Friday, February 17, 2012


Isaiah 12:2a  "Surely God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid."

Trust in the Lord.  The Word of God is filled with scriptures that tell us to trust God.  There are so many beautiful examples of the results of trusting God.  But do the children of God truly trust Him?  I know a lot of people that trust the Lord with all that is in them.  I trust my God.  I can remember when I did not, as I was sure I needed to be "on top" of things so everything would be okay.  One of the most wonderful days of my life came when I realized that I could not do the things that needed to be done and I had to give my complete trust to God.  Now I trust Him with everything.  My life, first, and everything that stems from it; my family, my friends, my job, finances, everything. Nothing is not given to the Lord for His safekeeping, I trust Him completely.

We all know people that say they trust the Lord....but this trust only is as far as what their eyes can see.  If they cannot see things happening, those things they say they trust God for, then their trust diminishes.  They want to know the outcome of that trust.  For a child of God to be totally His, there must be a blind trust.  To trust in God, first, He is unseen.  To trust in Him, we must develop a child's attitude.  Remember when you were small and your earthly daddy would tell you to jump from something into his arms....remember those words, "don't worry, daddy will catch you"?  Remember how scared you were, but you knew your daddy would not let you fall.  Our Father is more than that.  Not only will He tell you to jump into His arms, He will give you the amazing joy that will resound in your entire being when you land in His arms.

It is easy to trust in someone, something you can see.  But when it comes to the secure walk with the Lord, you must have blind trust.  Develop scales over your eyes when it comes to seeing what the enemy wants you to see.  No matter how bad circumstances may seem, no matter what you hear or see, true trust in God begins in your heart, in your spirit.  You have to know He is real, you have to believe in His unconditional love, You must believe on Jesus Christ, that He died for your sin, to give you that beautiful relationship with the Father, Whom you could trust with your life, as Jesus trusted Him with His life.  Jesus walked up that hill to where He would hang on a cross, trusting the Father, knowing that the end result would be Glory.  The Father inspired the writing of the Bible and filled it with example after example of what He did for His children who trusted Him.  Even thought they could not see where He would lead them, they followed Him, trusting Him all the way. The disciples followed Jesus when they were called, they did not know what would happen, where they would go, but they recognized His voice as their authority, and they blindly trusted in Him.

Now don't mistake this to say that if we follow our God, we are mistakedly trusting Him.  I am not saying that. I am saying that if you expect to see where you are going then you are not trusting the Lord.  We must follow, not seeing, but being blinded to all circumstances around us that would cause us to fear, to be afraid of what we cannot see.  Blind trust means that we will not see the darts of the enemy, we will not fear what is unseen, but blindly trusting in the God that created all, in the God that gave us life, in the God that loves us with such a passion.  Blind trust is rewarded with answered prayer; it is rewarded with joy and peace in our lifes; it is rewarded with eternal life with the Father.  For if we can trust Him in those things we cannot see, think of the reward that lies ahead when we do get to see our Father, when we are with Him in Glory.

Father, I am not going to fear what I can not see.  I will blindly follow You as I know that You never let me out of Your sight.  You see where I am going, You see what I am going to do, and You guide me and deliver me safely each day.  A blind man depends on a guide dog.....he has to trust that dog.  He knows if the dog stops, he should also stop, there is danger.  If we are to trust the Lord, we also must give Him the reigns to our life, we must listen to His Holy Spirit that guides us daily, and do as the Holy Spirit tells us.  We can only trust if we are willing to obey.  If you say you trust the Lord, but do not follow His instructions, then you are not are simply giving lip service to a God that can see what is in your heart, knows what you are thinking.  You are not fooling the One that matters, only man.

"Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."  I trust You, my Lord God.  You have given me life beautiful, You have given me joy unspeakable, and You have given me more reasons to know I can trust You in all things, seen and unseen.  I will blindly trust You in all things, as You see what lies ahead of me when  I cannot, You know where the pitfalls are and keep me from stumbling.  And if I fall, I know, I can trust You to catch me and put me back on Your road where I belong.  I trust You, my Lord.  I love You.


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