Monday, March 26, 2012


Romans 6:23  "For the wages of sin is death,but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

I was reading a book this morning, early, at the start of my day, and was reading about the "gifts of the spirit".  I was thinking about this, and began to think of the birth of my Savior, how I believed it to be the greatest gift we have ever received.  I have felt this for such a long time, and never felt another thought.  This morning, however, as I was thinking on this, the Lord spoke into my spirit and told me that the birth of my Savior was not the gift, but the promise of the gift and Jesus' death was the gift, the real gift.  I don't know how you respond to things like this, but I was so taken back by this fact and as I thought about it, it is so true. 

When Jesus was born, He came to earth as a sign (how a sign is perceived depends upon what is intended or expressed) of God's intent to restore His children to Himself.  He wanted to have a relationship with His children so deeply that He sent His only Son down to earth to bring salvation to us.  The promise of salvation came with Jesus.  But not until His death, the crucifixion of our Lord, was the gift manifested.  When Jesus died, descended into hell and rose victorious, conquering death, and breaking all chains that would bind us in sin, releasing us from the fear infested bonds of the enemy, of our thoughts, and He gave to us the gift of God, eternal life.

That precious gift is available to all that come to a saving knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. To all that recognize His death, His resurrection and His presence in the Throne Room of God, seated at the right hand of the Father.  Eternal life is ours, no one can take it from us.  The price was paid in full at Calvary and just as no one can separate us from the love of God, no one can take away the gift of God, eternal life.

Lord, I thank You for revealing the truth of Your Word to me.  Things I have thought for years are being shattered by the truth revealed by the Holy Spirit as I read Your Word and study. I ask Father, that You continue to put aside all the notions I grew up with, learned in religion, taken for granted that what I thought was true, and make known to me the unfabricated, total truth of Your Word.  Let me know, reveal to me, the secrets contained in those beautiful words You inspired so long ago.  Those precious words have never changed as Your Word is true and You never change, You are always the same and Your Word will endure forever.

I love You my God, I love You so much.  Your Promise, Your Son, how I love You Jesus, given so freely to all Your children making possible for Your Gift to bring us back to You.  Your Gift, eternal life.


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