Sunday, December 2, 2012


Psalm 25:5  "Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation, on You I wait all the day."

The truth of this life, the life of a child of God, is only found in the Word of God.  As we study, as we wait on the Lord, waiting for His Words, His Ways, His Truth to be part of who we are....the part of who we are....herein, I believe, is where our thinking can become a problem.  A part of who we are instead of the whole of who we are.  The Lord wants to become who we are not just a portion of our lives, but the whole of our lives.

As I came in to my office to sit and write this, I had the thoughts formulating in my mind, but now as I write, those words seem to have left and new words are coming in.  This is who we must be, what we must be willing to do; let go of ourselves and let the Lord take us where He wants us to go, teach us the things that are the truth, His things, not what we perceive as true, but the whole truth, nothing but the truth, as you  might hear in a court of law.  The Word of the Lord is the law that we must live by.   And thank You, Jesus, that Your sacrifice made life, our life, a life that has been redeemed from the harsh judgment of the law of the Old Testament and a life giving law of redemption and deliverance, love and mercy  of the New Testament. 

Your truths, Lord, Your paths that have been made, special to each of us, are to be such a part of us, the whole of us, that who we are is second nature to who You are in us.  What people see on the outside of us, must reflect what is on the inside of us, the nature of God.  Our nature is no longer who we are, but who we are in the Lord, His children, His disciple, His words, His nature.  We must cease to be, and let our Lord be who we are.  Yes, I know this is not easy, as we live in a world that adheres itself to us in all sorts of media, the worldly thoughts trying to worm into our minds, into our thoughts....through social media, television, radio, music playing in stores, what our eyes see as we drive down the street... the things of the world trying to overcome who we are to be. 

The truth of the Lord, if we let the Lord, if we release ourselves totally unto Him, submitting all to Him,  let His Word take precedent over our minds, our very thoughts....if we begin letting all we see and hear conform to His Word, to His ways, then we become second nature to the Lord.  The Holy Spirit will take what we were, and lead us into what we are....true children of the Most High God, in spirit and in truth.  We become second nature to God's nature.  Here is where being second, in second place, makes us winners of everything....of life eternal. O my Lord, I submit totally unto You.  Be all in me so I may become all in You.  Let the peace of our Lord flow in you as you yield your nature to His alone.


Saturday, November 17, 2012


Psalm 30:12  "To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.  O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever."

I was looking for a Thanksgiving prayer that I had given at a ladies meeting a number of years ago and not finding it on my computer, I pulled out a thumb drive on which I had saved a number of things from my old computer. Well, it wasn't there either, but I saw a document called "My Testimony" and decided to see what it was.  It was my testimony that I had given at church, I guess it must have been about 5 or 6 years ago.  To tell the truth, it was probably not a good idea that I read it..... I don't know how good it is to go back in time, especially when the Lord has brought me so far, but I read it anyway. 

As I read about my failures, disappointments, heart break, and then rejoiced again at the miracles the Lord had done in my I finished reading it and remembered what I had gone to the flash drive to find, the old Thanksgiving prayer.  It seems foolish now, looking for an old prayer, even thought it was so beautiful and fit with the day coming up, thanking the Lord for family and friends, for His blessings and grace; it still falls short of what is in my heart.

When I look inside my heart now, as I let myself look at what the Lord has done in my life, how could I ever think that something someone else had written could truly express my heart, my heart today.  All the things I read in "my testimony", those times I remember having my heart freeze up to everything, become stone, in reality the flesh just hanging on by a thread of what you might consider... call it hope, maybe even desperation for something to fill my heart, to ease the pain.  So many years, it seems like it took so many years for me to realize that that hope I was desperately looking for, was there all along. 

My heart, my heart is so filled with love for my Lord.  What was once a stone has become a fountain that flows with love, it is filled by the River of Life from the throne of my Lord, never running shallow, never running dry, but is constantly restored with His love, with His Words of encouragement and clarity....the Holy Spirit never failing to show me the way I should go, never ceasing to remind me that I am exactly who the Lord designed me to be, that there is nothing I can not do in Him, for He strengthens me daily, He restores my His glory.  He restores me so that my life can glorify Him alone.

My Thanksgiving prayer has more words than space would ever allow, but can be condensed in these precious words, these words that will spill out of my heart, out of my spirit and through my praise, in my constant worship to my God, my Lord and King.....

I love You, I love You, I love You, my Lord.  I love You, I love You, I love You, my Lord.  I thank You, I thank You, I thank You, my Lord.  I thank You, I thank You, I thank You, my Lord.


Sunday, November 4, 2012


Mark 10:37  "They replied, "Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory."

As the disciples argued over who was to be the most important, the ones that should be on the right and the left, sitting with Jesus in His glory, I feel it must have saddened my Lord greatly, His knowing that their desire, although being heartfelt, was not truly understood.  Even, the mother of James and John, she came to Jesus asking for favor for her sons.  He asked of them "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?" (Matthew 20:22)  He knew that they had no knowledge of what was to come, and He also knew that in their human form, their fear would betray them.

I was left wondering about this myself.  I love the Lord so much.  I desire to be with Him.  What I would have given, I think so often, to have walked with the crowds of people, along those dirt roads with Him.  To have seen the miracles, to have heard His Words, the lessons He taught; to have seen those eyes of love looking into mine.....  How would I have felt listening to the disciples arguing foolishly among themselves to be the ones He would choose to be near him......would my mind, would my heart have wanted that place for myself?  Would you have desired that place also?

After the question was asked, the desire made known, the air must have been so still.  I can imagine the birds even stopped their singing to listen to what the Lord would say, how would he answer them?  As the Lord spoke again, he assured them that they would indeed drink of His cup....but the places next to Him were not His to grant, but the Father, who had already prepared this for His chosen.  Drink of His cup.....the disciples certainly did, in time, do just this.  And yes, my friends, those of us that choose to follow our Lord, to serve others as He served, to speak His truth to all, and to show His love without fail....we will all drink of His cup. 

We are to serve others, put ourselves last, not first, fearlessly speak of truth as God leads us, show His love, His compassion, His forgiveness to all.....keeping nothing of Him for ourselves, but to give freely of His love to all.....we can never run out of the things of the Lord, as we give out, He pours back into us.  True servants of the Lord must always be willing to sit in the back, to serve quietly but consistently with His love, His strength, His joy.

After thinking on all these things, knowing that drinking of His cup could bring condemnation, hatred and scorn from the world, criticism, bitterness, persecution.....and yes, even death....this cup, this very cup that gave us all life, could one day, determine our death also.....

.......would you still be clamouring to be first, pushing ahead crying out "let it be me...", would you still desire this place......will you?......will I?.......Selah.

Let us pray that we will all walk the walk that we talk; only with the strength, the power, the Spirit of the Lord will this be possible.  Let me take the place You have designed for me, my God, and let me do Your will, only Your will.  Let me be the servant You desire of me to be, let me live my life for You, for You alone.  More of You, my King, so much less of me.


Saturday, November 3, 2012


John 19:26 "When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved, standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son".

When Jesus looked out, through eyes that were clouded with his sweat, his blood and his tears (yes, I have no doubt there were tears, as hurt, betrayal, pain filled his being), He saw his mother, and other loved ones there.....but only one disciple, John.  Young John whose love for His Savior, His Master, His Teacher was greater than any fear of those that might want to harm him also.  He was there, he was there to watch as life was taken from the One who had lifted him from the ordinary man he was to a man that knew what beloved truly meant.

All the other disciples fled, hid in fear of man.  When the bad grew worse, they grew distant, love was overcome by fear of man.  Fear of man truly can grip one in ways we never dream until we are faced with that undenying situation, will we stand, or will we let fear overcome our love for the Lord.

Can you not imagine the torment that plagued the disciples as they were hiding in fear?  As they could not overcome the fear that drove them away from where Jesus you feel that disappointment they felt in themselves, that guilt, that shame?  You may think of yourselves as the stronger type, you would not flee, you would stand tall....but look back, has that always been the case?  Have you always stood up for Jesus, for His work, at play, at life....  Now when one word, one stance, one head held high can mean so much to yourself, your family, your country.... do you stand tall, not fearing what men might say, what they might fear overtaking the love of the Lord, for what He has taught us in His Word, for the values He has placed on life....on love your neighbor as yourself......on love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with your life....

Wow.....this is so turning into a different place, Father, than when You began to give this to me...I thought I would be speaking of rejecting fear because of our love for our Lord, and as I see it is that, it is also much more.  It is loving who we are in You, who You have made us to be.  To stand in the shadow of the Cross, to stand there and not hid the fact that we are followers of Jesus, that He is our Beloved Lord, to do what the Word teaches us, to stand for the values, for the basic values of life that Your Word instills into each one of us.  Freedom to be who we are in You; protecting the gift of life You gave to us, forsaking all to be counted in You.

Love lifted me from the pits of despair, from the place where the enemy held me captive in sin.  Love showed me the way to redemption, to salvation, to freedom.  The love of the Lord, my God, has shone down on the path of life given me, guiding me, teaching me all along the way to be secure in that love, to fear not; but to follow Him in all things.  Love....the sweet love of my Lord.

I realize this seems to go in many directions, and as it concerns me a bit, the Lord says that those who truly love Him will be able to follow it's meaning without confusion, and for those that are confused, they were not meant to understand.  The hidden meanings that become clear for those that truly seek the Lord, the open love for all that will accept it.

My Lord, my Life, how I love You, how I thank You for the very breath You have given me, the ability to hear Your voice and the love that lifts me closer and closer to You each moment.


Saturday, October 27, 2012


2 Samuel22:38  "I have pursued my enemies and destroyed them; neither did I turn back again till they were destroyed."

White as snow.  The Lord said He would make me white as snow.  My sins forgiven, He will cleanse me, He will make me and mold me into what He wills.  But I know there is a process.  As I was forgiven of my sins, some of those sins that were deeply ingrained, that it was a constant battle as the enemy threw those temptations, those remembrances of the sin in front of me.  It was difficult for me until that day when I saw that I needed to actively pursue those besetting sins, those temptations until I was the victor not the victim. 

As long as we just ask forgiveness of our sin, especially those sins that seem to be a part of who we were; you know, the ones you excuse with one reason or another....."it's okay, everyone does it", or "I just can't seem to stop doing this, surely the Lord understands that", and trust me, the enemy will help you with your excuses until it seems like it is just part of your life.  Don't fall into that pit...and it is a pit. Notice how, when you continue in a practice that you have asked forgiveness for, asked for help in overcoming, and you proceed anyway....remember how you feel afterwards....dirty, ashamed, just lost.  Your habits, your vices, whatever it is, excessive drinking, smoking, lust....and if the Lord tells you to give up that drinking, smoking, lustful thoughts or actions, lying, stealing.....gossiping....(that hurts, doesn't it).  But when you know the Lord is leading you to His place, His plans for you, and He, through the Holy Spirit, brings those things to you, He does so, so you can deal with them.  The Lord cannot take away your sin until you are ready to give those things up.  He will forgive us, but unless we move away from those things, those habits, those sins, we are victimizing ourselves.  There will be no victory.

So I had to go after those things.  When the Lord would bring them up to me, I did not leave them dormant, I decided to attack those things, to see why I felt I needed that in my life, actively seek the Lord for His help, to call upon the Name of Jesus when those things came against me.  There is action on the part of each of us when we are called into the service of the Lord.  There is an action that is needed to rid ourselves of sin, so we can be cleansed.  We need to desire with all our hearts to be cleansed, to be made white as snow; it only takes place when make the move to be victorious over our sinful nature. 

Instead of hiding when those things come into your mind, look them straight on and remind the enemy with his lures that you are not the person you once were, you are a new creation in Jesus.  You will not fall back into those traps, you will look at the situation and reason with your mind...."I do not need this, I do not have to accept these things as part of me, I am God's child, a child of the King and He is all I need."  Your mind cannot argue with God's Word.  Your mind cannot overcome truth with deception.

The process sometimes takes time, but as long as we are giving ourselves, devoting our lives to our Lord, the end result is so worth it all.  I did not overcome overnight, but I did overcome.  Now each time the enemy throws a word, a picture...whatever he can use to remind me, I lift my hands to Heaven and thank my God that I am victorious, I am cleansed, I AM becoming the person He made me to be.  A day by day walk, this path the Lord gives us, but we are not alone, He is always with us; He is always holding our hand, and He gives us the strength and power to become white as snow.  2 Samuel 22:33 "God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect."


Sunday, October 21, 2012


Habakkuk 1:5  "Look among the nations and watch...Be utterly astounded!  For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you."

If you are like I am, in the, well, I don't know if you would consider this to be the fall or beginning of winter of my life.  I think a lot of things go into play, other than age, when you consider what season of your life you are in.  But, back on track, it is the older years of my life, and now, it seems like I have just begun to live.  A lot of us, and up until a couple of years ago, I did too, see ourselves as winding down our lives, instead of just beginning.  The Lord, our Awesome God, has His plans for us all, plans that astonish us, and our friends and families as well. 

This verse in Habakkuk, I read it this afternoon and the words "work" and "days" radiated to me.  His work begins when He has planned it.  Our days, I truly believe are in the mature days of our lives, not only age, but our spiritually mature days.  Yes, we think, if I were younger, there is so much I could have done, had the Lord called me to it then.  But, if you will look back, I am sure you will agree with me, were we spiritually ready for the work the Lord had for us; would we have followed closely after Him; or would we have argued with Him as to His timing, how it worked with our life at that time.  The Lord knows us only so well.  We may have been in church many years back then, but were our minds, our hearts, as yielded as we thought they were?

These past few years, as I have grown closer and closer to my Lord, as my thoughts center on Him, as my heart yearns for His Presence, I can see what I had dreamed and thought was gone, the stirring of my heart to work in ministry, but not seeing.....Ezekiel 12:22 "Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Israel, which says, "The days are prolonged, and every vision falls?"  These are our thoughts when we get to a certain age, and what we dreamed of  has not come true, we fall into that pattern of believing the voice of the enemy that tells us, "too bad, your God has forgotten your dreams, you are past the age of usefulness to Him".  Have you also heard that?  The enemy is so good at making us feel as though we were passed up.....but not true.  Our Lord never passes by without seeing us, without seeing our heart's desire to serve Him....He waits, though, until His timing is right to place us on the path He has made for us, His plan for our life.  His perfect timing, His perfect plan.  Just because you see others in what we might consider the prime time of their life being used by the Lord does not mean He does not have a time, a path, a plan for us. He has a plan for each of His children, and I believe He has special plans for those of us whose heart desire is to serve Him with all that is in us.

I have found, that now, at this time of life I am in, that the best is just beginning, and I know it will get better each and every day, as I keep myself yielded to Him, as I keep my worship, my love songs flowing up to Him, and as I seek His face, long for His Presence...yes, my Lord, I know, the best is yet to come.


Saturday, October 13, 2012


 Psalm 84:7  "They go from strength to strength" till each appears before God in Zion." 

Is it just me, or do you, my friends, also see the Lord is so many things.  I just turned on the TV, and two ladies sat down on two lawn chairs to visit, and the backs of the chairs have a brace of sorts in the form of a cross.  Top to bottom, and side to side, in the middle of the back of the chair.  I was struck with these thoughts when I saw that and knew I was to share with you.

The Lord braces us top to bottom, from the top of our heads....our thoughts, He strengthens our thoughts to be of His, and as we ask Him, He keeps our thoughts on Him, not on things that the enemy would use to distract us. He braces our eyes, shielding them from the enemy's deceptions; our earsshut off from the destructive words of the world, but open to hear His sweet voice.

The Lord braces our backs and our legs making us strong to do the work He puts before us.  His brace extends side to side to give strength to our arms to lift others up from their misery and hurt with His love and words of encouragement.  Our hands He makes stronger each day as we extend His blessing to all those we meet.

Our feet are made strong in Him so they can follow His way, the path He puts in front of us, failing not to keep us in the Light, His precious Light. 

As the body weakens toward the end of the day, our precious Lord gives us rest and He restores the braces He has built inside of us with His everlasting love, His hand going back and forth, top to bottom, side to side, seeing that our heart is strengthened and braced with His special balm of healing power; that all the dings, the darts of intended hurt, all those places are smoothed over by His loving hands.  When we awake, we can rise with more strength than the day before, with the braces He has restored to serve us another day in Him.

Yes, friends, all this from seeing the back of a chair.  I like the thought that the chair I sit in, the chair with the braces so strong to hold me, are the lap of my Father.  Can you feel His heart beating through to you, as you sit there, Strength holding you, Love restoring you, and pure Joy beating in your heart.

If you are not seeing the Lord, His hand, His thoughts in things around you in your daily life, I would like to think that you will ask Him to draw you nearer, draw you closer to Him each day.  Father, let Your thoughts always flow in my mind, my heart and my spirit, and let me see You everywhere I look.  I would not desire to live any other way, but Your way.


Sunday, October 7, 2012


Numbers 23:19  "God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind."

After spending the night across town with some dear friends, I was traveling back home this morning and just spending time with my Father.  I was thanking Him for being my Lord, my God, and then my spirit was just grieving for those that choose not to know Him.  I was thinking about those that choose these strange, to me, religions such as Scientology and others like that.  I have no idea about a lot of their ways, but I was wondering out loud to the Lord, "who do they pray to?".  When they have needs, fears, who do they pray to?  And I was just grieving that so many people just turn away from the Lord, when He loves us all so.

The Lord spoke into my spirit, "They all have equal opportunity, they all have the same opportunity as you to know me."  Then the verse above came into my spirit.  Our Lord does not lie, when He says He is our Father, He is just that.  When I began thinking about His being my Father, your Father, the Lord spoke again to me and said "all are born of man, but not all are born of God".  We are all born of man, but only those of us that CHOOSE to call upon our Lord, that ask for forgiveness, redemption of our sin, and choose to love Him with all our hearts, are born of God.  Not all are born of God.  Those even who call themselves Christians, but whose hearts are self-seeking and are using the platform of our Father for self gain, they are not truly born of God.  We have all seen this, and it becomes more evident daily.  Beware of false prophets......

Everyone has the opportunity to know our Lord and God.  Those that have not heard, will hear, as the Lord will make certain that the gospel is brought to every man, woman and child on earth.  He has said it and it will become so.  So everyone will have the same opportunity, equal to all, to know Him as their personal Savior, to be redeemed of sin, and to be born of God.  Until they know, they do not know or truly understand their sin.  It is when we become aware of the nature of Christ, when we hear of Him, that makes our sin so evident, so besetting, so makes us fall before our Lord, thanking Him for His sacrifice, for His blood, and ask Him to come into our hearts.  We are made righteous only in Him, nothing of ourselves, and but for our Savior, have no hope.  But in Him, and through Him, we have hope, we have peace, we have joy.  All can have this same hope, the same peace found only in the Lord and the joy that makes everything worth while.

For those of you that do not know my Savior, He can be your Savior also.  A minute to look at your life as it is, that's all it takes for you to recognize the path of destruction you are on, the fears you face, the emptiness you feel.  Look at what you, look into the eyes of Jesus, and you will see what you can be.  This is your time, your not look away, give Him your heart today, give Him what you are, right now, and then watch as He takes what was sin, born of man and makes perfected in Him, a new man....born of God.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Hosea 10:12  "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord."

I was thinking earlier about some friends that are so wrapped up in their children, their work, their play, and even, sadly, themselves.  I no longer wonder why these thoughts come to mind, as I have found the Spirit of the Lord will be quickly speaking to me about it.  And the Lord brought forth, date night.

In the early days of my marriage to Robert, after the first few years of adjustment, ridding one's self of baggage that was carried in from previous marriages, we settled into the work and home routine.  The first three years he worked shift work, so that left little time for us, the ships passing in the night kind of thing.  But when he went on straight days, weekends off, that made a difference.  Every Saturday morning we would get up and have our morning coffee, look at the laundry, the dust on the furniture, and the mud by the back door.....and we would waltz out the door and go have breakfast at a local restaurant....sometimes it was McDonalds, sometimes, it was better; but the idea here is, we left the house together and had a date.  After breakfast, we would do something, if it were window shopping, trade show, craft show, or whatever, we spent the better part of the day just concentrating on each other.  It was time to show each other how special time together was and how we loved spending time with each other.

Yes, I know, folks have children.....but here is the deal.  When all your time is spent concentrating on the children, or the housework, or whatever you can find that keeps you away from that important man/woman in your life.....there will come a time that you find ...... it will be too late.  You will have forgotten what it is like to have that real, passionate love for that person.  You will love them, but it will not be the kind of love that will sustain you through the years, after the children are grown and gone, after retirement comes and the job is no longer the love you had before, after the house is just exactly like it should be....when there are only two there, it can stay pretty neat.  You will find that the person you fell so deeply in love with all those years ago, will feel just like you do, indifferent, complacent.  Long days will turn into long nights, with nothing to say to each other as you will have become as strangers.  And it might have been different had you night.

After Robert's illness overtook him and he could not get out like he enjoyed doing, we still did things night does not have to be an expensive time, you can make it what works for you.  We would pop popcorn and watch a movie together, or sometimes just sit quietly together on the swing on the back porch, being in each other company....undivided attention, talking together, sharing our memories, still talking of the future.

When I became a widow..... yes, I know, you are thinking, my date nights were over; you are so wrong.  Now I have a date anytime I look inside my heart, when I seek out the Spirit of the One whose love I desire more than anyone on this earth, He comes to me.  I would suggest to all of you, men and women alike, to make time also for the special One, our Lord and God, and spend quality time with Him.  Set up a date night if you must, a special time, it doesn't need to be night but can be what works for you and the Lord.  I know He will let you choose the time, because He is always free and excited to have a date with us.  Date time with the Lord, so special, as He loves to pour out Himself in such exciting ways.  Spoken words into our spirits, a glow that will settle all over your being, and pure chills as you feel His presence surround you.

It's called date night for a is a time when something happens, a time set aside, Set aside time this week to be with your spouse, to share that love you have for each other, to keep your marriage true to it's beginning.....and set aside that special time to have a date with the Lord, your God, and keep that relationship true to it's beginning...for you see, He has loved You with an everlasting love, and He wants to share Himself with you too.


Saturday, September 29, 2012


Deuteronomy 25:15  "You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."

As I awoke this morning, in my spirit I saw a ruler.  Actually the one I saw was this 5 foot metal ruler I have that I would use to put under the rag rugs I was making to measure them.  It is fairly heavy but flexible and now just stands in a corner behind a door.  I was wondering why this would be on my mind, but soon the Lord began to speak to me.

The Lord showed me a picture of a child standing next to a door frame, getting that mark put on the frame just where his head came up to.  Remember those days, where we were so anxious to get taller, to grow up?  The Lord asked me, "When was the last time you did this?".  If you are like me, it was probably when you were 10 or so.  I cannot truly remember, but it was a longgggg time ago.  And then the flood gates opened as I began to see what the Lord was showing me.

So often the children of the Lord grow so much in a short time span, you know, what as children is referred to as a growth spurt....and then nothing.  We simply sit on what we have learned and think we are smart in the ways of our Lord.  How wrong we are.   ( I am looking now at the title of this, "The Ruler of Life" knowing that the Lord is going to change this in a little while.  He is showing me that this is not the ruler of life, rather something much deeper.  I will know soon.  Thank You, Lord.)  As we seem to satisfy ourselves with the knowledge we have gained through this growth spurt, our spirits lay dormant, lifeless, regressing.

There is no length determined to our growth except in our minds.  A little word here, a short thought there, and the enemy can have us puffed up enough to think we know everything we need to know, or that is to be known of our God.  This knowledge, small and deceptive, will have us wandering to and fro, not knowing, not hearing, the voice of our Lord.  We will go with whatever seems good to our ears at the time, never knowing the true desires of our Lord for us, or the true desires of our own hearts. 

The Lord tells me there is so much more He has for us if we will continue to grow in Him.  We are to stretch ourselves to know more of Him, (remember how we use to stand tall on our toes to be taller than we were at the door post?).  This is not the time to stand complacent, thinking we are where we should be, but it is the time to stretch ourselves, lift ourselves up as high as we can so we can touch the hem of His garment, reach to heights where His voice is all we hear, tall enough where we can crawl up onto the lap of the Lord ourselves instead of His having to pick us up.  We can go to Him if we will continue to grow up in Him. 

The God of my life wants me to desire to grow, to reach heights of knowledge of Him that will keep me in His Light, not losing my way, but hearing His voice above all the worldly sounds, distractions.  I am not to stop learning but to seek to find more of Him each day, in His Word, by His Spirit.  This is the only way that I, that you, will know the true Word of the Lord, know His voice above all those that would lead us astray, growing in Him; not being satisfied with where we were, or by what we had, but by what lies ahead of us in Him, by the desire to be so intimate with our God, our Lord, that we find ourselves one day, walking with Him, without the real knowledge of it, but just that it is as natural as our very breath.  We in the Lord, the Lord in us. 

Grown me Lord, I never want to stop.  I will stand tall, I will stretch myself up to You, I will call upon You each moment, letting You show me what You have for me with each new day.  Your ruler, Lord, Your ruler for my life, let it be.  Stretch me, Lord with Your ruler.  I will not be content with what is of today, but will desire more tomorrow, and yet more the next day, till I know You as You want me to......One with You.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


John 7:37b  "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink."

Blessed, I am so blessed, Lord.  Each morning when I wake, I think of where I am this day, and how blessed I am.  I thank You my God, as I wake, I thank You.  I never want to take what You have done for me for granted, as I know without Your grace, Your precious grace, I would not know this life You have given me. 

I find that lately I have been basking in the love You pour out onto me each day.....and I feel tonight that I am missing the mark.  I know You desire me to happy, blessedly happy, but I know there is another desire You have for me.  You want me to want more....much more of You.

So often Lord, we get in a place where we are so blessed and, well I can only speak for myself, but I begin to feel like it would be selfish....perhaps that is not the right word....maybe greedy is the word that would describe how I feel at times.  Like I am greedy if I desire more, if I want to go deeper in You, to seek more of You than I have.  You have shown me Lord, that there are depths to You that I have only begun to see....I know there's more....and I want more.

Yes, I see, Lord....You desire me to come closer, to seek You, to want more of You, of Your words, of Your love, of Your sweet scent....the very smell of You gives my senses new meaning, new heights.  I don't think I can be happy now, now that You have shown me it is Your desire for me to have more.  I have to come closer to You, Lord God, so much closer.  Seems like as I get busy during the day doing the things You have me working at, that I am distanced from You...but that is the enemy's tricks to make me think You are not near.  You are showing me that just because we have life to live on this planet, in this sinful world, that we are still in You.  I can be in this world but not of this world, as I am of You.  When we are of You, it puts a barrier between us and the world we live in.  It's a shield, the shield of faith that we wear, that keeps the splatter of sin, of evil, the wickedness that prevails on earth from wearing us down; from defeating us.  Your grace, poured out like a river, the sweet river that flows down from Your throne, washes us, cleansing us, refreshing us.  Your Word, written so long ago.....only You knew, Father, how the Words You gave would continue to give life to us, generations down from when it was written.  Words that were meant for eternal help, eternal guidance to a people that would continue to get it wrong, to fall short, to miss the mark of You, of Your glory.

Tonight, my Lord, I want to go to places that my heart has yearned for, but my mind, thinking it wrong to constantly ask for more, would not take me....but tonight, I am going past what my thoughts would be, and I am letting Your Spirit draw my heart, my soul, my spirit to that place of new heights where You are waiting for me.  One level at a time, You are showing me, where new knowledge of You exists, where intimacy will enclose me, and where I will find myself walking with the love of my life, my Lord, my God.  I know there is more, and I will not stop until I have that fullness, that beautiful fullness of my Lord in me.


Saturday, September 22, 2012


2 Timothy 2:22  "Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

Close your eyes for a moment.  Picture those who you would consider slaves; those enslaved before the Civil War in our own country, and those who are still slaves in third world countries.  With your eyes still closed, look at the treatment of these people, consider the differences of how they were treated under a good master and under a cruel master; but still they were slaves; no freedom, held in captivity.

Now open your eyes and look around you.  Do you consider yourself free?  Do you see how well off you are, nice home, nice car, good job.....are you free?  Now close your eyes again and look inside your heart.  Look deep into those areas that you consider not important enough to deal with, those areas that no one knows of but yourself, and they don't hurt anyone.  Look at each area and consider it.  Now open your eyes again.  Look around once more, do you still see your things in the same light?

You may not have chains around your leg; you may not be afraid of speaking your mind or going where you want to, but are you any better than those that are held in physical captivity?  Let me assure you, my friends, being held captive by sin, fear, and self-judgment is a dreadful way to spend your life.  It is a bondage of which there is not hope.  No one is going to make a national proclamation and free you from what you hold inside your heart.  No one will know that you are dying inside while you hold your head up and walk around in imaginary freedom.  You are a slave to a master that only wants to see destruction in your life, chaos in your home, and your family in ruins.  There is no hope as long as you will refuse to let go of those things that hold you in slavery.  There is no joy as long as you continue to go into places where there is only darkness.  There is no peace.

The song, "Come to Jesus" is running through my mind at this point.  I can't tell you why this is on my heart to tell you today.  I was reading about a group of slaves while I was in the Fitness room today walking the treadmill.  These slaves were freed from one bondage only to find out that when they got to their final destination they would be in bondage again.  It would be to good masters, but they still would not be free.  And the Lord began showing me, the people who refuse to let the Holy Spirit clean out every area of their hearts.  They keep putting it off, perhaps ashamed to let the Lord in that part of them....isn't that foolish, He knows what is in there, everything about you is open to His eyes, but He won't push Himself in there, you must invite Him in, to cleanse you from all sin, from all fear, from all bondage.

Open your eyes to the Master, the Master who invites you to become captive to His love, His joy and His peace.  The Master who opens His arms to enfold you into them, to give you comfort and encouragement as He cleanses out every fear, entanglement, disillusionment, and sin from your life.  Open your eyes to the One who will never condemn you, but will give you a new life in Him.  Come to Jesus, come to Jesus today.


Thursday, September 20, 2012


Psalm 91:1  "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

Our battles, those never ending battles that have been coming at us from the time we can remember.....they have been won.  Do you realize how much time we spend thinking about how we are going to take care of the responsibilities we have, wondering what will happen if, and when, and because? 

Rest.  We can rest in the Lord.  Do you think that the Lord spends all His days worrying about what we will do next?  First, He already knows what we are going to do today, tomorrow, next year.  He knows the words of our mouth before we ever utter a sound.  The Lord knows our heart.  He knows if we truly desire Him, if we need, without any doubt, if we need Him every minute as we do air to breath.  And He knows our fears, our concerns, our limitations.  Rest.  Our Lord created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them, and then He rested.  The work was done. 

He sent Jesus to earth because our God wanted our fears to cease, He wanted us to be whole and well in spirit and mind and body.  He sent Jesus to earth, knowing He would be sacrificed for us, His beloved children.  Our Lord wanted us to be able to rest.  On the day our Lord, precious Jesus died, He took on every battle from the pits of hell; every form of sin, illness, fear; all of it defeated when our Lord cried out "It Is Finished".  The battle was won then and forever more.  There was no undoing the completion of this triumphant feat.  And when Jesus ascended up to Heaven, He rested.  He knew the battle was won.  He knew the Bride would be safe, if only they would believe.....if only they would listen to His Spirit....if only they would trust Him. 

Hands outstretched, the Lord reaches for our battles, our struggles and fears.  Love pouring forth, He gives us strength to face each day; He gives us courage and encouragement to stand upright in His righteousness; He gives us knowledge that the battle has been won, we can rest in Him.

So why are there so many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord shaken, distressed, fearful?  Think on this, my friends.  Why do you fight when the battle has been won?  We are victorious and we do not have to lift a hand.  Our rest is in the Word of God.  In every place you look, you see the peace flowing out of the Word.  The words written there are life to you and me, they are the joy of the Father  meant to thrill our hearts.  Life, precious life, freedom, we are bound no more, we are free.  The enemy has been defeated, he has no place in our lives.

Still questioning?  Revelation 20:10  "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown.  They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."  Revelation 21:6  "He said to me: "it is done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  To him who is thristy I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.  He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son."

You cannot overcome without faith in the God who created us.  You cannot overcome without believing in Jesus, the Son of God, that He died for our sin, and reigns now as King.  You cannot overcome unless you first come to the Lord, bowed down, repentant, seeking His face, giving your all to the One that has given all for you.  Overcomers, lift up your head, look into the eyes of our precious Savior, His tears are tears of joy....because the battle has been won, you are His.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Revelation 2:10b  "Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."

I have begun taking a Bible study class on Wednesday mornings, the study is on Esther.  It looks to be a really good study and so far, I am enjoying it tremendously.  We have small classes at first and then we join together for a general assembly of all the ladies, there are probably 200 or more ladies going to this study.  Today, the speaker was talking about the King, Xerxes.  To be honest, my mind had drifted but was quickly brought back when she said "it's all about the one that wears the crown".  Instantly the Spirit spoke to me and I heard "the crown of life".

The Holy Spirit was so attentive to this speaker for as she spoke He just began to download to me several things, as you will see in the next few days, but today, He gave me this.  It is all about the one that wears the crown.  I first began to think of my Lord, the King of my life.  When I think of a crown, I instantly think of the King of kings, Jesus.  I believe that all we do, all we have, all we are lead to in our life's is ultimately about Jesus, about our Lord.  We were created for God's good pleasure and it pleases our God for us to worship and adore our King, Jesus.

Then the Holy Spirit began to show me that it is about me also, you too.  In the eyes of our Father, we are so important.  He gave us life, He blesses us because He loves us so dearly.  We mean so much to the Lord.  Our God sent His only Son to earth to become the ultimate sacrifice for our sin, He did not have a household of sons, only the One, Jesus.  It was important to God, our Father, as He wanted to have a relationship with us, a real relationship....not where all we do is come to Him when we need something, or when we finally get around to remembering him, when we have nothing else to do so we pray.  No, God wants a real relationship, the kind where He is the first thought we have in the morning, where we open our eyes and look for Him, seek Him out to visit with Him, spend time with Him, invite Him to come along with us wherever we go that day, we ask Him to please, Lord, come with us.  Our Father wants us to know Him as the Lover of our souls, where when we hurt, when we got disappointed, when we were afraid, we can instantly call to Him, knowing He will be right there and will gather us in His arms and comfort us.  The Lord is desiring to hear our words of adoration, our heart felt songs of worship lifting up to His throne room....because we love Him, because He is our very breath of life.  Our Father wants a relationship with us that He knows, no matter what would happen in our life, we will never turn our backs on Him, that our love for Him will grow stronger, deeper every day....even if we are put to death.....we will remain faithful to Him, we will remain so in love with Him....His alone.  A real relationship, Father and child.  He loves us so much.

And as we are His first thought in the morning, He looks for us, reaches out to us, pours His love on us, His peace descending like a cloud of sweet honey flowing all around us, and His joy sinking deep into our spirits.....His Crown He will give to us.  It becomes about us, receiving His Crown of life.  We, children of the Most High God, receiving the Crown of Life.....God's own Crown.  He wants to give us everything; there is no end of the gifts of the Father...He has given so much to us and He wants to give us His very best....His Crown, so our life is complete; His Heart, so we always know we are His beloved.

My Lord, I love You.  I look for the day when I see You with my eyes and not just my heart, but when my eyes behold my Lord and You place upon my head Your Crown, the Crown of Life.  Shouts of Hallelujah will come from my heart and my lips will join in the praises of the angels above, worshiping my King, the Crown of my life.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Ephesians 1:13  "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit."

seal :  shows authenticity; a pledge; fastens or closes something tightly; ratify, certify, make binding; decide beyond recall; give a sign of truthfulness; and the Lord told me seal of approval....

"I am my Beloveds and He is mine."  I have been marked with the seal of my Father, my God.  When I was born again in Him, through the precious sacrifice my Lord made, His seal, dipped in His shed blood, was placed upon my life, upon my mind, my heart, my soul and my spirit.  The Lord, my Beloved, has given me His sign, His seal of approval.  Do you, my friends, realize how precious this seal is, the worth of what the Lord has given us?  No other approval on earth, in all the world, can rank with this seal of the Lord.  I belong.....I belong to God.  It is a true relationship, not one that wavers with the times of the earth, not one that be shaken loose by circumstances....even should I slip, I am instantly lifted back to my Lord God, He draws me close and holds me tightly, telling the enemy, "this child is mine....My seal has been placed upon her life, upon her physical and spiritual being, and nothing can take her from me".  So I worry not what of tomorrow, as I know I have been placed under a binding pledge of God to always be mine, He will always be my God.

 The Lord has made me to be His minister, His vessel, knowing He can pour through me and it will go where He intends it to go.  He trusts you know how special it is to be trusted to deliver, to show, to share what the Lord gives. He does not give for us to hoard the gift, He gives the gift to be shared with others....we have no fear of the gift leaving us, the gift is meant to be shared. The Holy Spirit, proof of the seal of God....we are stamped.  We wear the likeness of the Lord...His mark, His seal upon our lives.  With the Holy Spirit dwelling within, there is no doubt when people see us, they know Who we belong to.  If someone is doubting Your authenticity, then you need to see if somehow you have allowed the seal to become loosened.  Our Lord will not break this seal.....He has sealed us with His blood.....only in our faithlessness to Him will that seal become loose.  Can you afford to let this happen? 

A rare stamp, one that is so priceless in worldly circles is treated with such delicacy....not to let anything happen to it.  The seal my Lord has placed upon me, I will treat it with such honor, such respect, such love.....I will give it my utmost attention not to allow it to be ..... not to allow it to be loosened from me.  The blood of my Lord placed this seal on my life...having given His all to wrap me tightly in His arms, giving me His Own Spirit to be a part of my life, to bind me to Him, once and for all could I not give my all to bind His seal also.  My sacrifice, so small in comparison, but my sacrifice of worship to Him, my giving of my time, my thoughts, my beginnings and my endings, all to Jesus I surrender.....what I have I give to bind the seal even tighter, if that would be even possible.

I am a marked woman...marked with the seal of the Creator of the Universe, the King of kings, the Lord of lords....I carry the seal of my Father.  I am bound to Him through the blood....through the tears.....through the love of my Beloved Lord Jesus.  All to Jesus I surrender....I am under His seal, forever, beyond recall of this world....His alone.


Sunday, August 26, 2012


1 Samuel 17:24  "When the Israelites saw the man, they all ran from him in great fear."

This man, this man was Goliath, he was a huge man.  It is said that when he walked the earth, the ground trembled and shook.  And the children of God were in fear, great fear of this man.  Except for David, who was outraged that any man would defy the army of the Lord.  See, David had great faith, he drew his strength from the Lord.  He walked in the Light and he knew what his God could do.... would do for His children when asked.

This is a story that everyone who has ever been in church knows.  From a small child I knew this story and how a small stone brought down this big man.  But that is where this story ends and what the Lord shared with me this morning begins.  In church this morning, we were singing a song about a shaking that was coming.  The earth was going to shake and all that could be loosed would be loosed.  There were also some words that came forth from the Lord.  As all this was going on, the Holy Spirit moved greatly in me and the Lord began to talk to me about shaking and the fear of His children.

The Lord told me that when this  man Goliath walked the earth, it shook, trembled under the weight of his size and so many of the children of God ran in fear.  But the Lord said this was nothing compared to the shaking that comes forth when the praises, when the pure worship of the children of God rises up to the Throne Room of Heaven.  When that beautiful, fragrant worship, that sweet adoration from the hearts of His children rise up to call Him, to call the Lord down, when the Presence of the Lord touches earth, there is a shaking that begins and does not end as long as those hearts are singing their heart songs of adoration.  Shaking begins and loosens all the chains, all the hindrances that are binding God's children, freeing them, giving them new life, freedom in the Lord.  They begin to flow in the Spirit in one accord as the peace settles over them, flowing through their body as healing takes place, as the old man is put off and the children of God take on the persona that they were created to have.  A new creature in Christ, oh the glory of the Presence of the Lord.  There is nothing like the Presence of the Lord.

But......the Lord also told me that some, that some of His children would turn and run in fear.... of His Presence.  See, the Lord said not all are willing to completely abandon their past, their old habits... part of them want to, but they are afraid.  See... to completely abandon everything, to receive the peace, the joy of God Almighty, there has to be complete faith, a giving up of control, your willful nature.... old habits die hard.  But old habits will and can die; you must be willing to let them go and throw yourself into the arms of a God who will never leave you, Who will never let you down, Who will love you with an everlasting love.

The footsteps of our God, when His glorious Presence touches earth, drawn down by our worship, by our hearts of pure love for the Lord, will shake this earth like none have ever seen.  The shaking is nothing to fear for the children of God who have given the Lord their hearts and trust Him completely.  Nothing to fear as they know that the Lord has them in His hands and He is going to give them the desires of their hearts, when that desire is from a heart that is seeking the heart of God alone.

Shake on, my Lord.  I look forward to the earth shaking with Your Presence.  I desire to be in Your Presence at all times.  Let all Your children desire Your sweet Presence, let them abandon themselves into Your plans for them, Your will for their lives.  Let them all, join me, Lord, in sweet worship, in total awe of Your Holy Presence; come down, flow here, touch this earth with Your Holy Presence.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


1 Samuel 4:3b  "Let us bring the ark of the Lord's covenant from Shiloh, so that it may go with us, and save us from the hand of our enemies."

This morning I walked a mile on the treadmill, not a lot for many, but a new beginning for me.  The treadmill allows me to read the Bible on my Kindle while I walk.  As there is no one in the exercise room but myself, this is a quiet place, a place that becomes holy as the Lord is with me.

When you are redeemed by the Lord, He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell with you.  This is the Ark of His Covenant....His Presence.  His Presence then, and each day, dwells within you.  He is always with you.  So, in effect, the Lord told me that when we go, where we go, His Presence goes with us.  This is not the first time the Lord has poured into my spirit the urgency of our honoring His Presence.  So where we go, how we act, what we take part in, we are bringing His Presence, the Ark of the Covenant of our God, our Lord, to take part in that also.  Selah.....

The Lord also illuminated the insistence of the Israelites upon their wanting a king.  The Lord did not want to do this, and Samuel pleaded with the people, but they were insistent.  Have you ever prayed and prayed for something.....not noticing that there may be a Godly reason for not receiving what you have prayed for....but insisting over and over that you must have this, and finally, the Lord gives it to you.  Not everything we receive is something the Lord knows is good for us.  But when we are so insistent on something, the Lord will, at His purpose, give it to us.  Ever wonder why what we thought was from the Lord, because we had prayed, did not work out, or eventually grieved us?  Did you blame God for this?   These things grieve our Lord also, but He will use it to show us, to teach us in love, that it is ever so important to seek His will for our lives, not our wants, but His will.  Yes, it may take longer than we would like to wait, but those that wait...."Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him."  Isaiah 30:18.   When we wait for the Lord, He will bring us to that place where we can receive His intended blessings upon our lives. 

We must honor the Presence of the Lord at all times.  We must never take our Lord for granted or boast, thinking we are better than someone else.  The Israelites brought the Ark to where their fight was thinking the Presence of the Lord would fight this battle and win it for them....they never inquired of the Lord if this was His will.  And they were defeated.  Before we step out to begin our day, we must always pray and ask the Lord for His will to be our guide, for His desire to be our desire, and His heart to be manifest in our heart, for His love to be poured out of us to others.  Honoring the very Presence will result in bringing honor to Him in all we do.  This is the only way to be victorious in our life.  Honoring the Presence of the Lord, our Holy God.

I thank You, Father, for Your words to me this morning.  I ask that all my thoughts, all my ways, all my desires be subject to Your will for my life.  You are the Lord of my life and I love You with all that is in me.


Friday, August 17, 2012


Psalm 16:2  "I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

This afternoon late, I took myself over to the gym that is offered here and began to walk the treadmill.  I was reading my Kindle, a book on "How to Worship a King".  It really is a beautiful book that has so many times just brought me to tears.  But today as I was walking, reading, and praying, my spirit began to sing I Long to Be One With You, One with You, my Lord.  Just a few times over and over those sweet words, then I heard the Lord sing back to me, I long to be One with you, my child, One with you, my love.  I wept silently then as I am weeping now as I remember how beautiful the voice of my Lord is.  The urgency and desire in His voice that matched mine as I sang to Him.

Have you heard the voice of the Lord sing to you?  His sweet, precious voice that sings in a beauty you can never achieve, I don't think angels can even come close to that beautiful voice, that perfect melody.  And to have Him tell you, sing to you, that He, that He wants to be One with you.  I believe we spend so much time thinking of how much we want to be in the presence of our God, we forget that it is His utmost desire to have us in His presence. 

Are we entering in, are we doing what is necessary to enter into His presence.  Are we coming before Him, asking daily for a cleansing of all the world from us; are we striving to keep our hearts pure before Him?  Are we searching His Word for the ways to find Him, to seek Him with every heartbeat?  Not just at times when we feel we have a moment to spare, but all the time.....seeking to find Him.  Our Lord waits on us.... we don't wait on Him.  Have you told someone that you are waiting on the Lord?  Why are you waiting, He is so easily found.  We may at times wait for an answer.... well, not again the Lord is telling me; the answer comes, we feel sometimes we are waiting as it was not the answer we wanted to hear.  He always answers, it is just not always what we expected.  If we do not hear Him right away, perhaps we are not tuned into Him....maybe we have our minds on so much other that His sweet, soft voice is not heard right away.  Be still and hear His voice, be still and seek Him.

You ask perhaps, why I listen to worship music all the time?  It is because it keeps His face before me, His Word going through my mind, and His love flowing around me.  I worship because I love Him, I worship because I want to honor Him with my love and my thoughts, I worship because He makes me so happy.  I worship even when I am having a day that is not great, and on those days, I worship even more.  I want to run to Him and let my Lord hold me, I want to hide behind Him until He tells me it is safe to come out, that He has dispelled all the arrows of the enemy.

My Lord wants to be One with me.  In His presence I know who I am meant to be.  When I come away from Him, who I am does not change.  Who you are should never change from a moment alone or in the presence of our Mighty God.  Apart from our God, we have no good thing.  Apart from our God, we are not good.....He alone is our Righteousness, our Salvation, our Joy and our Peace.

One with me.  My God is One with me and I will always desire only to be One with Him.  My Lord, to You I give all the glory, all the honor, all my love, all my worship.  You are my God.


Saturday, August 11, 2012


2 Chronicles 7:14  "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

As I have thought about the times we are in, the wars, the natural disasters; I have thought about how the hearts of many respond to these things.  They live as thought it is they who is in charge, it is they who make their days prosperous, healthy, and happy.  The people who openly declare unbelief in God, and persecute those that love the Lord and follow Him, these people truly live with no hope, but do not recognize this, that is, at this moment. 

But when disaster comes, or threats of harm to themselves, or their loved ones, then they turn to the One that deep within their hearts know is their only Hope.  Can you imagine yourself treated this way?  Some can as we all have had family or friends that give us no thought until there is a real emergency, or a real need that they feel only you can supply.  But our Lord, His heart full of love for His children endures this day in, day out.  When I think about the hurt and disappointment that our God endures.  Forgive me, Lord, forgive us all.

I can remember 9/11 quite well, even remember what I was doing that day, remember the tears that streamed down my face as I watched the twin towers fall, taking innocent lives as it came down.  I remember the days and months following, churches filled up again, people were showing love and concern for one another.....remember, so many turned once again to You, asking forgiveness and mercy.  Yes, I know You do.....another grievous time for You, a heart breaking time for You as well as with so many of us that love You.  You, Lord, so just and true, forgiving and drawing close Your wounded children, wounded in body and spirit, seeking hope and protection, seeking guidance from Your precious Holy Spirit, You loving us all.

Then as thought it never happened, once again, these went back to their former ways.  I have been reading about Noah's ark, and how Noah would witness and talk to those in sin, some confessing their sin and returning to the Lord, only to tire of the wait, choosing because it was taking so long for the flood to come, believing that perhaps Noah was mistaken, for surely the Lord was loving and He would not destroy the earth.  They had only returned in fear, a fear driven godliness.....this never lasts.

Fear driven godliness.....short termed, short lived, only long enough for those to forget who had saved them and rescued them from all harm in the past, who had provide for them, and forgave them time after time. When fear comes, from whatever situation you are in, are you in that place of confidence in the Lord that you know He is there, you know He is holding you and there is nothing to fear?  Or are you one that immediately casts down that pride, that self adoring attitude and turns and calls on the Lord for help?  Remember always, God looks on the heart....He will always know the one who is truly repentant and the one that is only giving lip godliness.  But always the Lord is forgiving to those truly repentant children.  Always.

How different it is for God's children that walk and talk with Him each day.  They know that when disaster comes, they can call on the Name that is above all Names, and instantly that Majestic Voice will call out across the earth "Peace be still".  And the peace that passes all understanding will flood your soul.  How beautiful is our Lord.

For those that have a godliness attitude that comes only when fear arises, take a moment and look at the difference that trusting the Lord daily, loving Him deeply, and honoring Him always can bring to your life.  Never having to worry about what will happen, how it will change your life, will God forgive you in time...... He waits, as He always does, with open arms and a love that He has always had for you, just waiting to show you what a difference accepting His love can make to your life.

Thank You, Father.  I pray these are the words You would have me speak, and I pray that they reach the ears You have intended them for.  I love You, my Lord, always. 


Sunday, August 5, 2012


Psalm 138:8  "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures not abandon the works of your hands."

Taking a break to relax for a little while, I watched a movie about settlers many, many years ago.  Three things struck me as the real theme of this movie....pearls, land and light.  As I was watching the Holy Spirit kept showing me things of my God, how everything I watch, I see, I do, and I think all revolve around Him, around what His thoughts are....not mine, but His.  My Lord's thoughts are so beautiful, so wonderful, it is no wonder that I prefer to yield my thoughts to His.  Why would I want to think on things of this earth in my limited thought process when I can have His thoughts revealed to me, His thoughts that bring peace and joy to me.  I yield to You, my Lord, always to You.

The Pearls.  At one time, pearls meant a great deal to ladies as they were handed down from generation to generation.  Mothers giving them to their daughters, usually on their wedding day.  I saw through my spiritual eyes, the pearls that were given to us, God's children, as we will wear them on our wedding day to the King of kings, the Prince of peace, God's Son, the Bridegroom of Eternal Life.  At a great cost these pearls were bought for the Bride, and they will not be taken from me, or you.  They are ours for eternity.  The pearls must be worn constantly as if not they will take on an unnatural color.  Pearls that are worn are a beautiful creamy, rich color; vibrant with life.  The pearls, the true gifts of the Spirit, a gift from the Father to the Bride of His Son.  These gifts are meant to be seen, meant to be always worn by the Bride.  Pearls that are not worn, when we do not walk with the Lord as we should, we are failing to wear our pearls; then these pearls, not worn daily,  become dry, hardened, a dreary color.  Life drains from these pearls when they are not worn as they were given to be worn. 

The Land.  We were promised the land of milk and honey; the promised land,  prepared for us by the Father to enrich our lives, an inheritance for His children.  On our land we must plant, we must water, we must harvest.  Each harvest we must reserve some of the seed for the next planting.  We must  always make sure we have seed for planting.  If we sow good seed, we get a good harvest.  The only way we can sow good seed is to read the Word of our Lord and let that seed begin to grow inside of our hearts, filling our spirits with an overflow of love and kindness for those the Lord puts around us.  As we love in the way that Jesus loves, then we can begin to plant this seed in the hearts of those around us.  Even I have heard tales of how people talk to their plants to make them healthier.  I don't know if this is true, but I believe that all people, pets, and probably plants all respond to real love, not just talk but heartfelt love.  When we plant a word in someone to show them the way to our Lord, it is so important that we do not leave them unattended, it is necessary to make sure this ground, the land that we have planted this seed on stays watered, talked to, and kept healthy.  We cannot abandon this land once it is planted.  It is a work, it is love, it is part of our we share the Lord's love, His blessings, the land prospers, the land grows, the kingdom is blessed.

The Light.  None of us are removed from temptation.  But temptation is not sin.  We must keep oour eyes on the Light.   We have our pearls, the gifts of the Spirit and wear them daily as children of God.  The richer the glow of our pearls, the more the enemy will come against us, the more intense the battle will become.  The enemy will try to make us leave the land we have planted, giving up before the harvest comes, and some fall, some give up.....but look ahead, those who become weary and worn; those of us that keep trudging on through the dark, with faith in our hearts, look ahead, can you see it?  Can you see the Light that never fades, that is always shining, like a beacon for a ship, the Light is bright and steady.  The Light that is ever before us, showing us the way; always reminding us that there is One who will never leave His pearls, or the land He has planted, He will always be showing us the way.  The Light will shine for us until that day we pass through that Holy Gate into His Eternal Light.  The Light of the world is shining for me and for you.  Our Lord loves us so.

The pearls, the most precious gift given through the sacrifice of our Bridegroom; the land, promised as an inheritance, planted, kept healthy by the watchful eye of the Holy Spirit, and harvested by God to become the Bride of His Beloved Son, Jesus and He shines His Light that we may never lose our way on our journey to the Wedding, to our destiny, to our Bridegroom.


Monday, July 30, 2012


Jeremiah 15:19-20  "If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.  Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.  I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you, but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you."

I saw something this morning that deeply saddened me.  The statement of one who knew of a past that was complete with wonder and excitement in the Lord but also sin and destruction of the enemy.  Yes, this reflects my past as I am certain it does a good number of those who read this.  The implication that this past had failure in it, sin, disappointment, destruction, hardships and deep hurts, whether self or otherwise injected; so they implied that because they had been a sinner, they would always be a sinner.

There is some truth to this statement, as we will all sin everyday.  As long as we are in this world, there will be sin that will enter in.  But we do not have to remain in that state.....we have been redeemed by the blood of our precious Savior.  The Lord did not say He would save us from past sin, He came to redeem us, forgive us, of ALL SIN, past, present and future.  This is just a side note for those who may not realize the unconditional love of our God.

To say that because we were a great sinner (all sin is great in the eyes of our Lord, there is no degrees of sin, little or big, SIN IS SIN), that we cannot change (all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God) is a myth, a lie straight from the lips of satan.  It is not from our Lord.  Jesus came so that we might be redeemed and made free from our sin.  Yes, even the sin that will be committed tomorrow, or next week, next year.  Free to live in Him, free to hold our heads up, relieved from the burden of the sinful nature that we were born into.  Do you ever feel, as I did this morning, that righteous anger that people can be so judgmental, so self righteous, to think that because of your past, you have no future in our Lord, in His Kingdom, in His Glory?   It just rose up in me this morning as the grief I felt the Lord feeling that still, His children want to hold everyone that He restores back because of their past.  Where would I be without the wonderful mercy and grace of my God?  Where would you be.  I cannot tell you how often the enemy comes at me with scenes of my past, with the horror of what I was, and so much of it only my Lord and I know....but that sometimes is worse than having your past plastered across the papers, the things that no one knows but the most important One in your life, the Lord of your life, Jesus.  He sees my past that He went to the cross for; He knows where I have slipped and fell for He was there with His hand reaching out to me; He knows how the enemy comes against me, how shame fills my heart; and yet above all this He knows how much He loves me and He continues to hold me and assure me that He has forgiven me, He has redeemed me, and yes, when I sin again, He will still love me more than life itself and redeem me when I repent and call upon His Name.  You see, the Lord knows the hearts of man, He sees when we are repentant.  His mercy, His grace for us does not go by what others see or think, it is a reflection of His love and our repentant heart that He sees. 

To each of us grace is measured out each day, mercy will always triumph over sin, and the death of the old man has brought life to the new in Jesus Christ.  So once a sinner, always a, this is not true......actually it is only true to those that continue to judge each other, for you see, that is sin.  Judging belongs to the Lord, and if we continue to fall into that trap, we will become sinners far worse than anything we can do.  Judge not that you sin not.  Forgive me, forgive others, forgive yourself when you fall, for as repentance comes from our lips to our Lord, redemption and love comes from His heart.

My Lord, all I can do is thank You for redeeming me, for forgiving me each day, each time I fail You, thank You for Your unconditional love that lifts me back to You as I seek to walk in Your Light with my head held high, for You are my Glory and the Lifter of my head.  I love You, Lord.


Sunday, July 29, 2012


John 10:10b  "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Have you thought at times, be honest now, for I know I have....but have you thought as you watched other people you know, how interesting their life is?  They always have an exciting story to tell, either from what happened at the store, or on a plane flight, a road trip; miracles that they were blessed to see.  I know at times, I have felt how very dull an existence I live; only to have a time out with the Holy Spirit at night.  The Holy Spirit will not leave me thinking in this frame of mind for very long for it is detrimental to the work the Lord has for each of us to do. 

If my life, if your life seems dull, boring, a life no one would dream of having, then we are not living our life to the fullest that the Lord has given us, not living up to the potential that He has put in us; the purpose that He has placed in our hearts, in our spirits, for us to attain in Him.  Friends, I am certainly talking to myself here.  I realize my life seems so busy at times, but still the enemy comes in to steal anything that is not weighed down by the Spirit, anything that is not settled on the Rock of our salvation can be taken in a moment. 

This is why, I believe, a lot of times we attend services and are so elated at the revelation we receive from the Lord during the service only to find that the next day, we cannot even remember what we heard in that place.  What happens?  Our eyes.....our view of the world outside of the Spirit happens.  We do not keep our eyes on the Lord as the enemy comes in to place doubt and unbelief on what we heard.  We listen and take the Word deep inside us and then the enemy comes and throws questions at us....."Well, if you are so blessed, then why does so and so seem to be more joyful than you?" or he might say "well, looky here, all alone and everyone else is busing doing God's work, but you are here writing, or you are just reading the Word, worshiping alone....something wrong with you, that is for sure."  Heard those words before.  I have. Takes a lot of deep conviction to ignore those words that keep coming and coming.

I spend a lot of time alone.  But I am finding that it is so blessed if I take the time to look inside of myself and ask the Lord what He wants to do with this time, with the time that has been evidently set aside by Him to give me the opportunity, IF I choose, to be with Him.  To choose to be with Him.  The Lord is constructing a time frame for each of His children where they will have that alone time, where He desires them to choose to spend that time with Him.  Not all do.  I am guilty of at times not recognizing that this time has been set aside by the Lord for OUR time.  Sometimes so wrapped up in what I did the day before.....why do we even spend time rehashing yesterday, good or bad?  It is gone, let's move into today and see what the Lord has planned.   I ask You, dear Spirit, to draw me at these times that my Lord has set for just the two of us, draw me into His presence, let nothing else, nothing else blind me to the fact that this alone time is not alone is my time with my God.  Set in this day to give me time to sit on my Father's lap and tell Him how much I love thank Him for my yesterdays, my today, and tell Him how I look forward to my tomorrows with Him.

I want to live my life to the fullest and the only way for me to do that is to walk into those set aside times with my God.  To live  my life looking for time to spend with Him alone.  To hold Him in my mind, my heart and my spirit as I am never away from Him, so I can draw into Him at any time of day or night.  Any attack of the enemy can go only so far.....ha.ha.ha.  As I write this, this causes me to laugh as he thinks I am retreating, running from him, but no.....I am only drawing in to the spirit, into the arms of my God, I am running from no one, I am running to my Strong Tower whose arms are always open to me.  Here lies my most valuable weapon against the enemy.....the strength, the grace and the love of my Father.  Here life reaches it's full capacity.  Life inside the Father as He dwells inside each of us through His Spirit, our safe place inside His Dwelling Place, our hearts.

Life cannot possibly be any fuller, than a life lived totally within His presence.


Friday, July 20, 2012


Genesis 22:2b  "Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about."

When Abraham took Isaac up on the mountain to give him as a sacrifice to the Lord, what faith he had.  As I was reading these words again, studying them, looking past what I have read so many times the Lord spoke to me.
What is the altar we make?  What have we to sacrifice that we hold so dear to us?  Look beyond your family, your children, and look inside yourself. What do you personally hold so dear that you want to sacrifice to the Lord but just cannot place on that altar.  You put it all there and then before the fire can consume it you grab it back.  Is it your money?  This is so hard for so many people….so often they consider how it might be spent, who will use it in a way that perhaps we don’t think as what God intends……yes, we do try to think as God, or shall I say, believe that God thinks as we do?  But this is not our business is it, how the  sacrifice of money to the Lord is spent… is God’s business alone, and He always takes care of any problems arising with it.  But I rabbit trail here…..
Is it our time, our time so precious, so little of it we believe; is it fear, our hurts, our disappointments, our unbelief at times….yes, we can and do make shrines of these things and believe we  must keep them inside ourselves and show the world and our God that we carry these things as a sacrifice for Him……Phooey, our God says….the only sacrifice that He desires of these hurts, disappointments, fears, is that we lay them down in faith, in love and in trust to Him and leave them to burn on the altar, never again picking them up.
The altar the Lord wants us to be before is a constant altar of praise, a sacrifice of pure worship to Him, a sacrifice of thanksgiving for His goodness, His mercy and sweet grace upon our lives.  His hand on us guiding us, leading us in the paths of righteousness for His sake, not our own.  We walk the path He places us on because of Him, for His glory, and we should always remember that “but for the grace of God” we would not stand, we would not walk, we would not live the life He has given us.  God has given us a life to be fulfilled each day in His blessings. How often do we fail to realize the blessings of God because we are living our sacrificial life of pain, heartache, hurts and disappointments.  Let go of all the past, it weighs too much to carry with us on the journey to Heaven.  You will definitely not be able to carry it to the throne room to worship when you arrive there, so why are you carrying it now?  Place it on the altar of the Lord and watch it burn, burn, burn.  I promise you will begin to feel those empty places in your heart and spirit fill up with love, peace and  joy and the never ending presence of our Lord God.
Burn all at the altar, a real sacrifice, give it all up, once and for all.  A sacrifice of worship to our God, a sacrifice showing Him our love, honor, faith and trust.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


2 Corinthians 3:18  "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the lord, who is the Spirit."

As I closed my eyes to listen to the beautiful worship song, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord"; "can you hear the sound of heaven...", I saw angels all around the throne.  As I looked further, I saw so many people, saints who had gone before, and as I looked close at them, they all looked like my Savior, my Jesus.  I was confused for a moment.  But then the Lord began to speak to me as I humbly wept before Him. 

"These you see, these saints, as you were, were made in My image.  Now that their journey is over, you see them here as I and My Father have seen them, as we see you, always, in My image.  Their hearts reflect My heart, they are one with Me.  As you, My child and my children on earth one day will be truly heart and soul and spirit in My will take on My holiness, My righteousness that is upon you and you will become once and for always, One with Me."

When we are seen, reflecting the heart, the spirit of our Lord, then people will not see me, or you, they will only see Jesus.

"In Your image, Lord, let me be
Wholly consecrated Lord to Thee.
Let me be Your hands extended
Your love and mercy shared.
Let only Your image be seen
When people look at me."


Saturday, July 7, 2012


1 Corinthians 2:9-10  "As it is written, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him, but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit."

What blessings are mine.  I have but to look behind me and see the path of blessings that my Lord had poured out for me; blessings that followed me, laid before me.....and all I did, was follow my God where He led me.  All I did was say "Yes, Lord", and He took my hand and led me to this place where He continues to bless me. 

He has a plan for me; He has a plan for each of us, but not all say yes.  I can remember a time when I was afraid, fearful of the unknown, but then the Lord, my God, held me so close that I knew He would never leave me, He would always take care of me; if I would only completely trust, step out in faith and follow Him.....and when I did, peace like a river flowed over my soul and it has never left me. 

As I look ahead of me, I don't see far beyond what the Lord wants me to see.  But as far as my eyes can see, all I see are the blessings the Lord has prepared and are waiting for me.  I know there may be trials, even some pain perhaps.....I do live on a sinful earth; but my God is able, and He is willing.... and He wants to lead me through all the things this world may throw at me.  I don't look for those things for I trust my God enough to know that no matter what happens, He will always be by my side, in my heart and His Spirit reigns in me supreme.  He will never let me down, He will ever let me go, He will always love me.

As far as my eye can see, I see only the beauty of my God, His face radiant with glory, and His eyes... His eyes are on me.


Friday, July 6, 2012


Revelation 22:17a  "The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!" 

Do you hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying?  Can you still all the noise around you, inside of you, and listen to what the Spirit is saying, telling you....listen...."He is coming, Jesus, the Bridegroom is coming."  It is a distant sound, but you can hear each word....louder....closer than before.  The excitement that is building in the heavenlies....the anticipation of God's children on earth; getting ready to meet in a burst of joyous celebration as our Lord makes His way from Heaven to earth to claim what is His....His Bride; those who have let the shackles of this world fall off, lifting their hands and hearts up to the King of kings, giving Him glory and honor; true worshipers of the Lord, waiting to receive their King.

I have been hearing the distant call of those preparing His way; those ministering to Him with their worship, their praise, leading God's children into worship, forming that tabernacle of praise that the Lord inhabits, drawing Him closer and closer, showing Him, our God, that He is desired, He is longed for, He is so loved.  Praises calling out, "Come, Lord, come".  The saints gone before us, calling out to their loved ones on earth, "get ready, He is coming, get ready.  The hosts of angels singing, ringing out praises, lifting up the Name of Jesus, so excited as they rush about, preparing, readying for the day.  Get ready, be prepared, make your preparations for the feasts of all feasts, the Marriage of the Lamb to His Bride.

Each time I read the Word, those words of promise, of love, of sacrifice made by my Savior; those words that He would never leave me or forsake me, my heart expands with love for Him; and His Spirit tells me once again, encouraging me..."Lift up your head, forgiven one, beloved one of Christ, He comes.....He comes soon".

My spirit has been so touched this week, more so than before, by the urgency, the sound of His return.  Our Lord is so ready, but He waits to see, waits to hear the call of the Bride, all the Bride, as they come in unity to wait for voice of heart of 

I am waiting my Lord, as my spirit resounds with praise and worship; as Your Spirit bears witness to my spirit's call.....You are coming.....You are coming soon.

O thank You, Lord....thank You.


Monday, July 2, 2012


Acts 3:6  "Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk". 

Gold.  What is it's real worth?  What value do you place on things such as silver and gold. Yes, I realize the price of gold and silver has sky rocketed; I, myself, am amazed of how it has risen from the price originally paid for it. 

I had some broken pieces, some missing earrings, and when the company I work for began to buy gold, I decided I would sell a few of these pieces.  At one time, I can remember when, even having an odd earring, I would have hated to part with it.  I can tell you, the Lord has done quite a work in me.  The Holy Spirit has truly brought me to a place of the real value of things.  Silver, gold, tangible things, need to always be kept in their proper perspective by the children of God.  They are simply things, actually things that can be taken from you so easily, as their value means a lot to some folks.  But to a child of God, their value must be so far below the things of our Lord. 

Silver and gold, I find as I read about the kings in the Old Testament, actually became a form of idol for so many of them.  It was what their lives became about.  As they forgot the God that brought them through the desert, fed them, gave them water, and brought them out of bondage, they quickly turned to false gods and fake idols; building these false gods statues of gold and silver, robbing the poor to squandar this wealth upon these false gods.

Turned their backs upon the God that loved them so much.  Tore down the relationship between them and the Lord to acquire riches and fame.  To make themselves known throughout the land, in reality, selling their souls to the devil.  Nothing has changed.....there are a lot of people that still turn from our Lord for what they call the finer things of life.  Just a little at first, shouldn't hurt they rationalize, but then it takes hold of them and they completely get involved with the lust for riches, for fame, and for themselves.  They soon forget the value, the real worth of their life.

Life is worth absolutely nothing if God is not the main focus of that life.  How many people do you see that seem to have it all, that seems to have everything money can buy and then some; how many do you see that are really happy?  Most are more worried about someone taking what they have, or losing their fame..... do they consider what they have already lost?  I believe so many people know that our Lord love them so much and know His forgiving heart....they take advantage of that. But one must remember, God knows our heart, He sees our true heart.  Life is only of value when the Lord is the Lord of that life.

I know this is rambling, but my heart is so full of love for my God, for my Father, for my Jesus, my Savior, for the precious Holy Spirit that He gave to dwell in me.  It grieves me so much to see people actually abusing our Lord by taking advantage of His love, His goodness, without giving back that love, that honor.  As I think perhaps I will  just erase this when I finish, I know the Lord would be fine with that, for He would forgive that I just not say anything again; but no, this time I will send it on.  I will stand with my God and proclaim the real worth of life in Christ.  Giving, loving, sacrificing to others as our Lord did for us.  Sharing what we have with those in need, being that extended hand of the Lord; remembering Who gives to us, and to Whom the gold and silver really belong.

My dearest friends, silver and gold have I none, but what I have, a life in the Kingdom of God, a hope of a future that the Lord has promised me, and redemption, forgiveness, mercy.....the breath giving, life fulfilling things that money cannot buy; I give to you.  I share the story of the glory of my God, your God with you.  I will show His love and grace to You, I will tell You of His wondrous mercies and love in my life, and I will tell You of His forgiveness of all my sin.  The Lord loves you and is waiting, humbly waiting, for you to put aside all things of this earth, to come to Him.  He waits.... He waits in a splendor that no gold or silver can outshine, that no time or substance can take away.  Our God reigns in majesty, now and forever more. 

My God, the love of my life, my soul is filled with the wealth of heaven.


Thursday, June 28, 2012


Proverbs 16:9  "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

Can you look back and see the beginning of your "real" baby steps as a worshiper of God?  As I look back and see from where I began to where the Lord has led me, I am amazed and in awe of His plan for my life, of His grace that He has poured onto and into my life.  As He moves me from yesterday to tomorrow, I find that it is time, past time, actually, that I lay it all down.

There is a beautiful song, "I lay it all down, I lay it all down, I lay it all down in worship", and as I have had this worshipful song playing in my spirit for weeks now, probably longer, I began to consider just what of "laying it all down" was considered true worship.  It is everything.  Everything we lay down becomes a song of praise, a dedication of worship to our Lord. 

When we lift our voices to the heavenlies, singing from our hearts, from deep within our spirits, this is worship.  We are laying all down, all distractions, all fears, all worries, everything and giving ourselves solely to worshiping the Lord.  I lay it all down in worship.

As I was going through boxes of "stuff" I have to give to a friend for their church's garage sale, the Holy Spirit began to sing into me, "I lay it all down, I lay it all down".  And I began to sing with Him, singing from my soul knowing that, this too, was a form of worship to my God.  As I was giving away things that I thought meant so much, knowing the need to downsize to move into the next phase of His plan for me, letting go of these things that I had held on for so long, too long, if truth be told, I was allowing my Lord to remove those things and replace them with more of Himself.  More of His blessed, precious Self into me.  Less of me and "stuff" and more, so much more of Him.  When we let go of those things that are so worldly, earthly gain, totally worthless in the Kingdom, we are worshiping the Lord in a way that shows our God that He is our Stronghold, not these things that we have kept close to us, He is our Treasure, not these items, this, well, for a word that really comes to mind now, this junk. 

Our entire lives, we have been programmed to junk up our lives with earthly things, treasuring them for one reason or another, but the REAL TREASURE, the Jewel of Heaven, is Jesus.  So, now, and each day to follow, what ever is standing in the way of moving in the path the Lord has set for me, things that tend to clutter my mind with it's form of importance, things that are not what the Lord would have for me, "I lay it all down, I lay it all down, I lay it all down in worship". 

To worship You, my God, is all I desire.  To sit at Your feet, to adore You with my songs of love, that is my desire.  To follow where You lead me, to do what You will me to do, that is my desire.  I do love You so.
