Saturday, September 8, 2012


Ephesians 1:13  "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit."

seal :  shows authenticity; a pledge; fastens or closes something tightly; ratify, certify, make binding; decide beyond recall; give a sign of truthfulness; and the Lord told me seal of approval....

"I am my Beloveds and He is mine."  I have been marked with the seal of my Father, my God.  When I was born again in Him, through the precious sacrifice my Lord made, His seal, dipped in His shed blood, was placed upon my life, upon my mind, my heart, my soul and my spirit.  The Lord, my Beloved, has given me His sign, His seal of approval.  Do you, my friends, realize how precious this seal is, the worth of what the Lord has given us?  No other approval on earth, in all the world, can rank with this seal of the Lord.  I belong.....I belong to God.  It is a true relationship, not one that wavers with the times of the earth, not one that be shaken loose by circumstances....even should I slip, I am instantly lifted back to my Lord God, He draws me close and holds me tightly, telling the enemy, "this child is mine....My seal has been placed upon her life, upon her physical and spiritual being, and nothing can take her from me".  So I worry not what of tomorrow, as I know I have been placed under a binding pledge of God to always be mine, He will always be my God.

 The Lord has made me to be His minister, His vessel, knowing He can pour through me and it will go where He intends it to go.  He trusts you know how special it is to be trusted to deliver, to show, to share what the Lord gives. He does not give for us to hoard the gift, He gives the gift to be shared with others....we have no fear of the gift leaving us, the gift is meant to be shared. The Holy Spirit, proof of the seal of God....we are stamped.  We wear the likeness of the Lord...His mark, His seal upon our lives.  With the Holy Spirit dwelling within, there is no doubt when people see us, they know Who we belong to.  If someone is doubting Your authenticity, then you need to see if somehow you have allowed the seal to become loosened.  Our Lord will not break this seal.....He has sealed us with His blood.....only in our faithlessness to Him will that seal become loose.  Can you afford to let this happen? 

A rare stamp, one that is so priceless in worldly circles is treated with such delicacy....not to let anything happen to it.  The seal my Lord has placed upon me, I will treat it with such honor, such respect, such love.....I will give it my utmost attention not to allow it to be ..... not to allow it to be loosened from me.  The blood of my Lord placed this seal on my life...having given His all to wrap me tightly in His arms, giving me His Own Spirit to be a part of my life, to bind me to Him, once and for all could I not give my all to bind His seal also.  My sacrifice, so small in comparison, but my sacrifice of worship to Him, my giving of my time, my thoughts, my beginnings and my endings, all to Jesus I surrender.....what I have I give to bind the seal even tighter, if that would be even possible.

I am a marked woman...marked with the seal of the Creator of the Universe, the King of kings, the Lord of lords....I carry the seal of my Father.  I am bound to Him through the blood....through the tears.....through the love of my Beloved Lord Jesus.  All to Jesus I surrender....I am under His seal, forever, beyond recall of this world....His alone.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Pat! I like this post reminding me how great it is to be sealed by The Holy Spirit. Thanks for sharing and keep on keeping on my friend!
