Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Worship with Thanksgiving

How often in your worship do you tell the Lord Thank You.  I know we worship and praise our Lord and tell Him how much we love Him. But the words Thank you Lord will take on a completely different tone of worship. Just Thank You Lord, acknowledging what the Father has done for you, how He has taken your worse day and made it not so bad.  How He reduced the high fever on your child when you prayed not knowing what was wrong. How He stretched your finances to the next payday when you thought you would not have enough to last. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. My God how I thank you for every provision you have made for me.  Thank you Lord for the healing of my family.  Thank you Lord for the love you pour out on me in a continual flow from your throne room, keeping me in Your care, protecting me from harm.  The Lord loves to hear our thanks. It is all He wants.  Psalms 50 tells us that everything already belongs to God.  He doesn't need anything material from us. It is already His. All He asks from us is that we "Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the Most High: and call upon Me in the day  of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me."  Thanks and worship. All He asks. Our God deserves ALL thanks and praise. Worship the Most High God with your thanks.  He will then hear your prayer and deliver you.  Thank you my Lord, this 24th day of November, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Pat! Thank you for taking time to type this out! Every word you typed is so true!! Thank You Lord, for who You are! Thank You also Lord, for Pat, for the blessing that she is to me and to so many others! I'm so thankful for You, Lord!
