Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Psalm 8:3  "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained"

It seems as thought I am in the Presence of the Lord a lot in my car.  I have a good bit of time spent each day in the car; there is always worship music playing, I am always worshiping the Lord; it is a perfect meeting place for my God and I.  Today, I was singing along with Abba Father, We Glorify the Lamb, and How Beautiful; just worshiping as I sang, loving on the Lord.  I saw the universe, what I would think as so immense, being drawn into the arms of my God, it was as though I would cradle a five pound sack of flour into my arms; it was nothing.  I thought as I saw this, O, Lord God, if this is the universe, how small is the earth in the scheme of this.  Then I asked that He put the earth in His pocket so it would not get lost from Him.  And then I changed that to "Lord, put the earth into Your breast pocket, I want to be close to Your heart". 

How can we even think we are of any importance in this earth, when you account for all the stars, the moons, the distance from earth to the stars or sun, and yet....and yet, He knows each name, each heart, each hurt that the heart has felt, He knows each of His children.  Majestic is our God, He is Incomparable; He is Omnipotent; He is the Keeper of all He has made.  Nothing gets past Him, He sees all that takes place, and even when some think that He doesn't care because nothing seems to be done about injustice, about sin, we do not see the whole picture.  I believe that our Lord waits to see if we see, if we are watching, are we going to do anything about it?  From the beginning, when sin first came into the earth (yes, there is a lot of debate on who to blame, but that is like closing the barn door after the cow gets out; the sin, the disobedience was done and punishment was met, doesn't matter now who was to blame), God gave us choices.  Free wills.  And after so many years of free will, not chosing the Lord, not surrendering to Him, yielding our thoughts to His; we have come to this day in time.  So many are to blame, but not one blame is our Lords.  If He is to be faulted at anything, perhaps it is loving us so much, just giving and giving to us.  It just makes me so sad, so very sad, to think of the rejection He is dealt each day by those that say they love Him but still use their free will to chose what is not of the Lord, what is not the best for the Kingdom.

Lord, I kind of got side stepped again; I believe You plan these little side trips with points that are so revelant to the Kingdom.  But my Lord, You love us so much.  Today when I saw You embrace the universe, Your universe, with knowing I was inside that embrace, it was wonderful.  To see how truly big You are, how powerful You are, how precious You are.  You give so much to us, Your children.  I am in total awe of Your goodness to me, I know, Father, I don't deserve what You do for me.  Yes, my Lord, I know you do not see any sin in me.  That thought alone just makes me weep Lord.  You see me so pure through Jesus, and I, I see so much that is not right.  Forgive me Lord, forgive me.  Let me, help me Holy Spirit, help me become what my Father sees.  Let me be what He sees when He looks at me. 

When I consider the heavens, Lord, and consider what is man that You are mindful of Him.....my Lord God, I cannot thank You enough for loving me, for thinking of me, for chosing me to be Your own, Your child.  I love that You spend time with me, Lord.  I would that You would spend every minute of the day with me......Yes, I know, Lord, You never leave me, You couldn't, as Your Word promises that You will never leave or forsake me.  I love Your promises, Lord.  I love the covenant You have made with me, with Your children.  I love You, my Lord.  In the immensity of this universe, Father, if I am only as a grain of sand, I know even that small, You know my every move, my every thought, my every desire.  See my heart, Lord, see that every move I make, every thought, every desire centers around You, my love for You, my desire for Your Presence.


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