Monday, July 2, 2012


Acts 3:6  "Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk". 

Gold.  What is it's real worth?  What value do you place on things such as silver and gold. Yes, I realize the price of gold and silver has sky rocketed; I, myself, am amazed of how it has risen from the price originally paid for it. 

I had some broken pieces, some missing earrings, and when the company I work for began to buy gold, I decided I would sell a few of these pieces.  At one time, I can remember when, even having an odd earring, I would have hated to part with it.  I can tell you, the Lord has done quite a work in me.  The Holy Spirit has truly brought me to a place of the real value of things.  Silver, gold, tangible things, need to always be kept in their proper perspective by the children of God.  They are simply things, actually things that can be taken from you so easily, as their value means a lot to some folks.  But to a child of God, their value must be so far below the things of our Lord. 

Silver and gold, I find as I read about the kings in the Old Testament, actually became a form of idol for so many of them.  It was what their lives became about.  As they forgot the God that brought them through the desert, fed them, gave them water, and brought them out of bondage, they quickly turned to false gods and fake idols; building these false gods statues of gold and silver, robbing the poor to squandar this wealth upon these false gods.

Turned their backs upon the God that loved them so much.  Tore down the relationship between them and the Lord to acquire riches and fame.  To make themselves known throughout the land, in reality, selling their souls to the devil.  Nothing has changed.....there are a lot of people that still turn from our Lord for what they call the finer things of life.  Just a little at first, shouldn't hurt they rationalize, but then it takes hold of them and they completely get involved with the lust for riches, for fame, and for themselves.  They soon forget the value, the real worth of their life.

Life is worth absolutely nothing if God is not the main focus of that life.  How many people do you see that seem to have it all, that seems to have everything money can buy and then some; how many do you see that are really happy?  Most are more worried about someone taking what they have, or losing their fame..... do they consider what they have already lost?  I believe so many people know that our Lord love them so much and know His forgiving heart....they take advantage of that. But one must remember, God knows our heart, He sees our true heart.  Life is only of value when the Lord is the Lord of that life.

I know this is rambling, but my heart is so full of love for my God, for my Father, for my Jesus, my Savior, for the precious Holy Spirit that He gave to dwell in me.  It grieves me so much to see people actually abusing our Lord by taking advantage of His love, His goodness, without giving back that love, that honor.  As I think perhaps I will  just erase this when I finish, I know the Lord would be fine with that, for He would forgive that I just not say anything again; but no, this time I will send it on.  I will stand with my God and proclaim the real worth of life in Christ.  Giving, loving, sacrificing to others as our Lord did for us.  Sharing what we have with those in need, being that extended hand of the Lord; remembering Who gives to us, and to Whom the gold and silver really belong.

My dearest friends, silver and gold have I none, but what I have, a life in the Kingdom of God, a hope of a future that the Lord has promised me, and redemption, forgiveness, mercy.....the breath giving, life fulfilling things that money cannot buy; I give to you.  I share the story of the glory of my God, your God with you.  I will show His love and grace to You, I will tell You of His wondrous mercies and love in my life, and I will tell You of His forgiveness of all my sin.  The Lord loves you and is waiting, humbly waiting, for you to put aside all things of this earth, to come to Him.  He waits.... He waits in a splendor that no gold or silver can outshine, that no time or substance can take away.  Our God reigns in majesty, now and forever more. 

My God, the love of my life, my soul is filled with the wealth of heaven.


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