Thursday, December 22, 2011


Exodus 12:42  "It is a night of solemn observance to the Lord for bringing them out of the land of Egypt.  This is that night of the Lord, a solemn observance for all the children of Israel throughout their generations."

The exodus of the children of Israel so many years ago, coming out of bondage for over four hundred years from Egypt is an observance that has been celebrated for generations by their children and their children's children.  Still celebrated today as the day of freedom for the children of Israel.

But I celebrate my exodus at Christmas.  And it is a celebration that we all, the children of God can share at this time of year more so that at other times, although a time that should be remembered with thanksgiving to our God each day.  My exodus, your exodus, began in a small barn filled with angelic hosts singing "Holy, Holy, Holy" to the little Baby laying in a manger.  This was the beginning of the end of bondage that had held God's children hostage for years.  The bondage of unforgivable sin and shame.  When Jesus was born, it was the final step in God's plan for the redemption of man.  That who so ever believed that Jesus was His Son, the Holy Son of God, that would believe on Him with all their hearts, love Him, adore Him, they could and would be freed from their prison of sin.  This Baby that was born would grow into a Man that was destined to change the world with His passion for those that would call Him Lord, and His love and mercy would bring those destined to death and destruction to live eternal.

You might think, perhaps, that your life only changed when you accepted the Lord as your Savior, and that is true, but without the Baby coming from the Throne room of God, you would not have known the difference, there would have been no one to lead the way to the Father.  Sin would have kept you from ever knowing the closeness, the gentleness of the Father, knowing His love.  But Jesus came, as a Baby, He came to show us the way to live in love, in grace, in Him. 

How can I describe my heart's desire to praise and worship my King, my Jesus.  I owe all to Him, my sin a shame no more, as I am freed from the bondage that held me captive for so long.  When I think of the years I have wasted, floundering back and forth, and He never let me out of His sight, not once.  I cannot never go from my Lord.  There is no other life I want other than to be His worshiper.  I must worship my Lord.  Freedom.  Do you realize how precious that is, how your slate has been wiped clean of all those things of the past; being made righteous by the precious blood that was shed by this Baby that grew into Man.  That precious blood cleansed me from the inside out and still pours afresh onto me daily to keep me righteous unto the Father.

My exodus may never been made into a movie, no special earthly notice may every be made of my freedom from sin, but there is a song sang in Heaven by the angels that meets the song arising from my heart each day to Him, Jesus, You're Everything to me.  I am free.....I am free....thank You, Jesus, I am free in You.


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