me to know before I write, I also think He gives it to me as I can understand it, as I can absorb it into my spirit.  So He asked me to "wait" and because of my quick response to agree to do what He asked of me, I got a very special hug from Him.  I will take that every day of the week.  Whatever my Lord asks of me, I will do.  He said "wait" and that my friends, is good enough for me.  I know I will be truly blessed when the explanations of this day come, and knowing my Father, so will you.


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