Saturday, October 13, 2012


 Psalm 84:7  "They go from strength to strength" till each appears before God in Zion." 

Is it just me, or do you, my friends, also see the Lord is so many things.  I just turned on the TV, and two ladies sat down on two lawn chairs to visit, and the backs of the chairs have a brace of sorts in the form of a cross.  Top to bottom, and side to side, in the middle of the back of the chair.  I was struck with these thoughts when I saw that and knew I was to share with you.

The Lord braces us top to bottom, from the top of our heads....our thoughts, He strengthens our thoughts to be of His, and as we ask Him, He keeps our thoughts on Him, not on things that the enemy would use to distract us. He braces our eyes, shielding them from the enemy's deceptions; our earsshut off from the destructive words of the world, but open to hear His sweet voice.

The Lord braces our backs and our legs making us strong to do the work He puts before us.  His brace extends side to side to give strength to our arms to lift others up from their misery and hurt with His love and words of encouragement.  Our hands He makes stronger each day as we extend His blessing to all those we meet.

Our feet are made strong in Him so they can follow His way, the path He puts in front of us, failing not to keep us in the Light, His precious Light. 

As the body weakens toward the end of the day, our precious Lord gives us rest and He restores the braces He has built inside of us with His everlasting love, His hand going back and forth, top to bottom, side to side, seeing that our heart is strengthened and braced with His special balm of healing power; that all the dings, the darts of intended hurt, all those places are smoothed over by His loving hands.  When we awake, we can rise with more strength than the day before, with the braces He has restored to serve us another day in Him.

Yes, friends, all this from seeing the back of a chair.  I like the thought that the chair I sit in, the chair with the braces so strong to hold me, are the lap of my Father.  Can you feel His heart beating through to you, as you sit there, Strength holding you, Love restoring you, and pure Joy beating in your heart.

If you are not seeing the Lord, His hand, His thoughts in things around you in your daily life, I would like to think that you will ask Him to draw you nearer, draw you closer to Him each day.  Father, let Your thoughts always flow in my mind, my heart and my spirit, and let me see You everywhere I look.  I would not desire to live any other way, but Your way.


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