Psalm 17:8 "Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings."
Today as I was going to the bank for work about 5:10, I was on the feeder road of the highway and I noticed the long shadows being cast by the vehicles on the highway. As I was exclaiming to myself, "what a long shadow they are casting" the Lord spoke into my spirit. He said:
"My shadow is much longer. Wherever you go, my shadow is over you. You cannot escape out from under my shadow. It will never disappear. I am the Light of the world, and my shadow covers everything."
For a few minutes I could only say outloud, "Lord I love You so much. You are amazing, You are amazing."
Lord, You never seem to fail to amaze me. You penetrate my every thought. You enlighten me, You give me direction, You speak to me using the things I notice to give me insight into Your Word, into Your very love and concern for this earth, for Your people here.
Your shadow, extending over all of us, never fading as You are the Light of the world, You are the Light that never is extinguished. Darkness does not ever cover Your Light, so we are never in darkness as long as we are in You. Your shadow of love covers us at all times, even those that are unaware of Your presence with them, they are covered also. Your love covers those that believe they cannot be found. They are loved. No matter how far Your people fall, in the eyes of the world, in their own eyes, if once in You, You have them covered. There are people, young and old, that have questions, doubts, and are searching for the truth, and You are the only Truth that will save them. Your shadow of love and protection reaches over them, drawing them, wooing them with Your love; entreating them to come close to You for the saving grace that only comes from You. They are indeed, like us all, sinners in search and in need of a Savior. As your Light covers them, giving them warmth from the coldness they feel; the enemy having done his work well in them; Your warmth can encompass them to You and they will begin to feel the coldness subside as Your mercy and love surround them. All sin, all deception given by the enemy, all strife, all confusion, will disappear as Your shadow covers them. They will begin to see that nothing they have done, nothing that they have thought in the pass, can separate them from the Light of the world. Forgiveness of their sins; O Lord, You are calling them; forgiving their sins, pouring Your love into them, giving them grace to accept who they are in You. Once forgiven, they can stand in You, they can look at themselves in the mirror and like who they see, as they have become a child of God. A child of God that is blessed, loved, protected by the One that has been waiting for them to come to Him. Your shadow encircles them now, drawing them near. O Lord, how long Your shadow becomes when just one is distant and in need of You. It covers all, just as Your precious shed blood covers all of our sin. There is no lack in You. You are over us all.
I am under Your shadow, my Lord. I am blessed as You give to me untold riches of Your Word, of Your grace, of Your love. Untold riches of Your presence. I am so blessed. I walk in the shadow cast by the Light of my Lord, Jesus. The Light of my Lord, my Love.
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