Thursday, March 29, 2012


Isaiah 58:2  "Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching God."

I can remember a time when I thought I knew so much, I thought I was so close to the Lord.  I can imagine the Lord getting quite a laugh at that one.  I believe He finds His children so funny at times when we think so much of ourselves.  I can honestly say, I believe I have come to know that I really do not know much at all.  The Lord is smiling at this and I am joining Him.

Each day I know I grow closer to my God, my Father.  This I know is a good thing, to recognize that I am growing closer, as the alternative is growing farther apart.  Been there, will never go back there.  I never want to leave the arms of my Father, ever again.  But I want to know Him more.  I want to grow closer and closer to Him, to know the desires of His heart, to feel His desires in my spirit, to know that I please Him more and more. 

I look for my Lord everywhere and I find Him everywhere.  Our Lord is everywhere, if we just look, expecting Him.  He is found any place that love abounds, that charity is extended, and that true worship is loosened, given freely, praise flowing up to the Heavens.....He will be there, drinking in the exaltation of His Name.  He will be in that place where someone calls out His Name in love and He will be found with His hand extended to that one calling on Him in repentance, seeking His mercy and salvation. 

Our Lord is found when one's heart is filled with passion for Him alone, when knowing Him becomes an obsession, the deepest desire of one's heart, He is there.  When rejoicing in the miracles that only come from His throne, a new baby's cry or the healing of a loved one that restores life, our God is found. 

Seeking the Lord is not a part time thing.  The true worshiper seeks the Lord at all times, with all their heart; they will not cease until they know they have entered into His presence, into His court, into His heart.  I will never stop loving You my Lord, and I will always seek after You.  I want Your fullness in my life; I want to experience wave after wave of the flow of Your Spirit as You draw me to You, as I come into Your presence singing my songs of love, my words of worship that flow from my heart to You.  I want to be known as the worshiper that seeks to draw Your eyes down to her, draw Your heart close to hers, that desires to be one with You.  I want to be known as a God seeker, Your beloved daughter.  I love You so my Lord, I love You so.


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