John 3:3 "Jesus ansswered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
My God, You have been pouring this into me for over a week now and as I sit to write, Lord, let this be Your words, not mine. Let Your thoughts come through me and let it minister to whoever would read this. Let it minister to me, my Father, let it minister to me.
It is Christmas time and most are beginning their celebration of the birth of Jesus. I love the words of the Word of God as it tells of the birth of my Lord Jesus. But I cannot think of His birth without my thoughts going straight to the reason He came to earth as a Baby. His death. I think of His death on the cross, the sacrifice He made. This is where the way was made for the second greatest birth known to man. The birth from death to life in Christ that was made possible by His death. Our birth in Him. Our sins forgiven, laid upon His back, wrapped around His head in a crown of thorns were the sinful thoughts and deeds of man, before, present and to come, all bore on this Man who came as a Baby, born to die so we could be born again.
A birth that gives us so much freedom, a birth in Jesus that gave us full rights as a child of God, sharing the blessings of a Kingdom we could not have attained otherwise. Free from sin, free from guilt, freely given to us by the Father that now, being born again, delivered from death by our Savior, now we could have a beautiful relationship with Him, our God who has loved us with such a passion, such a love, unconditional, that will never leave us. He will always love us.
But this birth, this rebirth in our Lord, not all are seeking it. People go to church every Sunday and there are so many that have not been washed in the blood of Jesus and stepped into the Light of a new born baby in the Lord. Yes, every Sunday you will see the faces of those, evident that there is something missing in their lives, missing in their hearts. They have accepted the fact that Jesus came to earth as a Baby and died on the cross but they have not given their lives over to the Lord, allowed themselves to die to self and be reborn in Him.
You wonder why this reason I believe is fear. They have listened to the world with all its lies and they are afraid if they give their lives totally to the Lord they will lose control of their lives. So many people like to control what goes on in their lives, every little detail. They fear the unknown of just letting go, just resting in the Lord and letting Him take care of them. Fear is a terrible enemy tool. Another is greed. They believe that they will have to give us everything and have nothing left for themselves. Remember the ruler that wanted to follow Jesus but did not want to give up His many are in that place. Yes, I know this sounds harsh, but it is what was given to me. And then there are those who have listened to the white washed gospel in their churches for so long, they do not feel a total commitment is necessary. They do not believe a complete release of their hearts, minds and souls to the Lord really makes a difference. They are being led astray and do not realize that they are missing so much in the Lord here on earth. What a beautiful fellowship they are missing, what a wonderful relationship with the Father they will never know.
Controling the rebirth of your heart and soul in the Lord, as said by our Lord Jesus, will keep you from the Kingdom of God. Let me tell you that what might hurt the flesh, heals the spirit. What the world might say will destroy you will give you eternal life. What control you think you have is a have no control, look at your life and see if this does not ring clear and true to you. You have nothing to lose, only a life to gain. A life that will be filled with such joy, such peace. You will find sweet sleep that has eluded you before, will be given to you as you rest your head on the Lord's shoulder. You will see blessings multiply that you only heard about before and thought they could not possibly be true. Give your life, your whole heart to the Lord and see if the bread of life, the living water that will quench that thirst you have had for so long; see if you are not totally satisfied, so alive in Jesus. Born again, free, free, free in Him. Sin will no longer be a way of life, a burden around your neck, He will take it all away. Jesus is waiting for you to join Him at the Cross. His birth, His death, your birth, new life. Celebrate the birth of Jesus this day, join Him in celebrating your birth....for eternity.
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