Wednesday, December 7, 2011


John 3:34  "For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure."

While baking today, I can really use a lot of kitchen tools and things, it always requires quite a lot of cleaning up afterwards, but that is the way I am.  So many measuring cups, measuring spoons.  I need one for each ingredient, each spice. 

I almost said the Lord has a lot of measuring utensils, but stopped.  It seems as though the Lord will not have me go where I thought this would go.  Instead, well, Holy Spirit, have Your way. 

The measure of truth in which you reveal the things of the Lord is the true measure of how you feel about our God.  If you hold back on what is the truth of the Word, the complete truth, then you are limiting what you allow the Lord to do in your life.  You have got to be feeling the emptiness of what you once had; are you wondering why?  When the Lord chooses one to be His messenger, to speak His Word to His people, He pours out a complete measure of all that is needed to do the work. I believe a lot of us begin our work for the Lord with full intention to honoring that which the Lord has given us, His annointing flowing freely as we deliver His messages.  But somewhere along the way, I feel that changes for some people.  I can see where they might get sidestepped, where their focus may become changed from the plan of the Lord.  But that does not make it good, or right.  Fear, there is that word again, fear sometimes takes over, removing, first and foremost.....God's annointing.  I believe you can tell when the annointing is not there as you listen to someone speak, it sounds like, well, clanging tin.  Words come forth that are not the complete truth of the Word of God.  When one tends to worry about who they might offend if they speak the truth of the Word, then the annointing leaves.  Under whose authority did you fall when you began to want to make people comfortable in your midst; when you began to decide that if you were not quite as truthful, as determined to tell the real story of the Lord, they might like you better, you would have more friends.

My dear friends, our God does not care if we make friends.  He will give us favor with man, but our goal is not to make friends. Our work for Him is to tell of His love for them, tell them what was accomplished at the cross and how they can receive eternal life by being born again.  Don't make people think that their lives are okay without the Lord, they if they live a good life and are kind to others that they are okay.  These are important things, but the Lord wants their hearts devoted to Him, He wants to cleanse them of all unrighteousness and give them eternal life in Him.  Tell them the gospel, the whole gospel.  Don't measure it out to them according to their pleasure, or yours.  Give them the full measure of God, of His Word; He will work it out in them; you just tell them the truth.  Tell them they are sinners in need of a Savior, in need of Jesus.  Tell them we are all sinners in need of Jesus.

Our God measures out His fullness to us.  He does not hold back from us one bit.  A full measure of mercy, grace and love are poured out daily.  As we receive, so should we give.  Full measure of the Lord is received, give a full measure of Him to others.  We did not come to a saving grace of our Lord by a white washed truth of the gospel.  We were given the truth, only the truth convicts and saves.  Measure out the truth to all as we received it.  Give a full measure of our Lord.  Our God wills that all be saved.

My Lord, I thank You for the truth of Your gospel, Your Word.  I was so blessed to be given the fullness of the Word and as I continue in Your Word, You are faithful to reveal more and more to me.  You bless me so much, dear Lord.  So much.


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