Luke 1:46--47 "And Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior."
What an awesome assignment Mary received from God. An angel came to tell her that she would conceive of the Holy Spirit of God and become the mother of the Savior of the world. Wonderful and bewildering at the same time. But she trusted God, and from her heart she worshiped Him, sang a new song to Him alone in thanksgiving for God's recognition of her, just a handmaiden. She was no one of special worth to the world, but to God she was perfect. He saw her heart, and knew of her devotion to Him. He knew no matter what came, Mary would trust Him completely and obey everything He told her to do. She would follow Him and her love and trust would never waver.
Such an example Mary is for us, God's daughters. Sons, as well, for the factor here is not that of Mary's gender, but her heart, her trust, her faith, her obedience. Mary did not understand everything that was going to happen, she was not a great scholar, or of royal birth. What made her special to the Lord was her complete abandonment of worldly treasures for what she had in God. For her love of the Lord was greater than her love of the world. Not even the thought of what shame might come to her, being an unwed mother, dampened the joy of knowing that she would give birth to the Son of God. She trusted the Lord to take care of all the details of her life. Once she gave her life to Him, she put her complete trust in His ability to care for her and to protect her. Complete trust in each day with God, no matter what it looked like to the eye, it was what it looked like in the spirit that mattered.
Each day can bring new trials, different circumstances, temptations thrown at us by the enemy....but as we walk with the Lord, as we trust in Him completely, in His fellowship with us, His love for us, each day should bring a song of rejoicing. A new song, rising from your soul, from deep within your spirit, a new song to the Lord of your love for Him, thanksgiving for His love for you, singing to the Lover of your soul all the day long. Even in a crowd your spirit can sing a rejoicing song. The only evidence others may see of this song is the beautiful smile and complete peace on your face. Trusting Jesus, knowing that He is there with you through it all, to guide and protect you, to give you grace and more grace as needed, and to love you unconditionally forever.
My Lord, how I love You. I know your chosing me, calling me to follow You was an exciting day for me; I had no idea of where it would lead. I can look back and see the mountain I went around a few times before I completely gave myself to Your keeping. But once I saw I could trust You with everything, once You showed me how faithful You were to me, there was no more holding back from You. And look at where I am now. I believe there is going to be more and more of what You will do in my life. I know You have only begun to do a work in me and that You have something very special in mind for me to do for You. I am Yours, O Lord, always Yours. I am so excited to be Your vessel, for You to dwell in and to use for Your Glory. Thank You, my Lord. May my song of rejoicing bring delight and pleasure to You, my God. I am Your contented worshiper; just Your worshiper who loves You with all my heart.
The Lord has a plan for each of those that have responded to His call, and are called by His Name. He loves the way we have come to Him, loving Him, rejoicing in His love. No holding back, no turning away, just following Him, loving Him, trusting Him. As we grow in the Lord, as He brings so many of us together, let us become as one in Him, let our song rise up from the hearts of us all and sing our praises to Him, sing of our love for Him, thanking Him with the sweetness of the words we sing, let us join together in a song of rejoicing.
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