1 John 2:20 "But you have an annointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth."
I have a way of letting my spirit drift up into the Heavenlies and just let myself feel what it was like in the days of Jesus; just let myself imagine what it would have been like to be on the earth when He was. Do you ever do that? The Lord has shown me some beautiful realities as I just let myself give over to what ever He would show me as I read the Word and let myself drift into those scenes that become so real to me as I read.
Can you just imagine the pure sweetness of that beautiful, precious Baby; the One that was to be called Immanuel, God with us. His birth had been spoken of so long ago and now this was the day, He had come. No more waiting, no more wondering if what was said for so long, passed down from generation to generation was going to happen....it happened. The Baby was here. I can picture Jesus laying in the manager, looking at all around Him. His mother, Mary, His father, Joseph and the animals, so much to see and they were all looking at Him. Can you just feel the glow of Light coming from Him as He lay there. How could one even stand in His presence? The annointing that must have flowed from His gaze as He looked around Him would have put kings to their knees. Holy Child of God, born of this virgin after all the years of waiting, all the anticipation, and now the Glory of Heaven was on earth. It is no wonder that the angels were rejoicing and singing. The sounds of their singing on earth filled the skies as they approached the shepherds was beautiful; can you just imagine what the sounds of heaven were like on that day? The glorious choirs of angels and saints singing Hallelujahs and Glory, Glory, Glory must have made thunder seem silent. Here on earth. God with us. On earth.
This Baby, this precious Child of God that would become a sacrificial Lamb for sin, for sickness, for death, just laying in a manager, sending out rays of Light even then. A glow of love flowing out from this tiny Baby filled with the annointing of God, the Father. I can see myself there looking on, just trying to lower myself in honor to Him, His Glory, His sweet presence. And now, as I think of how it would have been to be there, I realize that on this day, on any day in my life I have the same opportunity, the same obligation, if you will, as a child of God, to bow before Him, my Jesus, and honor Him, to glorify His Name, to bring praises and worship to Him alone. In honoring Him as a Baby, in honoring how He, Immanuel, God with us, came to earth; how He led His life in honor, walking in the way I would years later, and showing me that it could be done without sin, and then knowing I would fail, gave His life as a sacrifice for my sins; that many years later in my sin, I could be washed in His precious blood and redeemed, made righteous so I could have the relationship with the Father that He has.
Yes, I honor this precious Baby, the annointed Baby that was born so many years ago. I would have been His servant had I been on earth then, I know in my heart I would have; and if I would have then, you can believe I am His servant today. I will do as my Lord wills, I will go as He leads and I will love as He loves. Only by giving ourselves wholly in remembrance of this Annointed Baby that grew into the Man who died for all mankind can we give Christmas the honor and glory that the day deserves. Christmas is Christ Jesus. Without the Baby, without the Man who died, without the Risen Savior there is no Christmas. Mas is defined by some as a celebration, a festival. I choose to believe it is a celebration of Christ, His birth, His life, His death. All know the truth of Christmas even though so many try to deny it, to deny our Lord Jesus. But they cannot blot out His name, His birth, His death, His resurrection; His reign over us all. The only reason for the season is Jesus. Christmas is Immaneul, God with us, to be with us each day as we celebrate Jesus.
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