Thursday, January 12, 2012


Revelation 1:7-8  "Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him.  And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

As I looked to the sky this morning; I always do this with the anticipation and hope, the desire of my heart, and ask "will this be the day, Father?"  Today I felt the Lords excitement and His desire as He looked to the Father to ask, "Will this be the day, the day I can go receive my Bride?"  I can feel His excitement building as He waits on the Father, as He waits for that moment in time when He will mount up on that beautiful stallion and gather the saints together.  Can you feel the anticipation of the saints in glory as they know the day is drawing near; as they realize that the time is coming nearer and nearer when they will accompany the King of Kings on that glorious day breaking through the clouds.

This morning there were but a few clouds scattered across the sun lit blue sky.  The enemy was quick here to tell me that it would not be today as there were no dark clouds, no clouds for Him to come through, but I don't pay attention to him anymore.  He is such a liar.  If he calls me foolish, I know right off he is trying to distract me from my Lord; from thinking of Him.

I know that my God can darken the sky in a minute; in a single breath it can go from light to complete darkness with clouds hanging over every part of the earth.  Black clouds putting dread and fear into the hearts of all that do not know the Lord, and some even that do know Him but have been living a lie.  You might wonder about their living a lie, why I used this term.  I believe that everyone that has been redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus, but for some reason have turned from Him; they are living a lie.  They are living a life that is not meant to be.  Their life, once redeemed by the blood of the precious Lamb of God, is in the Lord.  But some use their ministry, their gifts, their words to try and impress man, not using them for the Lord's glory; and thus, are living a lie. It is not the life they are to be living.  These people will fear the darkness.  But the children, the ones of the Lord that are walking in His Light, that are in the midst of His Presence; those that have given their devotion to the Lord and are waiting....praying.....anticipating this day; they will see the dark clouds and begin to rejoice; they will begin to praise His Holy Name, and begin to shout His precious Name....Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I know I cannot think of that glorious day without tears of joy rising up in my eyes.  How beautiful; how very beautiful is my Lord.  Can you feel the beauty of His Presence in your spirit?  Can you see the beauty of His face in your spirit?  Can you smell the fragrance of His love?

Get ready, dear saints of God; children of the Most High.  Prepare yourselves, make ready.  Prepare the way of the Lord.  HE IS COMING....HE IS COMING.....HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB OF GOD.

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