2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
If you fix your eyes on the things you can see, and do not look inward to what the Spirit is showing you, you will live in fear of the things you see and of the unknown things you cannot see. Our eyes are a beautiful gift from the Lord. With the eye, we can look out onto the earth that the Lord created and see such beauty.....but we can also see the ugly things that are there also. If one says they only see the beauty and never see the things that are grievious to us, those things that are grievious to the Lord, then they are lying to you and to themselves. It is impossible not to see everything if we are looking at the world. BUT GOD and only God can make those things that are unsightly bearable in Him. We see things that are hurtful to see, they tear at our hearts. Knowing how upsetting these things are to us, can you feel for a moment the Lord's heart as He sees what happens on the earth He so lovingly made so long ago. As He looks down on us, there is no doubt in His mind, in His heart that sending His Beloved Son to die for our sin was so necessary, for without that precious sacrifice of the Blood, we would all be lost, destined for the pits of hell. But because of His love for us, we have been forgiven.
O Lord, I have no idea of this message. It seems like what I had seen to be for this evening, will be like so many, not what You wanted to say at all. The eyes that see. What is it we are chosing to see as we follow our Lord on this journey? Are we looking at the things that the Lord leads us to look at or are we letting our eyes gaze at the things of the world, just a little too long.....perhaps we are thinking it won't hurt if we look. How foolish we are to think that if we just linger on the other side for a moment longer than to just pass through on our journey it will not affect our walk. Things have residual qualities that will come up in your mind when you least expect it. That movie you watched, that TV program that really should be rated X for a Christian, but....well, it's on TV how bad can it be? A trick of the enemy to be sure. Those little suggestions made in the sit-coms that so many laugh at...well they will appear in your mind when you are teaching your Bible Study Class or when you are seriously praying for a loved one, or a sick one at church. I don't believe that these things that pop up in our minds at these times are all from the enemy. I believe the Lord allows some of these things to cross our minds so we can see the dangers of what we have allowed our eyes to see. What we see, can go into the spirit.
When we see some horrendous things that we have no control over, we need to pray for this situation and give it to the Lord. Pray and ask for His divine intervention to protect and provide for the outcome of this to bring Him glory and honor. Somethinigs are so heart breaking, it is plain to those that are in the Lord how necessary it is to share Jesus with everyone. Then give it to the Lord. But when we look at some things, when we sense the Holy Spirit warning us from them, when we feel uncomfortable about what our eyes are seeing, those things will come back to you, time and time again, until you ask the Lord to forgive you for allowing them into your spirit, and that you will be more careful what you watch, what you allow your eyes to see.
Fix your eyes on the things that are unseen, the purity and glory of our Lord. Allow those things of God, those things of beauty, His Holiness; those things of worth and instruction, His Word; those things eternal, His Love.....allow these things to come into your eyes, to flow into your spirit, to reside in you. These are the eternal things of the Lord. The priceless beauty of His earth, His creation. Lift your eyes above street level and look above to the images of our Savior's hand held out to us, wanting to bring us above all the things that we should not see and show us the things He would have us see.
Our journey will be one road bump after another unless we fix our things on the things of the Lord and not on the things of the world. The saved and unsaved alike are watching with eyes that see exactly what we see. What will you show them through your eyes? Will you show them a world that the Lord has made for us in Him; will they see the beauty of His love coming from you? Will peace radiate to their eyes from your face? The only thing some people will see is you. Will you show them Jesus? Let the journey hold fast to the path that is lit by the Saviors love, the Light is there for your eyes to see and to behold the Lord.....in all His Glory.
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