Deuteronomy 25:15 "You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."
As I awoke this morning, in my spirit I saw a ruler. Actually the one I saw was this 5 foot metal ruler I have that I would use to put under the rag rugs I was making to measure them. It is fairly heavy but flexible and now just stands in a corner behind a door. I was wondering why this would be on my mind, but soon the Lord began to speak to me.
The Lord showed me a picture of a child standing next to a door frame, getting that mark put on the frame just where his head came up to. Remember those days, where we were so anxious to get taller, to grow up? The Lord asked me, "When was the last time you did this?". If you are like me, it was probably when you were 10 or so. I cannot truly remember, but it was a longgggg time ago. And then the flood gates opened as I began to see what the Lord was showing me.
So often the children of the Lord grow so much in a short time span, you know, what as children is referred to as a growth spurt....and then nothing. We simply sit on what we have learned and think we are smart in the ways of our Lord. How wrong we are. ( I am looking now at the title of this, "The Ruler of Life" knowing that the Lord is going to change this in a little while. He is showing me that this is not the ruler of life, rather something much deeper. I will know soon. Thank You, Lord.) As we seem to satisfy ourselves with the knowledge we have gained through this growth spurt, our spirits lay dormant, lifeless, regressing.
There is no length determined to our growth except in our minds. A little word here, a short thought there, and the enemy can have us puffed up enough to think we know everything we need to know, or that is to be known of our God. This knowledge, small and deceptive, will have us wandering to and fro, not knowing, not hearing, the voice of our Lord. We will go with whatever seems good to our ears at the time, never knowing the true desires of our Lord for us, or the true desires of our own hearts.
The Lord tells me there is so much more He has for us if we will continue to grow in Him. We are to stretch ourselves to know more of Him, (remember how we use to stand tall on our toes to be taller than we were at the door post?). This is not the time to stand complacent, thinking we are where we should be, but it is the time to stretch ourselves, lift ourselves up as high as we can so we can touch the hem of His garment, reach to heights where His voice is all we hear, tall enough where we can crawl up onto the lap of the Lord ourselves instead of His having to pick us up. We can go to Him if we will continue to grow up in Him.
The God of my life wants me to desire to grow, to reach heights of knowledge of Him that will keep me in His Light, not losing my way, but hearing His voice above all the worldly sounds, distractions. I am not to stop learning but to seek to find more of Him each day, in His Word, by His Spirit. This is the only way that I, that you, will know the true Word of the Lord, know His voice above all those that would lead us astray, growing in Him; not being satisfied with where we were, or by what we had, but by what lies ahead of us in Him, by the desire to be so intimate with our God, our Lord, that we find ourselves one day, walking with Him, without the real knowledge of it, but just that it is as natural as our very breath. We in the Lord, the Lord in us.
Grown me Lord, I never want to stop. I will stand tall, I will stretch myself up to You, I will call upon You each moment, letting You show me what You have for me with each new day. Your ruler, Lord, Your ruler for my life, let it be. Stretch me, Lord with Your ruler. I will not be content with what is of today, but will desire more tomorrow, and yet more the next day, till I know You as You want me to......One with You.
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