Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Deuteronomy 4:29  "But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

I was watchinig a movie about a man who had quite a mean exterior and had to search really hard to find himself.  It's strange when all leave you and it is just you and God.  There is no place to hide, no place to pretend any longer that you are someone you are not, it is just plain ol' you....and God.  People have different reasons for the shell that coats their inner self.  Some have been badly hurt, disappointed in life, lost someone very precious to them; to cover up what is inside, instead of giving it all to the Lord, they just become someone they are not. 

Some people come across very nice and sweet, so many are dear Christian people, and the outer person you see is so wonderful, but the inner person you cannot see is living in misery, in complete misery, they are dying inside.  The joy you see is not in them, it is just an acquired cloak in which they veil themselves.  Do you know people like this?  Or do you think someone you know might be completely living a lie to themselves.  Are you like this?

You will meet the real you.  You do this when you are alone, no one around but you...and God.  You may not know He is there, but He is.  He will stay quiet and wait on you to call to Him, but He won't leave you.  You may be lonely but you are not alone.  The reason you are lonely is because you are afraid someone will see beyond that frame you have the picture of who you want to be in.  You have really taken a beating from the ol' enemy have you not?  Lies upon lies have been poured into your mind and the shame of it, you believed them.  Have you not thought of calling on the Lord?  Have you given up after hearing so many lies from satan?  "He doesn't care, look at yourself, who could love you, why would He love you, you don't love yourself, you don't deserve anything good", the thoughts go on and on, don't they?  You read the Word of God only to have it fall on deaf ears as it is just a routine with you, your mind dwelling on the lies. 

Today it is time to meet the real you.  To put aside all the thoughts that have hindered you, look inside you.  Find that place where you stopped trusting the Lord, where you began believing He did not care for you, did not love you.  Look, it is there....and it is time to get into that place where God was so real to you.  He is still real to you, He is still loving you, He is still there waiting for your call.  Just reach out to Jesus, call His sweet Name...Jesus.....Jesus.  He is holding His arms open for you to walk into.  He loves you; you are beautiful to Him; you mean the world to Him, so much so that He came to earth as a baby to give you the very life that you are denying yourself.  He died to give you a beautiful relationship with the Father.  This is the real you.  The person that was so important that Jesus died for you.  The one that was loved so dearly that Jesus went to hell to break those chains of bondage that have held you captive for so long.  Speak life over yourself in Jesus Name.  Speak love over yourself in Jesus Name.  In Jesus Name cast out all those demonic lies that have held you captive.  In Jesus Name draw in His breathe of life, let Him restore your spirit.  Let the Holy Spirit come and comfort you, minister to you, and refresh you.  In Jesus healed, body, soul and spirit. 

Now take another look inside of you. Quite the difference isn't there?  It is the Name of Jesus where the difference lies.  When the enemy comes again, and he will; in Jesus Name rebuke those thoughts and put your hand in the hand of the One who loves you and will never forsake you.  Jesus....Jesus.  Don't let go of the peace He offers.  Now the inside of you matches the outside of you.  The person people see is now the person you are.  Don't let go ever....Jesus will never let go of you.  Seek Him always, He has redeemed you.  Now thank the Lord for His goodness, for His love, for your life...your life in Him....Jesus.


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