John 10:9 "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture."
Our Lord Jesus, our Savior, is the gate through whom all must pass to be saved. The only Way, the only Truth, the only Light. As I was reading and studying these scriptures, waves of reflection came from the Holy Spirit, our Teacher, as the Lord began to open these scriptures to me. I saw the Gate, the precious Gate, our Lord swinging wide for those of us who trust Him explicitly walked through. Then I saw us come back out again. A scary thought at first as I wondered why we were coming out of the Gate. The Holy Spirit told me it was a good thing. He said we would come in the Gate and go out again as the Lord directed. "Enter into His Gates with thanksgiving", as we come through the Gate, singing our praise to the Most High God, we enter into the inner courts of the Holy Place. The only way into this inner court is through Jesus. Where at one time only the one appointed by God could enter in, Jesus now makes it possible for all those in Him to be one with He and the Father and enter into the Presence of God.
We enter into the Gate. Jesus is the Gate of refilling. We come into the Gate for refilling; refilling of grace that is so needed daily, refilling of mercy, that is new each morning, refilling of His sweet rest at evening. We enter into His Gate for knowledge and wisdom, for answers to the questions of His direction for each day. In and out of the Gate we flow, entering into the Gate as we need to fill that touch of the Lord, His Glory pouring over us, washing us clean from the grime of the world, having our minds cleared of all the earths decay, all those thoughts and temptations that the enemy daily throws at us, those things we are burdened down by. Giving them all to the Shepherd inside, our Gate to the Holy Place, as He cleanses us again and again by His sweet redemption blood, making us so pure and worthy of entering through the Perfect Gate to the Holy Place, the Presence of our God. Jesus is the Gate through which we obtain all that is desired of the Father. If we do not enter through Jesus, the Gate, we will not see the Father.
And then out again, out of the Gate to do the will of the Father. To follow His direction, to show His love and grace to those not knowing the way to the Gate, to our Lord. We flow in and out as directed by our Lord.
There are those that think then can go direct to the Father without acknowledging our Lord Jesus. I wonder just where they go....I know it is not unto the Lord. Do you think they fool themselves to believe they are in God's presence when they do not acknowledge Jesus. God's Word tells us that Jesus is the only Way to Him. No other way....and yet, some think they have found another way. My heart grieves for the sheep under them. Only one way, and that is the Gate, our Jesus, our Lord.
I had a vision of the Gate, swinging to and fro, as a welcome; as He desires us to take advantage of the openness of the Gate. It is never shut to those who love Him so much, who seek Him alone. The Gate is always open, the Light surounding the Gate, always bright, showing the way. O, my Lord, how merciful and good You are. Not only are You the Gate through which all must pass, but You so desire to bring us to the Father, that You light up the Gate so beautifully, so sweetly with such passion and love to all that will come, to all that want and desire to enter the Gate for the blessings of the Holy Place; for the journey is sweet through the Gate into the Presence of the Father, who is waiting for all those who wish to enter in.
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