Thursday, February 23, 2012

THE HEARING EAR (The Journey, Part 5)

Revelation 3:20  "Hear I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

Our God is very sensitive.  Surprising isn't it, that a God that is so powerful, so mighty; a God that can flash His light across the sky as His voice thunders and shakes nations is sensitive.  For generations, He has been rejected, criticized and mocked in everyway known to man.  As  many times as He forgave and restored His children they still turned from Him.  Our God sent His Beloved Son to earth to physically die for the sins of all mankind, redeeming them of all sin, being beaten for all illnesses, all disease, and rose again to fulfil scripture and to prove that the Word of God is true.  Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to dwell with the children of God that repented, receiving new life in Him, to guide and help them, to show them the way to the Father's heart.  But still so many reject the Lord, ignore His commands and live in their sin.  So now, the Lord does not force Himself on anyone.  He stands outside the door of our heart and knocks.  Can you imange the Lord God asking to be invited in?  But yet, He does.  He quietly asks to enter your heart, compelling you to open the door to Him and let Him share what He has with you.  And He waits.....

The quiet, still voice you hear is the Spirit of God.  That beautiful, sensitive voice of the Spirit beckons you to open the door to the Lord, to invite Him in, to receive the blessings that the Lord has been storing up for each of us.  I love to hear that beautiful voice of the Holy Spirit.  My Lord does not have to wait outside my heart, He is so welcome in my heart.  My entire being shutters at the thought of my God being turned away from some hearts.  It breaks my heart to know that He waits for those who refuse to hear His voice, to hear His knock on their heart's door.  But His love, His unconditional love causes Him to wait, and to call, and to listen for that invitation to come in.

Those of us that have invited the Lord in; we that have made our hearts a sanctuary for the Lord to dwell in, we know the joy that hearing the voice of the Lord brings.  The journey that we make each day from rising up in the morning to our lying down again at night, our day is spent listening for His voice.  For those words of love and affection.  The Lord is so sensitive, He is such a romantic to those that love Him so much.  People that have rejected the Lord have no idea how loving and kind He is.  They will never know how He plans each of our steps with such care, such detail that nothing is left lacking as we journey on.  All things are prepared just perfectly for those that love the Lord and listen to His voice. 

Our ears need also to be very sensitive when we are talking to those that are lost.  So often our minds are telling us what this person needs, what they are lacking, just how we should tell them of the Lord.  But do we really always hear what they are saying.  We need to listen with discernment, hear the heart of the person and not necessary the words they are speaking.  So often words are put out there to form a barrier, to protect them from more hurt and pain.  We need to hear beyond what they are saying, hear their heart, and let the love of the Father flow through us to them; draw them out of their pain with love and comfort, sharing what the Lord has for them if they will just listen for His knock and open the door to their heart for the Lord to come in and heal them, satisfy their need for love.  Ears that listen, that truly hear......

Holy Spirit, sweet Spirit of my God, speak to me and let me always know how I can please my Lord.  Give me ears to listen, ears to hear what my Father is saying to me.  Make my ears amplify my hearing so I will hear that quiet, still voice of the Father, so that discernment is part of my hearing to help others and to know when it is my Father that is speaking to me.

I thank You, Lord for hearing ears that You have given me for the journey.  Make them ears that hear what You want me to hear, your love and encouragement for each step of the way.  What joy is mine, in the presence of my God, Whose voice is the sweetest, most beautiful music to my ears.


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