Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind."
After spending the night across town with some dear friends, I was traveling back home this morning and just spending time with my Father. I was thanking Him for being my Lord, my God, and then my spirit was just grieving for those that choose not to know Him. I was thinking about those that choose these strange, to me, religions such as Scientology and others like that. I have no idea about a lot of their ways, but I was wondering out loud to the Lord, "who do they pray to?". When they have needs, fears, who do they pray to? And I was just grieving that so many people just turn away from the Lord, when He loves us all so.
The Lord spoke into my spirit, "They all have equal opportunity, they all have the same opportunity as you to know me." Then the verse above came into my spirit. Our Lord does not lie, when He says He is our Father, He is just that. When I began thinking about His being my Father, your Father, the Lord spoke again to me and said "all are born of man, but not all are born of God". We are all born of man, but only those of us that CHOOSE to call upon our Lord, that ask for forgiveness, redemption of our sin, and choose to love Him with all our hearts, are born of God. Not all are born of God. Those even who call themselves Christians, but whose hearts are self-seeking and are using the platform of our Father for self gain, they are not truly born of God. We have all seen this, and it becomes more evident daily. Beware of false prophets......
Everyone has the opportunity to know our Lord and God. Those that have not heard, will hear, as the Lord will make certain that the gospel is brought to every man, woman and child on earth. He has said it and it will become so. So everyone will have the same opportunity, equal to all, to know Him as their personal Savior, to be redeemed of sin, and to be born of God. Until they know, they do not know or truly understand their sin. It is when we become aware of the nature of Christ, when we hear of Him, that makes our sin so evident, so besetting, so makes us fall before our Lord, thanking Him for His sacrifice, for His blood, and ask Him to come into our hearts. We are made righteous only in Him, nothing of ourselves, and but for our Savior, have no hope. But in Him, and through Him, we have hope, we have peace, we have joy. All can have this same hope, the same peace found only in the Lord and the joy that makes everything worth while.
For those of you that do not know my Savior, He can be your Savior also. A minute to look at your life as it is, that's all it takes for you to recognize the path of destruction you are on, the fears you face, the emptiness you feel. Look at what you, look into the eyes of Jesus, and you will see what you can be. This is your time, your not look away, give Him your heart today, give Him what you are, right now, and then watch as He takes what was sin, born of man and makes perfected in Him, a new man....born of God.
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