Saturday, February 18, 2012


Ezekiel 34:26  (Message) "I'll make them and everything around my hill a blessing.  I'll send down plenty of rain in season-showers of blessing!"

This morning as I awoke, I lay there listening to the rain, thinking I would have to drive to work in it, but then a second later, thinking that as it rains it washes the dust from the trees, gives the ground and all the plants, the grass such a refreshing drink of water.  Then as I began to thank the Lord for His goodness to our earth, thinking of how He takes care of all His creation.  I knew that just as the physical rain watered the earth, His spiritual rain refreshes my soul. 

Holy Rain. It is a Holy Rain.  So often we cry out in our thirst for the Lord, but His rain, His Holy Rain is there for all who truly run after Him, who seek Him with their whole heart.  His sweet Holy Rain.

Sweet Holy Rain
Fall over me
Wash me Lord, with
Your cleansing power
Let me feel You
Setting me free.
Free from the dusty residue
That sin leaves on me
Rain Your Holy Rain
Through my spirit daily, Lord
Refresh me with Your love
Shower me with Your blessing
Touch my life.
Let me feel Your presence
Let me flow in Your Holy Rain.

There is so much in just living daily life that causes us to grow weary, leaves such a dryness to our spirits.  Life can be difficult at best; can you just imagine what folks go through when they do not know the Lord?  On the most difficult day you can imagine, we know that the Lord is with us, He will never leave us, we have the Lord to bring us through what comes our way.  Bur for those that do not know our God, those that think He is not real; can you just imagine their misery, their pain?  It breaks my heart knowing that there are those that are trying to get through this life without the hope of our Lord, without the knowledge of His love.  He loves them so much, but they do not know His love; either from lack of knowledge or their choice.  I know it grieves the Father so much that some of His children know Him not.  He pours out His blessings, His Holy Rain on the just and the unjust.  The difference is that we recognize His hand on us, His touch; they have no knowledge of Him, of His goodness. They think that they are blessed because of something they will amount to nothing as they will not know to thank the Father, to acknowledge His love for them.  How sad, how very sad. 

Our Lord, Our Savior wants us to share His love with all we come in contact with.  He pours out His Holy Rain on us to annoint us to go in His Name, to go in His love to share with others.  He pours out His refreshing to our spirits, our souls, His healing, powerful Holy Rain.  Strengthening us, renewing us so we can witness of His goodness, His grace, His forgiveness and mercy.  If we go out, if we share what we receive from Him with all, then that Holy Rain will continue to fall on us, it will never cease to satisfy our thirst for Him.  We will walk with Him daily as He will never leave those who live for Him, who love Him so.

My Lord, I love being in Your Holy Rainfall.  Let my soul be refreshed continually in Your Rain, in Your beautiful Rain.  Give me the words, give me the compassion, give me the grace to share Your love with everyone.  Let those who are looking for You see the Light You have put in me, and let me do all I do to glorify Your Name alone.  Let me share Jesus with everyone I meet.  Let Your Holy Rain flow in my path, in me, on me and through me.  In Jesus Name.


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