Genesis 2:7 "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
As I was driving home tonight after going to dinner with a friend, I was thinking of the Lord and how He is so precious. I was listening to Holy, Holy, Holy and the words "God in three persons, blessed Trinity" just resounded in my spirit. I was thinking of how important the Father is to me, how I can do nothing without Him; how I do not want my life to be without Him, without it being centered around Him and that my very life depended upon Him. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said "your life is the Breath of God".
My life is the Breath of God. Without the Lord being the center of my life, there is no life. Without His touch on me, His breath in me, there is no life. Now I know people live everyday without knowing the Lord, even though He is their Father also, they either do not know Him or choose to deny Him, His existence. I believe even though they breathe, there is no life. Do you watch people? I do, especially looking at their expressions, but mostly their eyes. Even when there are smiles on faces, laughter in their voices, the eyes will always give you the truth of their hearts. So many people may be smiling but there is such sadness, such misery in their eyes. The eyes are just dulled over, lifeless, they are missing the Breath of God.
Without the essence, without the knowledge, without the presence of God in your life, there is no real life, just existence. The love of the Lord is given freely to all, but only those who choose to receive His love, to ask Him into their hearts know what real life is. Real life that has been given freely to those who have repented of their sin, and asked Jesus to enter their hearts, to be their Savior; only those that have asked Jesus to be a part of their lives know this freedom. These lovers of the Lord know what true peace is, the peace that passes all understanding, they don't know why they are at such peace, except it is due to their faith and trust in the Lord; it is there with them bringing them such joy and such life.
My Father, my Lord God, how I long for more of You. I have tasted the wonderful life You have breathed into me and I want more, more of You. There is not a moment that I do not want to be in Your presence; to fill Your arms around me, holding me, reassuring me that You have my life in Your hands and it is going to be alright; it is going according to what You have planned for me. I have only to rest in You and let You give me each breath, each moment of each day to walk in You. The faithfulness of Your love sustains me, the knowledge that You never change gives me daily hope and Your touch on my life has filled me with joy and peace. I will never leave You, Father, never. I will carry Your Word in my heart, I will carry Your trust in my spirit, and I will always know that with each new day, there will be the refreshing Breath of my God to fill me and strengthen me. I love You so.
Hi Pat and amen to your thoughts and prayers! I enjoyed this blog post very much; you keep on keeping on my friend!