Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Galations 2:10  "They desired only that we should remember the poor.  The very thing which I also was eager to do."

So often, rich or poor is a term used for monetary status; if you have money you are considered rich, if not, then the world sees you as poor.  So many believers are in the monetary poor category.  They do not have a lot of money.  So many give as the Lord directs.  But we are not poor.  The world wants to classify us as poor because we do not have big bank accounts, savings, and lots to show for our toil.  But I want the world to know I am rich, you are rich.  I believe rich and poor has more to do with mentality than it does money.  You can be so rich with money and so poor in spirit.  Money in itself, cannot bring true peace or joy into your lives.

I am rich.  If you truly love the Lord, if you are worshiping Him with all your heart, you are rich beyond the thinking of the world.  The benefits of loving the Lord and being blessed by Him are beyond what the world can give you.  Now I am sure many people might argue that point, and that is their right.  But those same people will close their eyes tonight and sleep will elude them as they have no real peace.  They will be concerned about making more, keeping what they make and thinking it is justified.   But their spirit knows different.

Poor in spirit.  These people are poor in spirit when they will not accept the richness of the grace of the Lord.  They are satisfied with the outer shell of the realm of our Father's love, His Glory.  The small portion that they accept to get by, to let the world see their religious actions, this is enough for them.  The blessings of the Lord, extended to each of us that love the Lord, are the true value in this world.  With the blessings of the Lord, with your spirit filled with peace and joy, no amount of money can replace this.  Healthy, happy spirits.  Spirits that love the Lord with all their heart and soul, this is the true value of wealth.  Nothing can replace a richness of spirit.

Lord, You are the Giver of all life.  You are the Blesser.  You bless and give into us blessings that man cannot take away from us.  We may lose financial footing, but if our feet are planted on the Rock of Your salvation, if our heart is enthroned in Your heart, we will stand firm and tall.  We will know that no matter what is taken from us, we are rich in You. 

All that we do, all that we say connects us to the true Vine.  We are forever part of the Lord.  He holds us close when things come our way that may threaten the health of our spirits, affect our hearts.  He is our Comforter.  With His rich love, His unconditional mercy and grace, we stay in health.  Even sicknesses cannot give us poor health.  The body may be sick, but if the spirit is well, the body will heal.  If our spirits get sick, become poor, then the body will have a difficult time healing.  This is where I believe in mind over matter.  If we keep our minds in the Lord, in His Word, leaning on the promises of our Lord, then the body will not matter.  The body will have to come into line with the promises of God, in line with our mind that is staying in the Word, and declaring that Word.  Rich in spirit; rich in promises of the Lord, rich in His beautiful grace, His wonderful love.

If you are a child of God, if you love the Lord with all your hearts, then declare that you are rich beyond dreams, beyond anything you could have imagined.  Rich in the things of the Lord.  I have Your love, Lord, I have peace and joy filling my being all day and night.  I am truly blessed my God.  You are my Healer, my Provider, my Shelter, my Strenght, my All.  I am truly a rich child of the Lord.


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