Thursday, February 16, 2012


Romans 6:10  "The death He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life He lives, He lives to God."

In the spiritual realm I can fly.  Chains that once held me captive have been removed.  They no longer bind me down.  I was watching a bird soar this morning as I drove to work, so free was the bird.  I was feeling somewhat envious.  Then of course, guilty...that old tool of the enemy hit me but the Lord quickly removed it and spoke to my spirit. "You are free of guilt; free of those chains that held you down. In the spirit you can soar in the heavenlies with Me".

There are no longer chains or shackles that can bind the children of God.  We have been set free by the blood of Jesus.  When we come to the Lord, confess our sins and He cleanses us with His precious blood, we are free of any past sins, residuals of guilt and any sin to come; we are

It is so hard for some to come to this realization as they cannot imagine a love so compete to have done what was necessary to bring us into the realm of righteousness in Christ Jesus.  But your acceptance of this truth does not change its reality.  Sins are forgiven....get over yourself.  Who are you to doubt what God can do.  As you are commanded not to judge others, the same goes for self.  Do not judge yourself.  Do not judge who the Lord has made free.  Yes, we are underserving, we can never be deserving of what the Lord has done.  It is a free gift to us because the Father loves us so much.  We must accept this gift, as it is the will of the Father.  He loves us so much and wants to have that intimate relationship with us, He holds this gift out for each of us, with such love from His heart.  I will never turn away from this beautiful gift.  If someone that loved you gave you a costly gift, would you refuse it because you felt unworthy?  No, you really would not.  You would delight yourself in that gift.

You should more delight yourself in the gift of forgiveness, salvation that our Lord Jesus paid such an extravagant price for...His life for you.  His life so we could be free, free to soar with Him in the heavenlies. 

There are times when the enemy will try to put doubt that I have heard correctly from the Lord.  But as I listened to Pursuing His Presence this morning, about an hour after the Lord has told me I could fly and gave this word to me, the words that He had spoken to me came through loud and clear from as a word came from Psalm 124:7  "We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare" and then Terry said "so we are free to fly".  The Lord confirmed, I had heard Him correctly.  His word to me was clear. 

Free to fly.  Because of my Lord's love, His extreme love..I am to fly.


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