Monday, November 22, 2010


You have always heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well, brothers and sisters in Christ, our Beholder is the Lord.  Our Lord is beautiful.  All creation knows this as it reflects in everything we see of creation. As we are made in God's image, yes, you see where I am going with this.  When you next look into the mirror, look at yourself as God sees you, His child. If you do not see a reflection of His beauty, search your heart.  Is it His, purified by the blood of Jesus, your life yielded to His will.  If not, ask the Lord to show you what is there that should not be.  Yield your life to Him, worship the Lord for all the things He has done for you.  Give Him worship and praise each day, love on the Lord as He loves on you each day.  Then return to your mirror, take another look.  If you have truly given yourselves to Him, opened your heart for His Word, looked on Him as your everything, loving Him with everything that is in you, you will be surprised and delighted at what you see in the mirror.  You should see Him looking back at you with eyes of adoration on His beautiful child.  Thank you Father, for this 22nd day of November, 2010.

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