Thursday, December 1, 2011


Isaiah 61:7  "Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion."

We serve a jealous God.  It has always been that way.  And rightly so.  God created the heavens and the earth for His good pleasure.  He created man to love Him and fellowship with Him.  For man to love and fellowship with God, not idols or earthly gods.  For generations, God's children would follow His laws, honor His judgments and they were so blessed by the Lord.  Then, for, how can I say this without sounding judgmental as it goes on today, lack of good common sense is how I see it, foolishness, selfish acts of themselves, they would leave the Lord for some idol they conjured up themselves.  I often wonder where did these idols come from that the children of God would begin to worship. I know they came from other countries but who, there, thought these up?  I am completely amazed at what people come up with as a god, or a new scheme as to worship and call it holy.  I can understand how the Lord would deliver punishment after so long trying to show His people the way back to Him.  I keep waiting for judgment here, but for Love reconciled.

God's love affair with His children for so long was law, judgment and punishment.  Then would come restoration as God loved His children so much, He would forgive them and restore their lands, their freedom, their honor. He would build back up what He tore down in anger.  Anger is brought on by hurt.  Our God has through all generations suffered hurt and disappointment from His children.  And it goes on now, but there is now Love reconciled.

Jesus came.  Our God knew that His people needed a Savior and He sent His Son to the earth to walk with man, to experience what man experienced and to do it without sin.  Life can be without sin.  But only if we allow our lives to be completely saturated by God. To truly be one with Him and still we will have a difficult time dealing with all the wiles of the enemy and of this world.  But Love reconciled.

Jesus came and paid the price for our sin.  He took on all the burdens of the world, all the sin, all the unforgiveness, all the habits, all the vices, all the diseases, all the things of this world that try to drag us down into the pit of self hatred, denial, regrets, depression, death.  All the things that we are faced with that would keep us from receiving the love of God, Jesus took upon Himself.  We were set free.  We were cleansed, our slates were wiped clean from yesterday's sins, today's sins, and tomorrow's sins.  We were made righteousness in Jesus giving us access to the Father.  Giving us access to all the blessings the Lord wanted to give us and could not because of our sin; because of His anger towards our sin.  Now our God sees us through Jesus, beautiful and pure, our Jesus stands between us and the Father and we are made to shine with the Light from our Savior.  We glow from the cleansing of the blood of Jesus.  For Love reconciled.

Now where there was once punishment, there is salvation.  Where law reigned, grace now prevails; and where judgment stood, mercy now pours freely from the throne of God.  And above all, where there was once no hope, now Love reconciled us to our Father.  Thank You, Lord; thank You.  I praise Your holy Name.  I give You all the glory, all the honor as I worship You.  Thank You for so much love, so much love.


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