Monday, December 26, 2011


John 14:3  "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."

I found myself taking a break today from the calls, the paper work; needing to rest my spirit for a moment.  Looking out of my window, the lower and people rushing to get somewhere quickly; the upper half the sky filled with clouds, dark clouds, light clouds.....just letting my eyes watch them moving quickly past.

Doing this, I realize I am kind of caught up in the middle, in space, if you will, not quite on earth, not in Heaven.  It is not a void space as I am not alone. The Knowing Presence of my Lord is with me.  He knows my heart, what I am feeling at the moment.  He always knows my heart, my thoughts before I know them to be thoughts.  He knows the journey from my heart to my mind to formulate thoughts; He already knows what it will be.  No, I am not alone in this space.  I have a tendency to want to fill this space with my thoughts, words, but I can tell the Lord does not want me to think right now.  He has given me this space to rest, while on earth, clouds in the sky, everything is moving at a fast pace; the Lord just wants me to lose myself in Him, in this quiet space; to stop my thoughts, to stop all activity and just take a few minutes to lean against His shoulder and rest in Him.

We all need moments that we can just step out of time, slip away from it all, just lose ourselves in that space between earth and Heaven and meet with the Lord.  Let Him refresh us so we can complete the day.  You know about this time of the afternoon, it's around 4:00 PM, you get a little frayed, a little tired, in need of a break.  Some would drink a cup of coffee, some a cup of tea...but I just want to place myself as an empty cup in the hands of my Lord and let Him pour in those things He knows I have need of; His rest, His refreshing of my spirit, His peace and His joy.  It doesn't take a lot of time.  He can accomplish a lot in a few minutes if we will just completely surrender to His touch, His sweet touch.

Thank You, Jesus for refilling me, giving me that touch so badly needed each day.  As the world wears on me, I know just where to come.  I just let myself step into Your presence...somewhere between earth and Heaven and let you take me by the hand, as you just stand there with me, in the quiet, sweet moments of space and time.......everything but your loving attention to me, you precious ministering to my the only thing I am aware of.  I lose myself, totally, in You.  You restored me.  I finished the day as You had planned.  And now, I sit, writing of yet one more beautiful day where I was able to lose myself, in space and time, to be alone with You, my Beloved.


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