Friday, August 17, 2012


Psalm 16:2  "I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

This afternoon late, I took myself over to the gym that is offered here and began to walk the treadmill.  I was reading my Kindle, a book on "How to Worship a King".  It really is a beautiful book that has so many times just brought me to tears.  But today as I was walking, reading, and praying, my spirit began to sing I Long to Be One With You, One with You, my Lord.  Just a few times over and over those sweet words, then I heard the Lord sing back to me, I long to be One with you, my child, One with you, my love.  I wept silently then as I am weeping now as I remember how beautiful the voice of my Lord is.  The urgency and desire in His voice that matched mine as I sang to Him.

Have you heard the voice of the Lord sing to you?  His sweet, precious voice that sings in a beauty you can never achieve, I don't think angels can even come close to that beautiful voice, that perfect melody.  And to have Him tell you, sing to you, that He, that He wants to be One with you.  I believe we spend so much time thinking of how much we want to be in the presence of our God, we forget that it is His utmost desire to have us in His presence. 

Are we entering in, are we doing what is necessary to enter into His presence.  Are we coming before Him, asking daily for a cleansing of all the world from us; are we striving to keep our hearts pure before Him?  Are we searching His Word for the ways to find Him, to seek Him with every heartbeat?  Not just at times when we feel we have a moment to spare, but all the time.....seeking to find Him.  Our Lord waits on us.... we don't wait on Him.  Have you told someone that you are waiting on the Lord?  Why are you waiting, He is so easily found.  We may at times wait for an answer.... well, not again the Lord is telling me; the answer comes, we feel sometimes we are waiting as it was not the answer we wanted to hear.  He always answers, it is just not always what we expected.  If we do not hear Him right away, perhaps we are not tuned into Him....maybe we have our minds on so much other that His sweet, soft voice is not heard right away.  Be still and hear His voice, be still and seek Him.

You ask perhaps, why I listen to worship music all the time?  It is because it keeps His face before me, His Word going through my mind, and His love flowing around me.  I worship because I love Him, I worship because I want to honor Him with my love and my thoughts, I worship because He makes me so happy.  I worship even when I am having a day that is not great, and on those days, I worship even more.  I want to run to Him and let my Lord hold me, I want to hide behind Him until He tells me it is safe to come out, that He has dispelled all the arrows of the enemy.

My Lord wants to be One with me.  In His presence I know who I am meant to be.  When I come away from Him, who I am does not change.  Who you are should never change from a moment alone or in the presence of our Mighty God.  Apart from our God, we have no good thing.  Apart from our God, we are not good.....He alone is our Righteousness, our Salvation, our Joy and our Peace.

One with me.  My God is One with me and I will always desire only to be One with Him.  My Lord, to You I give all the glory, all the honor, all my love, all my worship.  You are my God.


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