Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Psalm 139:7  "Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Or where can I flee from Your presence?"

Friends are giving out backpacks to those less fortunate this Sunday. It was scheduled for last weekend but the weather was very bad.  So this Sunday afternoon we will take approximately 175 backpacks filled with tolietries, socks, mufflers, stocking caps, rain jackets, gloves and a sack lunch and give them out.  The Lord impressed upon me to put in a scripture verse in the sack lunches.  As I was seeking Him for just the one He wanted put there, the Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit "for I am fearfully and wonderfully made".  I got so excited as I thought what a wonderful encouraging scripture for those who may have doubts of the Lord. 

As I turned to Psalm 139 to get the scripture, I began to read from verse 1.  "O Lord, You have searched me and known me, You know my sitting down and my rising up".  I continued reading.  I have read this chapter many times as it is one of my favorites but this time it was different. My Lord was imprinting these verses into my soul. He was showing me that there is nothing I can do, nowhere I can go that He will not know where I am and be with me.  I can walk through hell itself, and He will be there with me. I can be on the mountaintop, and He is there.   Nothing the enemy can come up with can take away the fact that my Lord is going to be with me every place I am.  The Lord knew me before I was born, before I was even thought of, He knew me.  Every day I will spend on this earth has already been written down in His book.  He has planned for my entire life, just for me. 

Before I open my  mouth, my Lord knows what words will come out.  Now that is enough to make all of us watch what we say.  I only want to say words that will please my Lord, words that will give Him pleasure in me, delight Himself in me.

God thinks of me.  His thoughts, the Word says, are precious of me.  The Lord is thinking only good things of me.  He does not have bad thoughts of me. He sees me as His righteous child, He sees me through the blood of my Savior, Jesus.  His thoughts of me are wonderful, plans He has to bless me and honor me.  The same for you.  We are the ones who hear the wicked words of the enemy and let them shame us.  There is no shame coming from our Father in Heaven.  Don't let those words come to you, let the Holy Spirit instruct you on the thoughts of the Lord.  They are beautiful, precious.  The Lord sent me a word earlier this year that He called me His "dear one".  I want you to know that thrilled my soul.  It still does, when I think of my God considering me His "dear one".  My Lord, how I love You so.

The Lord, our God, will keep all wickedness from us.  If we hate those that hate Him, and do not yield to the wickedness of the world, our Lord will protect us from it all.  He will keep from us those things that are not of Him, if we will refrain from those things.  We are safe in Him.  I am safe in His arms, always safe, no matter where I am, for He is always there.

He is where I am.  My Lord God, thank You for Your Word.  Thank You for Your faithfulness.  Your unconditional love brings me unsurmountable joy.  I can rest in Your love, I can attain Your beautiful peace.  I will not fear of tomorrow for I know that You are already there.  "When I awake, I am still with You."

Well, the scripture for the lunch bags.  I could not leave out one precious word.  So I printed it, Verse 1 through 18.  I wanted those dear people, the ones that choose to live on the street, and those whose circumstances overcame them, to know that our Lord is there with them.  That there is no place they can go that He will not come for them, that He will not put His hand out to them.  Hell cannot keep our God from those children He cares for.  And He cares for them all, each one, every day, all the time.  My Lord, who is like You, who is like You?  There is no one.  Not one that can compare to my God, the Almighty, the Creator of all  mankind, the Lover of souls.  The Great I Am will always be with them, with us, with me.

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