Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Psalm 16:5  "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

Father, what a wonderful revelation this is.  Now what I thought I would be writing about as earlier you gave me something else, but then tonight as I was reading Your Word, You gave me this precious nugget, this Word that secures my heart.

My life, my blessings have already been declared.  The Lord has set aside everything He has for me. I see a giant storage facility that has a room for each of God's children, their blessings intact, just waiting for them.  I also see some getting pretty dusty, just waiting there.  The Word of God says "You have not because you ask not".  I believe this means everything from spiritual blessings to earthly blessings.   I did not always get this; I guess I was meant somehow to think that the Lord would just give to me even if I said nothing; afterall, He knows my heart, He knows what I need.  Our God still likes to be asked.  Just as He likes to be told that He is loved, He also likes to be asked for what we desire, what we need.  He does know us better than ourselves, and some things asked for will never be given, the Lord knowing this would be harmful to us, and not something that will be for our good.  But my treasures are in that storehouse and He is giving them to me, daily.  Everything is not of monetary value, but of a far greater value.  I cannot imagine my life without the peace that the Lord has given me, or the pure contentment in Him; and what would I be like without the beautiful joy I have been given.  The beauty of these things are that each day, they are applied to me again along with His mercy and His unconditional love.  Each day, more comes, without fail, it is given me each day.  Set aside from before I was born, all these lovely riches, just for me.  And His presence.  How I ask daily for more of Him, to be one with Him.  I ask for peace, I ask for grace.  I ask for His love, for His joy.  And I ask for His presence, all the time.  I have always had this thing about me, you will never know if you do not ask....they may say no....but the answer may be yes.  And I have a yes mentality.  I believe if I ask, from my heart that loves Him so much, that the answer will be yes.  I am learning to ask for many things.

As I have said before, I was raised in church.  I knew all the Bible stories, I knew the books of the Bible, I knew what it said, but that is about the extent of my knowledge then.  Even as I grew older and read my Bible, it never seemed to come alive.  It was words on a page, beautiful, encouraging words, but those words only stayed in my mind.  I could tell you what the Word said about different things, but those words never went into my spirit, into my heart.  You see, I never asked for the Word to be opened up for me.  I did not seek the Lord for those answers in His Word.  I did not get the revelations then as I do now.  The difference?  I ask, I ask my Lord to show me His Word, to open my eyes and let me see what He is telling me.  I seek His face, I get right there and ask Him to let me know His heart, know what His Word is saying to me, what His will is for me concerning the things I read, the pictures I now see in the Word, in the Spirit.

I know there are monetary blessings also.  I tithe and have for years.  I love to give to my Lord.  I know a lot of people that use to tithe and do not anymore because they received nothing for it.  Wow, can you imagine giving to the Lord and do so for an entitlement you think you have coming.  To begin with, it is all the Lord's; He only ask for  a portion, a small portion. But this in not about tithing, it is about expecting something because you do.  The Lord is faithful to return to us all that we give out of our hearts, out of our love for Him. But if you only give to get back, you will be waiting for nothing a long time.  The Lord's storehouse is filled, and He is waiting to bless us all with it's contents, but He wants to give these blessings to hearts that respond to Him out of love, out of reverence to Him, complete devotion to Him.  Giving because we want to give back for all He has given to us.  And when we do, we do not even have to ask, just need to receive; receive His great blessings.

Worshiping the Lord is the same.  When we worship the Lord just for Who He is, He is so pleased.  We are worshiping Him without a thought to ourselves.  It is our hearts desire to praise Him, to bless Him for all He has done for us, for being our Lord God, being our Father.

So many blessings are available to us, when we ask with a loving heart, a heart that wants to receive from the Father above, that heart being so thankful for the things the Lord has done.  When we just thank Him expecting nothing but the closeness of His heart, His love, that is when you will feel the blessings flowing into you, all around you.  Pray and ask....if you have a need, ask the Father who loves you dearly.  If you are ill and need healing, pray and ask.  The Lord gives when it is time.  My hardest thing to learn was to wait.  I still wait, only now, I wait with anticipation for I know the blessing, the answer is coming, in His time, His perfect time. 

My inheritance, my part of the Kingdom, from the Father whom I love so much; who loves me and calls me His own, is flowing to me with the Father's love.  I can only pray and ask for more.


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