Saturday, February 25, 2012

THE JOURNEY (The Journey's End, Part 7.....The Reward)

Philippians 2:5  "Your attitude whould be the same as that of Christ Jesus."

My journey, Lord, it ends with You, in Your Throne Room.  You have brought me thus far and I know my journey is not complete, but I have seen the things You have opened my eyes to, and I know my journey ends with You, in You. 

You desire each of Your children to have the qualities of Your Son, Jesus.  You began my walk by showing me that You would always be with me, nothing will happen to me as long as I am in Your will.  You showed me the need for my feet to follow Your directions; as Jesus walked in Your will, in Your desire for Him.  What You planned for Him to do, He obeyed You completely.  Jesus was a servant to all those around Him.  Jesus, the King of kings, spent His time serving others.  You desire me to be a servant to Your children as Jesus was. Then Father, You showed me the importance of what my eyes see and how I needed to listen for Your quiet, still voice.  In worshiping You, my heart has found oneness with my Savior who lived His life in worship to You.  I want to live my life, give my life as a worship offering to You, my God. 

Each aspect of this week's writings on The Journey, Lord, You have given me words designed to develop me to live my life as Jesus lived His.  You desire me to be as Jesus.  This is Your plan for each of Your children.  To walk, to speak, to listen, to feel.  Every sense we have should come into line with Your Word.  We were made to worship You. We were made to live our lives giving You glory.  In all I do, Lord, I should live as Jesus lived.  I not perfect, I make mistakes, I need the mercy You give me new each day.  I need the continual washing of the blood of Jesus to keep me righteous in Him before You.  But I see that I am to constantly strive and continue to develop an attitude like Jesus.  He was love, He was forgiveness and pardon, He was mercy and grace.  Because of Jesus' sacrifice for us, we have been made sons and daughters of God.  We have been given access to the throne room of God.  But there is this journey that we are on, and the journey, the Lord has shown me, is the process to become more and more like Jesus. The journey may last long for some of us, or it may seem short but each step of the way, with the Lord's grace showered down on us, with His mercy flowing with the blood of Jesus, and with His love, that precious love that never fails, never ends, we can become more and more like Jesus.

We can become that one that at the end of the day, knowing we have given our all to walk in the steps of Jesus, we can come to the Throne Room of  the Father, and sit at His feet, or climb up in His lap, and hear Him tell us, "Well done, my good and faithful servant".  Have you thought of the reward that is.  We all hear about the reward that one day will be ours in heaven, but now, this day, on earth, we can enter the Throne Room of the Lord; there will be Jesus standing in front of the Father, and as we walk up behind Him, the Father looks to see who is there.  Righteousness is what He sees as He looks at us through Jesus; pure, cleansed in the Lamb we stand.  And then as He calls our He calls my name, and invites me to come; "Come, My child, come sit with Me".  That my friends, those words that I love to hear, that is my reward, your on earth; heaven comes to earth to bring us the reward for seeking to live as our Savior did, to share His love, not judging but showing compassion to all; showing mercy and grace, giving each other room to grow without blame, without chains binding us down.  Peace will be our mantle, laughter and joy will fill the air as the freedom of our Lord flows to all who follow Him.  And the reward that is above all things, presence with the Father, my God.


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