Sunday, August 26, 2012


1 Samuel 17:24  "When the Israelites saw the man, they all ran from him in great fear."

This man, this man was Goliath, he was a huge man.  It is said that when he walked the earth, the ground trembled and shook.  And the children of God were in fear, great fear of this man.  Except for David, who was outraged that any man would defy the army of the Lord.  See, David had great faith, he drew his strength from the Lord.  He walked in the Light and he knew what his God could do.... would do for His children when asked.

This is a story that everyone who has ever been in church knows.  From a small child I knew this story and how a small stone brought down this big man.  But that is where this story ends and what the Lord shared with me this morning begins.  In church this morning, we were singing a song about a shaking that was coming.  The earth was going to shake and all that could be loosed would be loosed.  There were also some words that came forth from the Lord.  As all this was going on, the Holy Spirit moved greatly in me and the Lord began to talk to me about shaking and the fear of His children.

The Lord told me that when this  man Goliath walked the earth, it shook, trembled under the weight of his size and so many of the children of God ran in fear.  But the Lord said this was nothing compared to the shaking that comes forth when the praises, when the pure worship of the children of God rises up to the Throne Room of Heaven.  When that beautiful, fragrant worship, that sweet adoration from the hearts of His children rise up to call Him, to call the Lord down, when the Presence of the Lord touches earth, there is a shaking that begins and does not end as long as those hearts are singing their heart songs of adoration.  Shaking begins and loosens all the chains, all the hindrances that are binding God's children, freeing them, giving them new life, freedom in the Lord.  They begin to flow in the Spirit in one accord as the peace settles over them, flowing through their body as healing takes place, as the old man is put off and the children of God take on the persona that they were created to have.  A new creature in Christ, oh the glory of the Presence of the Lord.  There is nothing like the Presence of the Lord.

But......the Lord also told me that some, that some of His children would turn and run in fear.... of His Presence.  See, the Lord said not all are willing to completely abandon their past, their old habits... part of them want to, but they are afraid.  See... to completely abandon everything, to receive the peace, the joy of God Almighty, there has to be complete faith, a giving up of control, your willful nature.... old habits die hard.  But old habits will and can die; you must be willing to let them go and throw yourself into the arms of a God who will never leave you, Who will never let you down, Who will love you with an everlasting love.

The footsteps of our God, when His glorious Presence touches earth, drawn down by our worship, by our hearts of pure love for the Lord, will shake this earth like none have ever seen.  The shaking is nothing to fear for the children of God who have given the Lord their hearts and trust Him completely.  Nothing to fear as they know that the Lord has them in His hands and He is going to give them the desires of their hearts, when that desire is from a heart that is seeking the heart of God alone.

Shake on, my Lord.  I look forward to the earth shaking with Your Presence.  I desire to be in Your Presence at all times.  Let all Your children desire Your sweet Presence, let them abandon themselves into Your plans for them, Your will for their lives.  Let them all, join me, Lord, in sweet worship, in total awe of Your Holy Presence; come down, flow here, touch this earth with Your Holy Presence.


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