Monday, December 12, 2011


Luke 2:19  "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."

Several times in Luke, the scriptures tell us that Mary treasured up things and pondered them in her heart.  When the shepherds came, when Jesus stayed at the temple as a boy, Mary listened to what was said and kept them inside her, thinking about them, giving them much thought.  I believe she kept so many things in her heart; going back and thinking over the things that happened, what was said, how it would affect her son, how it would affect her. 

When the wise men came bringing gifts, they came to the house where Jesus lived with Mary and Joseph.  When the wise men saw the child they bowed down and worshiped Him.  Then they gave Jesus their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  I wondered what Mary thought when she saw the myrrh knowing it was used for balming of a body after death.  I believe she keep this in her heart and spent a lot of time thinking of it.  I can imagine her asking God what it meant. What was it for?  And I am sure she prayed for the safety of her son.

What a joy it must have been for Mary, giving birth to this baby.  What was so fearful for her in the beginning, an unwed mother engaged.  How would she explain things to Joseph. What would he do.  But she truly had no worries, for as God had prepared her heart to receive the gift of being the mother of His Son, He also prepared the heart of Joseph, letting him know that Mary was a virgin still, and that she was specially chosen.  Mary, chosen because of her love for her God, her obedience to Him.

The Lord never acts upon His children without preparing their hearts.  He always readies the spirit of man, of woman, to receive His Word, His message, His love.  When you see someone that is taking a long time to come to the Lord, when you know that the Lord is dealing with them, then you know that they have a hardened heart.  It takes some time to soften some hearts.  But our Lord is patient, He will not give up on a heart that He desires to become His alone.  He will keep going back again and again, planting seed, watering the seed, nuturing the seed.  And then just at the right time, when the heart is truly prepared, the Holy Spirit draws out of that child those words of desperation, "Father, help me"!  And the Lord comes right away, and lifts that one out of the depths of despair and saves them.  Their heart has been prepared, and now that heart is filled with love for the Lord.

Think back on when you finally gave your all to the Lord.  Remember how patient He was with you, how He wooed you slowly but surely into His arms.  Thank You, Lord, thank You. 

Hearts will be prepared.  We can help as the Lord leads.  We can openly worship the Lord, live our lives as an open book of His goodness and mercy.  Let our hearts be constantly renewed in our Lord.  Let not bitterness come into your heart, let not envy, strife, jealously, hate come in.  At the first sign of something like this, ask the Lord immediately to help you, to rid you of it.  Give it to Him right away.  It is a slow tear down of the relationship between you and the Lord.  Our hearts must always be kept unto our God, only unto Him.  Pure, holy, righteous He makes us, we must let Him keep us that way.

Father, thank You for preparing our hearts to worship You, to thank You, to please You.  Search our hearts daily Lord, and if anything be found that is not of You, please Lord, cut it out.  Let it not stay there to fester and grow.  I love You so much, my Lord.  You are everything to me.  I always want to stay before You, always with a prepared heart.


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